Few Goyims know this, but in Israel there's almost no Left at all. We even have more Monarchists now who want to reinstate a king like in biblical times than leftists like in the West, and the biggest cafe in the most liberal city, Tel Aviv is Libertarian - Austro-Somalia.
How does that make you feel?
Few Goyims know this, but in Israel there's almost no Left at all...
Brody Mitchell
Luis Ward
I hope brother Nathaniel is doing well. What do you israeli golems think of him?
Elijah Turner
He's a troll, there is a far more higher rank priest in the Vatican and nobody ever memes him, anyway and the number of converts to Christianity is negligible.
Ethan Stewart
What does the average israeli think of the imminent death of europe?
Isaiah Johnson
We rob your hands with joy.
Christian Young
What's wrong with a monarchy. Our country was at its best under an emperor
Isaiah Barnes
You mean under a Sultan
Mason Jackson
You will become the goyim now, accept the lord Jesus Christ.
Chase Walker
Kevin Harris
You mean the Pope? Everyone is meming that guy lately.