>Introducing a none native species to Mars with no natural predators
Introducing a none native species to Mars with no natural predators
Sounds like you want some place other than earth to have all the spice.
Typical pol.
>Sounds like you want some place other than earth to have all the spice.
reattempt that pls
Bump for real life 40k
Elon is going to get us all killed by a Mars worm hive mind armada reverse engineered from stolen Mars One technology.
>not cockroaches
That's actually pretty interesting to be honest. Do worms even need oxygen? One would assume so, but then again, I know absolutely nothing about them. Could they even survive, or would they need to be solely kept in the greenhouse states within this article?
Do you understand why introducing a non native species to say, another continent is harmful to that continent? It upsets the natural ecosystem and food chain. There is no eco system or food chain on mars to be upset.
They're not sending algaes or extremophile bacteria because those are sane options that wouldn't be terrifying enough once enlarged by space radiation
Even if they couldn't survive, I don't imagine it would take too long for them to evolve the capacity to survive on Mars. Cockroaches breed rampantly enough that any pesticide used is quickly rendered ineffective.
The worms could get out of the greenhouse and die and keep getting out until some of them survive.
Worms are bottom of the food chain. Worms aren't predators, not yet.
Why would you send t*rks to mars?
Are you retarded? There's no organism on this planet that doesn't need oxygen.
inb4 some actual flaming retard says "but plants", plants need oxygen too, read a fucking book nigger
Why not?
Let them ruin Mars instead of Earth. I can see earthworms eventually developing space faring technology, T*rkroaches have no chance though.
>Hints of perchlorates first showed up in tests performed by Nasa’s Viking lander missions 40 years ago, but were confirmed recently by the space agency’s Phoenix lander and Mars rover, Curiosity. In 2015, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted signs of perchlorates in what appeared to be wet and briny streaks that seeped down Martian gullies and crater walls.
>Many scientists suspected that perchlorates would be toxic for microbial Martians, but in theory at least, alien bacteria might find a way to use the chemicals as an energy source. If life could thrive in perchlorate-rich brines, then aliens might be thriving in the damp patches on Mars.
>Working with Charles Cockell, an astrobiologist at Edinburgh, Wadsworth looked at what happened to Bacillus subtilis, a common soil bacterium and regular Earthly contaminant found on space probes, when it was mixed with magnesium perchlorate and blasted with ultraviolet rays similar to those witnessed on Mars. She found that the bugs were wiped out twice as fast when perchlorate was present. Other perchlorates found on Mars had a similar bactericidal effect.
>Further tests found that the UV rays broke down the perchlorate into other chemicals, namely hypochlorite and chlorite, and it is these that appear to be so destructive to the bacteria.
>The scientists followed-up with another round of experiments that looked at the toxic effects of iron oxides and hydrogen peroxide, which are also found in Martian soil. These tests yielded even more bad news for microscopic Martians: when the bacteria were hit with UV rays in the presence of perchlorates, iron oxide and peroxide, the bugs were killed 11 times faster than with perchlorates alone. Writing in Scientific Reports, the researchers say that the inhospitable conditions on Mars are caused by a “toxic cocktail of oxidants, iron oxides, perchlorates and UV irradiation.”
Getting rid of turkroaches would solve one of earths biggest problem
You are a complete retard
You beat me....
Wow what a great argument you massive retard.
Oh fuck
The spice must flow
>plants need oxygen too
oh sweet sweaty baby jesus, they need carbon dioxide to survive, and shit out oxygen
also plenty of microorganisms and shit have been discovered that don't need oxygen
He's rightYou are a complete retard. I'm not doing your homework for you kid. Do a google search, you absolute nigger.
Oh God
Oh God No
Think of the native alien bacteria
>when it was mixed with magnesium perchlorate and blasted with ultraviolet rays similar to those witnessed on Mars. She found that the bugs were wiped out twice as fast when perchlorate was present
>UV rays in the presence of perchlorates, iron oxide and peroxide, the bugs were killed 11 times faster than with perchlorates alone
UV kills things faster in the presence of highly reactive chemicals? And also rock dusts!? This tells us so much... about how easily UV fucks up molecules, again.
