How many Jews actually died in the holocaust?
How many Jews actually died in the holocaust?
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Not enough
Not enough
The "holocaust" is not a real thing. Hitler wanted to get rid of Jews and their business in Germany and concentrated them in camps to ship them out - while in those camps around 247.000 people died, most of them due to cholera
>How many Jews actually died in the holocaust?
Less than will be in the next holocaust if they keep trying to fuck with everyone.
All Jews should move back to their Jewish ethno-state of Israel and the borders of Israel should be opened so the millions of Muslims and Africans can destroy them.
Even Obama hated Israel and the Jews.
>thehill com/policy/international/un-treaties/311715-israel-obama-administration-colluded-with-shameful-anti
>thehill com/policy/defense/311836-israel-will-share-evidence-of-obama-un-collusion-with-trump-ambassador-says
Around 100.000 - 200.000 Jews
6,000,000 is the conservative figure
not enough
not enough
OY VEY!!!!!! Time for you stupid goyim to be shut down. We, your Jewish masters and God's Chosen People, will not tolerate dissent. You're just subhuman goy, and you don't know what's best for you. Our coffers are filled with endless golden shekels. We control your banks. We control your governments. We control your foreign policies. We control the (social) media. Stop being racist™ you homophobic™, antisemitic™, xenophobic™ neo-nazis™. Do not question us, and obey.
6 million imaginary jews that went to many imaginary death camps, with imaginary gas chambers, from imaginary evil german soldiers who also turned them into imaginary lampshades and imaginary soap bars. I feel very sad for the six million imaginary jews. They all deserve imaginary reparations in the order of 3 trillion imaginary dollars.
Not enough.
A few hundred thousand, and they were not put into conditions nearly as bad as everyone thought. There were no giant gas chambers or lamps made of human skin. A lot of them actually received medical treatment and were given breaks to hang out in the yard.
we get it, you hate jews, now fuck off to the bottom with ya.
over 5 but less than a billion
Around 300k-700k mostly those assimilated. I don't think many zionist died during world war if any. But Israel and world jewish congress took the money for holocaust...
Sadly the history on WW2 has been so distorted and ripped up no one really knows facts on anything. The holocaust is perceived as worse than it actually was in terms of human death.
When you look at it Vietnam was about heroin, and the Korean war was just the US vs China/Russia from the beginning and then the US vs China at the end. The US won because it created the province called South Korea.
Nothing in history in the past 100 years isn't really told how it was.
We killed so much Jews, I will be good on mixed drinks with gin for centuries! That's, that's actually kind of gross, you know? After that joke, I always clarify that I'm just jokin'. I do not know how much Jews actually died. I believe it's the average amount. If we all took a Jews dying test right now, the second world war war would be right in the fuckin' middle.
You can't sage with a picture attached, you fucking idiot faggot
Red Cross claims 270k
I went to a pizzeria, I ordered a slice of pizza, the fucker gave me the smallest slice possible. If the pizza was a pie chart for how many people died in the second world war, the fucker gave me the "Jewish" slice. I would like to exchange this for the "Aryans"
fat fuck
Not enough?
I used to hate Jews. I still do, but I used to too.
My lucky number is six million. That doesn't come in real handy when you're gambling. "Come on six million!... Fuck! Seven. Not even close. I need some more dice. Six million divided by six... At least. Snake eyes!" I just said "snake eyes." Jews are like sneaky slithery snakes. They were also not murdered en masse during WWII.
this guy
When I was a boy, I laid in my twin-sized bed and wondered where my foreskin was.
4 jews.
20+ million russians civillians were killed on the eastern front however
I still got mine
There is verifiable documentary and forensic evidence of around 300k deaths in the camps mainly from typhus and starvation, unless you are willing to believe on word alone that the nazis hid the evidence and remains of 5.5 million others, planted overwhelming amounts of contradictory evidence, and somehow made it look like the claims of the holocaust were physically impossible. And also ignore the fact that the jewish population of America has more than doubled since the war and that an entire country full of European jews materialised out of fucking nowhere in the ME.
You can't die in something that never happened.
I think they could take Jews off the planet and I wouldn't even care. I can't imagine 5 years from now, saying "Damn, remember Jews? What happened? All the people are happy and healthy!" They're gonna have to change the history books: 'Two world wars, special prosecutor, leaks, pizza, wiretapping, Western Coalition eradicates the Jews.'
How's a Jew work it's way into a foreign government? That's fuckin' sinister! There's got to be some Jewish conspiracy out there! Either that, or they're just a LOT of jews in all thoes countries. "Take the natives out, remove the values, place a bunch of brown people there. Now your country will look spectacular."
What does a Jew grow into? I don't know, in this timeline we never give them a chance!
What the fuck is a Jew? It's a religion, it's an ethnicity, it's fucking awful.
not enough
Up to 20 millions according to recent estimates
It's only impossible if you're a retard who thinks the official story is 6 million jews died in gas chambers, when the vast majority died from the conditions in work camps or were just gunned down by the SS in Poland
>systematic brainwashing
>recent estimates
Choose neither. Just fucking get it through your head
>the vast majority died from the conditions in work camps
This is just between you and me, and everyone you tell: Zyclon-B was used to treat lice infested piles of clothes. Lice that spread typhus. Typhus that was confirmed to have killed 300 thousand Jews in camps.
I won't believe it till I see a youtube video of it
100,000 give or take.