Is germany salvageable?
I'd rather Turkey just invade and take over. It's for the best.
Why salvage it. Let it spread
Why is Germany so degenerate? It's like how after WW1 it only took a couple years for traditional Christian women to be fucking disabled dogs in brothels while their dads jerked off on their feet.
Americanization does that.
After WW1: (((them)))
After WW2: America "denazified" Germany and literally broke its spirit and instincts of self preservation. The eastern half was given to the commies which fucked Germans there too.
why is the turk wearing high heels?
Yet despite my country being the international Jew manufactoria of degeneracy the average people are still known for being a bit prudish about sexuality.
Kek. Why are turks so gay?
her dad must be a proud cuck
nigger please
Other question: Why are turks so much into whores and bitches? Is it because they can't date anything higher?
A turk fucking a Polish prostitute on a Polizei van. That's 2017 Germany.
Modern Jews believe that Germans descend from a people called Amalek, which has to be slandered, exterminated and erased from history for not killing all of the Jews to begin with. So when Americans and Brits sided with the Slavs against their own people and actually managed to conquer us, the first thing to do was the wholesale destruction of German culture - France bringing in negro soldiers with standing order to mass-rape was one such move, as was forcing the nobility to sell their titles to Jews or be slaughtered. Before too long, you ruled a thriving host of slaves kept in line by the foreign goons of your holy priests, with all that having Babylonian demon worshippers in absolute control of where your children go entails. What didn't break under the torture and terrorism was reduced by hunger, and for twenty years were we left struggling to at least get some of you to realise you're killing your own next of kin. It did not work, and most have today simply given up; Kazmierczak will give her Slavic pets the word soon, and your "sacred Polish masters" will at last attain their promised land. I just still don't get what you Westerners get out of it.
>on a police car...
Is the German police force just like the Swedish one now: a decoration only? Seems so.
who cares. never stick your dick in crazy. leave them to the refugees, it's ok.
whatever helps you sleep at night :)))
Not anymore.
why delete tho?
Never seen such a head in the sand coward as you lad.
jesus christ, the US is so bad that both those people would be considered white.
Fuck off, Mehmet!
>eastern half was given to the commies which fucked Germans there
pic related will be the centre of the reconquista
Nein, only kidding. The Krauts will kick ass, they're just slow to anger but once stirred look the fuck out.
>That pic
Daily reminder than german women are cucking germany to death.
You Euros are seen as degenerate sex freaks here, you realize that right? Like every Euro indie film that makes it way over here is about a woman exploring her sexuality with many men and occasionally women. Meanwhile here the vast majority of our indie movies that catch on are horror films and comedies. Why are you so asshurt about the truth? Culturally Euros are seen as deviants. Even Euro characters in American media are portrayed that way. War films are the only movies where Euros seem even the least bit normal. This statement doesn't include the UK, you're seen as ultra prudes. It's an ongoing joke.
Protip: that's a yugo diaspora prostitute. Not deutsch, get lost.
>get lost.
also, dont use big words or ill smash your skull.
Do it Germany, not just for yourself but the rest of us as well. Just make sure that you take the kike lies on board and actually have gas chambers this time.
Ffs Germany take back your sisters and future wives
That's because you're retarded and lack self awarness. Bitches with 6 kids from 6 different men go around yapping how devout their are to Jesus, while the priest gives them a complimentary coke on the way out of your wallmart looking churches.
>Ultra prudes
If only user, if only.
Oh my god what the fuck, 30%
Germania, such a noble race once was. I'm genuinely sad for you.
The real question in my optinion is, how many of those father foreigners are non-european?
kek you dont salvage the leader.
No western nation is salvageable. Thankfully the people agree and are self-selecting oblivion.
Germany will burn and will rise anew, that is it's fate for all time
Germany is a country with a strong military heritage, but really nothing else. When you have a country whose identity is mainly about being good in one competitive area such as warfare, and it fails, the culture devolves into base degenerate instincts. Same happened with Rome and Khan Mongolians
This pic is hot af
Any source?
kys cuck
Concerning the pride of german men it doesn't really matter
Every western country is salvageable but it's going to take the purging of at least 1 in 4 inhabitants of each nation.
Why should I kill myself? I spoke the truth. It is true that Germany and Sweden are beyond saving at this point. We should learn from their mistakes.
Tи ce yби јeбeм ти фaмилијy.
It's just a guy fucking a prostitute (probably from Ukrain), so what ?
That's a prostitute
I humbly disagree, we'll win in the end.
It's the shade from lifting his heel
t. non turk
whatever helps you sleep at night man.
is this also a prostitute?
It's a rape
The African and the Arab have no love for the Jew so they, not German sheep, will revive "Germany". Merkel knows this. Worshippers of imaginary German glory are feebs and weebs to be shat on. The Waffen SS was more diverse than any NATO army, but that was too little too late. Post-racial Germany won't do anything for whites, but there is no entitlement in nature.
Evolution selects for success, not virtue. Virtue is a human construct.
There will be saved peoples of Sweden and Germany, but I'm afraid unless you lynch every non-European there will be significant damage done to your gene pool
sources one de nazification and the expropiation of aristocratic titles and rape orders.
They can't revive their own countries let alone Germany. You're importing the third world into Europe.
can you translate it?
If life is about survival of the fittest and a bunch of arabs are dominating all the docile European men wearing skinny jeans and pointy boots like a bunch of Kansas city faggots whats the problem?
SOURCE on that picture
kill me please
>tfw when you fuck girls raw on police cars but you're still a manlet
she is wearing heels u cuck
Jesus Christ... and now it's 2017... I could only imagine that the number must've have doubled by now.
Weimar republic 2.0.
It's sad how the mighty have fallen.
>WI plates
That girl is probably American or a Easten Euro Hooker, and the dude is a Turk or GI.
That's never going to happen.
He's also wearing heels, you cuck.
why is it so hard to accept that she is german?
>this makes it better
>Footnote 7: This number also includes children with a foreign father, which was 12 630 in 2015.
Here's your (You).
>we wuz amalek