Who paid for this fucking research?
>Static electricity is IGNITING in the air and the sand is swirling around the harvester. Then they see it. A wide hole emerges from the sand, glistening spokes within it. The hole is twice the size of the harvester. Suddenly the machine turns and slides into the hole, parts of it EXPLODING. The SOUND is deafening.
Plants do need oxygen though. Have you been to school?
Read, a, book, you, nigger.
I bet you're a retard who actually thinks plant don't need oxygen either.
I believe they actually need both carbon dioxide and oxygen as inputs, but mature plants output oxygen in excess of their requirements.
That's basically the plot of Terraformars except with earthworms instead of cockroaches.
Can't tell if that makes it better or worse.
>mars atmosphere is .13% oxygen
i-is that enough for giant spess worms?
>Hurr Durr I don't know about anaerobic respiration
This is fucking middle school bio for fucks sake
>being this delusional
The taxpayer I imagine. Fundamental research is important though.
Almost right, but chemotroph bacteria and archaea, for instance, are exceptions.
ITT: People that not only had the window seat in biology class, but actually fell out of that window.
no dinosaurs were able to exist on earth because of how more oxygen dense the atmosphere was sorry to piss on the parade you tentacle loving weirdos
Mars Worm Jim would be a pretty good game though.
Yes, but they produce more than they consume.
We'll, well, well. Now don't you feel dumb?
Excellent contribution to the thread professor.
>worms break down organic matter
>no life, no organic matter
>worms die
>plants need oxygen too
lol just artificially oxygenate them until we have enough that they produce more oxygen than they consume, easy peasy
Water bears ???
Also, bateria and algae, fuck may as well throw in the cockroaches, and those fucking fuckers who live in underwater volcanoes.
> Plants need oxygen
In the form of water
there must be dissolved oxygen in the water
I say we just carpet-bomb the moist areas of Mars with a shitload of hardy organisms and organic materials and see what happens.
>Worms live in a greenhouse on Mars
>Elondrones put samples out on the surface for short periods of time
>Put the ones that survive back in the greenhouse
>Repeat the process until they can survive for long periods of time
>Elondrones do the same thing but this time adding small amounts of Mars dirt to their dirt
>Do this until their are worms surviving for longer periods of time
>Repeat this process until worms survive long enough to breed
>Humans all die because Mars One is cancelled because Elon Musk gets caught molesting children
>Worms are left to fend for themselves for several million years
>Human civilisation has collapsed and fallen many times but finally they have reached the space age again
>Elon II starts Mars One 2
Fuck this was such a good movie. Was what Prometheus and Alien: Covenant should've been.
>Fundamental research is important though.
That's what people that can't get a real job say.
Lot's of bacterias don't need oxygen, and it's even toxic as fuck for them. They would be prime candidate for early terraforming.
From an evolution PoV, the first "breathing" was with stuff like fluor and other more reactive elements. Mitochondria's edge over the rest wasn't being able to "breath", it was being able to breath that shit that was everywhere and was killing everyone else.
this show did a nice episode where a the greenhouse colony on ganymede goes into meltdown as a chain reaction of the artificial ecosystem collapsing on itself when one small thing goes wrong
>Humanity realizes that Mars is shit, making it livable is a lost cause, and there's no reason to be there
>All humans either leave or die there
>All that's left until the end of time are the worms. Forever.
Leave Mars alone, Elon. Come play with my pussy.
We can't all flip burgers Tyrese.
>>>Humans all die because Mars One is cancelled because Elon Musk gets caught molesting children
Fuck... is this really a necessary step in the process?
Since it is already a dead planet that might not be a bad idea
>"oh shit sir! The plant and bacterial life has started to grow out of control"
Fug :DD
>basically the same as before but now with interesting life. So not really any worse, maybe better.
It could be anything really. I could have gone with Elon runs out of money or Elon gets brain damage because he falls asleep during a gas leak but I thought I should go with that one. It just spoke to my inner Nostradamus.
That actually isn't a bad idea.
