USA can't even afford to send our people to Mars. What should we do?
Maybe other countries that we protect all the time can pay for part of it.
What say you...Eurocucks? You wan't to share a ride to Mars.
NASA can't even afford to send people to Mars. WTF...How poor is the USA now
none cares
your not protecting any one but your self.
You are deluded thinking other wise. Your the only one who makes enemys, your the only one who all other nations want dead. No screatches death to EU but all cry death to america.
Your bases in EU country's are a security risk not a blessing. You foreign politics fuck up our country's and your future plans are to use Europe as a battlefield so you can safe your own asses, things that are starting to end.
You are so poor and you get even more poor because you go the same rode down like the soviet union over spending on everything.
You lived to long of our backs.
We have more pressing matters.
Like how to stop american propaganda machine for jews, degenerates, race mixing, etc.
And how to get rid of the horde of shitskins in our lands.
Wow, that diversity hiring policy at NASA did wonders, huh?
Can you name a single compelling reason to send humans to live on mars other than it would be "cool"?
Nice copypasta shill but next time correct the misspellings faggot. Death to the EU.
So let the commercial space companies do it then
>Nigger gibs
>Obama care
There you go.
Remember when niggers were complaining about welfare when you were going to the moon? Niggers won.
>roughly 1/3rd gravity
>entire surface salted to unbelievable toxic levels
>weak magnetosphere
>barely any atmosphere
>travel in a spaceship bombarded by radiation for months
>live on the surface of mars in a shitty plastic bubble bombarded by radiation for months
>eventually upgrade to living in an underground spiderhole
>worse than living on a submarine
>won't be able to leave for decades
>terraforming will take ten thousand years
>earth literally has to ship you soil to grow plants
Thats no copy pasta this is realty.
get ready to pay in future horrendous taxes to keep the army alive and get ready to pay 10 dollars the gallon gas. Your good times are over.
You wont live any more of the backs of Europeans.
It'll result in a fuckload of new technology being developed.
> Risking a mars mission when you can't even get back to the moon.
>implying Europe will be better off
You pay nigger and Muslim gibs out the ass now; as soon as you desire a large army, you've got no funds for space either.
You can't pay gibs and have a large army and fund space.
SpaceX is still doing it though faggot
What the fuck is wrong with your grammar?
Are you actually American or are you some filthy mudslime hiding behind that flag?
ok, like what?
Remember people, socialism brings zero progress.
there's no profit incentive beyond billionaires going on vacation in low earth orbit.
There's nothing on mars worth going for.
>Maybe other countries that we protect
but honestly, maybe that's euro time to shine
but not really given that I know the policies here towards space programs. Incompetence everywhere.
Yes. It would be "awesome" as well.
not good enough. there needs to be a profit incentive or companies won't want to go. why would they? it's the ultimate money pit.
The US chooses to spoonfeed rabid niggers supporting their breeding program instead of advancing humanity to the next level.
Take out Best Korea and you will be able to afford it.
People will never go to Mars you dumb shit
NASA is for high schoolers and delusional college kids. Black budget is where the real shit happens. If you only knew how far it has gone...
I can't believe people still trust in the space meme. Space is a fake and a fruad.
Leafs are not permitted anyway, slant
For a start, someone has to come up with a way to quickly and easily fabricate habitation using the raw materials on the planet. And there are tons of other additional problems in making it viable.
Exactly the same thing happened with the Apollo program.
Is this a joke? If anything it's the other way around. The EU is quickly turning toxic. The EU has lived off the USA for too long.
Yet they want us to spend billions on shitskins welfare who have no desire to ever work.
stop spending hundreds of billions a year on your already bloated military
>Exactly the same thing happened with the Apollo program.
true, velcro and tang are pretty neat.
couldn't we have developed that without the massively expensive space program though?
There's no reason to go to Mars. Just like the how the Dutch East India company and the first royal charters spearheaded exploration and colonization for profit so will space travel. Let the free market handle it.
No matter who goes there, Nasa or not, it will be the most horrible experience ever. Not to mention useless, the amount of money and energy to produce something on Mars is simply absurd.
>Just like the how the Dutch East India company and the first royal charters spearheaded exploration and colonization for profit so will space travel.
There were profitable things for those companies to exploit that justified the exploration and colonization. There's nothing on mars except a poisonous frozen desert.
>couldn't we have developed that without the massively expensive space program though?
Possibly, but necessity is the mother of invention and all that.
We've got out priorities straight there.
I wonder why
The funny part is even the military isn't spent on that much. There's something else that sucks trillions of dollars.
how far? It should be obvious that the US has secret space program.
Conventional rockets are a dead end and they don't want to show the world the good shit.
translation: We can't be bothered to make CGI of mars
pro tip: we never left high earth orbit, van allens belt and the dome makes that impossible to do
Exactly, that's why no one has spent the billions it would take and the government shouldn't. Maybe in a few hundred years we'll have a space infrastructure and technology to make mining there feasible. Then it'll really take off.
>conspiracy faggot
Them wires
>Possibly, but necessity is the mother of invention and all that.
Where's the necessity of sending humans to live on mars?
you're a dumb easily impressionable fuck
Kill yourself if serious
1. To escape niggers.
2. To escape Earth.
3. In case something terrible happens to the Earth.
4. Mining purposes.
>he doesn't know about the dome
So are you. They are using contact lens that render out the obvious which makes them able to live stream without fear. Why would they have contracts with a VR contact lens company?
unless it turns out mars is rich af with valuable metals and/or gas. Then it could work because it would be financially rewarding.
Nasa gets like 1 or 2 % of the US Budget.