The only things that would survive would be bacteria in the deep centre of the heaps of meat and so it would have time to adapt.
There's no argument that needs to be made, you went full retard, your post is shit and you should feel bad. Try presenting something that can be argued before trying to act superior
Sadly basic biology has always restricted the size an organism can be by the concentration if oxygen. Think a fish that grows to the size of the tank. In prehistoric times bugs and things were larger because more oxygen was present. Unless the worms manufacture oxygen, like those in dune, they will never become super monsters.
Nope. Not gonna try to redraw the complete cycle with just text, but plants do breakdown H2O to create oxygen. The entire cycle is absurdly complicated and non-nonsensical, like fucking everything in biochemistry (fucking hated having to learn that).
There is reason with "intelligent" design is the most laughable concept ever for someone with actual knowledge in biology. If there any "being" behind evolution, he is the most fuck-ass retarded engineer ever.
Deep sea gigantism.
What now mother fucker?
From that link
>so for the most part plants don't have to breathe in extra oxygen -- they can just use the oxygen that they produce during photosynthesis
Algae, which produced most of earths oxygen does not need oxygen
oh wow, really? worms are good for the soil?
this is a glorious new discovery for sciens
give that man a noble prize and all the taxpayer money he can carry!
>Elon Musk falls down the stairs one morning and dies
>1,000 years later human civilization finally is exterminated after 900 years of biological and nuclear warfare started by Jews
>earth worms left to defend for themselves on mars
>earth worms have developed limbs and a space program
>travel to the tan dead planet next door
>"holy shit guys, we think there may have been life here once! Let's send some plant and small animal samples to see if we can colonize one day"
>small frog like creatures left to fend for themselves on earth
Rinse and repeat.
>Mars One
>Taxpayer money
What are anaerobic bacteria for 500?
>The worms could get out of the greenhouse and die and keep getting out until some of them survive.
lel, sure they'll easily get out of a hermetically sealed building
This is Mars One we're talking about.
Elon Musk has said himself that most of the first wave of humans will probably die.
I like it.
carbon di-OXIDE contains arguments
check mate faggot
They will if you mischievously keep throwing handfulls out the front door
>I did it for science dammit
>green house
Please learn to read.
Well that's fucking stupid. if you contaminate Mars with even the slightest bit of terrestrial life, then that fucks up any paleontology performed there in the future. If we ever discover simple forms of life, it would always be questioned whether that life is ACTUAL martian life, or whether it's just from the contaminants and worms brought there by us. The Mars rovers took extreme care to make sure they were totally sterilized before going to Mars for this exact reason.
That and introducing worms to Mars will result in fucking Dune worms evolving there.
they magically create oxygen? from nothing?
I award you no points, and my god have mercy on you're soule
Literally throw shit at it and see what sticks I like it.
When radioactive, hyper intelligent Earthworms come back to Earth inhabiting human bodies like parasites and conquer the Earth by way of their vast, telepathic hivemind don't come crying to me for a borrow of my sub machine gun. You can damn well get your own.
you don't know about elon musks hunger for public funds?
his ecars are only viable because of taxpayer subsidies, as are his solar cells, and his spacex gets huge amounts of subsidy too
he's one of the biggest ever recipients of taxpayer money. prove me wrong, and you're waifu is shit
>prove me wrong, and you're waifu is shit
Well I was going to prove you wrong but you just disincentivized me.
memes within memes within memes
Introducing worms to Mars is a good idea, because it will help us to terraform Mars as quickly as possible.
We couldn't even terraform Australia. What chance do we have?
Fuck off, retard. There are organisms on this planet that can survive without oxygen:
I came here to laugh at you
No food chain that we know of. If we send life to mars then confirming independent life on mars may be more difficult due to possible contamination. Just my hypothesis
>God is retarded
Actually this explains everything. I think he exists now.
That list is woefully short. If you want to be able to grow plants in the soil long-term, it needs a FUCKload of different bacteria and fungi, not to mention insect species.
It wouldn't all necessarily be pathogenic. Some could be symbiotic.
>B-b-but in the Martian, all they needed was human shit....