While the military gets like 50%
I meant that a multibillion dollar NASA budget and a set of unique, specific problems to solve is something that would strongly drive innovation.
UItimately you're right, it's just a big desert and living there would be absolute hell, but a lot of technological progress would be made in doing it.
Honestly what's the use? It would would absolutely bonkers. It's just better to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.
Hey NASA shills, how come we still have no orbital space station on our own? why no space elevators? Oh, but hiring womyn and blacks is the top priority, right?
No way will that shit be wiped from the face of the earth when they actually fucking try and kill EVERYONE. Nosiree.
>Where's the necessity of sending humans to live on mars?
More like dying on Mars.
Holy shit that guy caught his finger in the other guys pocket!
You fucking moron.
Where does your country fit in this chart?
there's no reason to apostrophize want
Not only is it super expensive but an article a year or so ago said that humans wouldn't be able to survive the comic rays of space ones they leave the Earth's magnetic field. That they haven't discovered proper shielding for their shuttles yet.
But if you'd like to try it, by all means, sign up with Elon Musk.
>unless it turns out mars is rich af with valuable metals and/or gas.
Shouldn't we know that already? We know the composition of Jupiter and other plantes so...
>Elon Musk
a complete huckster and fraud.
I've already been there twice during my balrog rider training. Not much to see. Just sand and rocks everywhere. Mars is a shithole not worth visiting.
What am I supposed to see here other than a guy pulling another guy back down do his seat and grabbing him by the pocket while doing so?
I mean, other than those spergs behind them. I'm pretty sure that's not what the webm was about.
Mars is a cloaked planet like ours but more advanced and prosperous ancient Greece and ancient Egypt/Babylon was not on earth.
I'm CIA. I've traveled there before. I would know.
They spent all their money on posters featuring women with hijabs and clean room suits becasue Obama wanted to destroy that which Americans took the most pride in.
But there are no whales there.
We launched two sattelites from russia today actually, to monitor the god damn whales!
>Very soon! Whale bastards!
I completely agree.
The jews got called out and here they are.
The EU is fine, with petrol dollar gone and no need to get more US debt the US pyramid scheme is about to fall.
To be fair in the 1970s we thought we'd be at peak oil by now, when in reality we've developed a bunch of then unthought technologies to detect / extract resources.
Science / Mineral Extraction Technology is growing at an exponential rate that he may have a point, but we're still not even in early days yet.
lol... What?
We can afford it because we've never been to space
It will get 80% once they got kickt out of Europe because of US paranoia.
It's cus fucking Russia charging us up the ass every year for a seat on their Soyuz. They keep hiking up the price to the point were paying millions to ride in their fucking 3 man tin can
That's a cool non-reply as your fucking continent sinks further into irrelevance
No, you stupid fucking nigger, that's not true. Military shit is only 20%, and that's only if you include veteran healthcare
>NASA can't into Space
Tell us something we don't know.
Any and all Space Development from this point forward is going to be private sector. Why would anyone trust a government entity to head Space Operations?
They've already proven themselves to be wildly incompetent, when they're not mis-spending tax dollars they're blowing up a half-dozen highly-trained astronauts at a time.
> EU
> Mocking anyone elses debt.
You literally have like every med nation teetering on the brink of economic collapse, and their debts guarantor'd by the EU when they inevitably fail.
Atleast US has an Army for when their house of cards begins to fall.
spends billions on space exploration, cant even cure world hunger. fuuuuuuck of cunt
Take that stupid EU flag off, coward
List of countries that have ever put a man in space:
Oy vey, calm down. As soon as the "Love and Tolerance" space station for persecuted hebrews is finished, you'll get your turn goyim.
They're forced to spend Billions of taxpayer dollars per launch on a rocket too big for current payloads, but too small to get any significant mass to Mars. Only to satisfy job programs.
I've been saying all this time it will only launch once.
Hopefully it just up and blows up. Then NASA can concentrate on making actual space exploration stuff, while sub-contracting rockets to private companies.
What countries do you protect?
I seem to recall NATO members helping with Afghanistan. So who the fuck are you talking about?
Maybe ask Mexico again.
Take away all of his weird pronouncements about AI and tunnels
Right now, Elon Musk can put a 20 ton payload in orbit for $62 million. NASA can't do it for under $250 million and even the Russians would want $150 million
How does that make him a fraud?
has NASA considerd sponsorship?
I'm sure mcdonalds would pay a hefty sum to have the golden arches on mars
Apparently there's some "interesting" stuff there.
A manned exploitation sounds stupid though.
NASA is still too expensive for that shit
KFC just launched a chicken sandwich into space and Stratollite only charged them $500,000
last 30 years of robotic exploration could be done by a few scientists on site in less than a week.
Robots are that fucking slow.
What the actual fuck is going on with OP's grammar? Are you amerifags this fucking uneducated?
>no screatches (???) death to EU
Yes goy, ignore the daily riots, stabbings, bombings, rapes, and "refugees."
The EU is a cultural utopia!
Exploration =/= exploitation. Robots are better to dig holes and carry stuff.
Also working for years on Mars is either a suicide mission or a massive waste of technologies in order to protect (and feed) the staff.
How the fuck do you exploit a planet without exploring it.
It's like landing a probe in the fucking ocean on Earth and concluding it's just fucking water.
One rhetorical question
If advances in rocketry made it cheaper and safer to send a guy to Mars than it is to send a guy to the International Space Station right now, would you still be opposed to it?
opposed to what
The concept of "sending a guy to Mars"
Im personally not opposed to it even if it was more expensive
Btw I think it is logically impossible that an 8 month trip, or however long the journey takes, is ever cheaper than a trip to orbit