Which one of these 4 religions is the less cucked?
Which one of these 4 religions is the less cucked?
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>being a monotheist in 2017
Oher ones are for pussies.
Islam is so uncucked it has become pants-on-head retarded. There is such a thing as too much testosterone.
Ironically, Islam looks like a black metal album.
Roman paganism and greek paganism is better
May Christ save you still -- Islam is Satan's religion
>literally jewish slaves
what on earth are you talking about?
If youre shit skin whayever shitskin religion whites can not follow them whites have a unique racial destiny.
That ones that hasn't been corrupted and refuses to bend the knee to dipshit liberals and asshurt hypocritical conservatives, AKA Islam
what on earth are YOU talking about. stay cucked goy.
See that black box on the jew's forehead. Where have you seen something like that before?
>yes islam is based
>there is no black and white only the kuffar
>algeria tun morocco all got mullatoized by yout friendly shiekh saleh arab
>arabs your best friend habbibi
All the berber revolts were because iskam is redpilled rekigion not like good goipucci didnt kill their people and future as a people
>Be Christian country
>Worship 3 entities,basically polytheists
>Every single sin condemned by the 3 Abrahamic religions is part of your culture
>Be the cause of almost every war over the past 1000 years
>Be Birthplace of Secularism,which claims that God's word isn't fit for all things
>Ground Zero for normalization of homosexuality
>Scriptures from which you get your "beliefs" are completely corrupted,and not even followed at all in the first place.
The hypocrisy in what you said is almost unreal,especially when you people are "Christians" only by name and practically Satanists.
Keep the whole "Nationalism" meme so far up the ass that it also dictates what kind of religion you should start following and see how far your civilization goes. This loyalty you have to a large piece of land with an over-glorified landlord doesn't make you "enlightened"
Islsm is the arabs weapon to supremacy, same as christianity is for the jew and judaism
She has been given that because the local brain washing waves have been doubled, due to public unrest, idiot.
Islam or Judaism could work, but no religion opposes degeneracy quite like Orthodox Christianity.
What are some arguments for polytheism?
>implying most educated Hindus aren't monotheistic or panentheistic with lots of little gods like angels and only street shitting sub-70 IQ pajeets who can't read are polytheists.
It's Hinduism.
Christianity and Islam are basically Psy Ops by the Jews.
whats your point faggot. speak english.
Arabs brought the niggers to destroy and control their slaves in north africa ..
Saudi trives to this day continue tgeir ancestirs traditions of fomibance over the ones not ofbthe tribe
Everything you said is false Christians believe in one God who came in the flesh meanwhile you literally worship a pedophile, Islam is pure degeneracy
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
"that the Prophet married her when she was SIX years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years" (i.e., till his death).
>Arab supermacy
The Prophet,peace be upon him explicitly said in his last sermon "
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."
If you view Race as something other that an example of the diversity and wonder of God's creations then you're probably ignorant.
The mulattoziation worked perfectly in north africa, good dhimmy non arab slaves to arab rulers, north africs pre arab conquest
you're all confused because religion is cucked
Living with no drugs, no hatchoon.
Yes that was to unite all the goyim and rule over them all.
The fuck is a mulattozation
Algerian and proud.
North africa as good goy slaves of arabs
Basically "blanda upp", Sven.
thats morroco. thats mimi the 6 . the biggest faggot on earth.
google the berber revolt in morroco.
he cant even take mlilia from spain what a fag.
our revolution gave his family biz independence.
Three of them are one and the same.
>Implying Hinduism is polytheistic or monotheistic
Now you're speaking my language
If you want to get technical
>implying there's even a religion called Hinduism.
t. friend is Vaishnava Brahmin
I lived in Saudi Arabia for sometime and I saw Afro-Saudis being treated like any normal Saudi and also behaving like any normal,well-behaved Saudi would.
You may believe in God but most of you people also believe in the "Holy Trinity",basically putting 2 of God's creations as high as him in holiness,which is also practically polytheism.
>Jesus is God
>God is also Jesus
>Mary if the mother of God
>Jesus is God's Son
Can you people not simply realise that Jesus,peace be upon him was but a mere prophet sent down to direct people to the right path?
Also,you people completely ignored the "thou shalt not kill rule"
Please don't lecture me about "degeneracy" especially when you live in a country that has glorified the fuck out of it.
>Muh pedophillia meme
Nigga you just jelly that he fucked a loli meanwhile you're here jerking off to Anime.
Memes aside,shit was 100% normal back,especially in Christian Europe at the time,it wasn't him that wanted to marry her but Abu Bakr,Rahimahullah,who offered her up to him and insisted, and ofcourse the Prophet,peace be upon him agreed as Abu Bakr was his bff.
He didn't have sex with her until after she hit puberty,and girls mature way faster in hot climates,especially in a scorching desert.
Sahih Muslim, Book 10, Number 3901:
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:
There came a slave and pledged allegiance to Allah's Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) on migration; he (the Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (peace_be_upon_him) said: Sell him to me. Andhe bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man).
It's called Sanatana dharm yes
>be me
>identify potential bait thread
>see Jihadi flag
>don my alter ego(my name related)
>begin investigation
>mouse over OPs ID.
>one post by this user
9yrs old is not puberty achmed. Girls matured way later back then, since there were no hormones in every fucking thing we ate.
yes, you know why ?
because the master would hurt his slave if he inew he was muslim.
the prophet cared for everybody.
i cant belive how narrow sighted you are my fellow human.
faggot, if Americans become 50% western civilization would be saved.
You do realize that something written 200 years after the Prophet's birth doesn't have 100% credibility?
Very well,let us say that this is true. Are you saying that the slave-master would've accepted to exchange him for and African slave?
In the Quran,slavery isn't banned,but freeing slaves is heavily encouraged and rewarded.
Stupid retard, all those arabic tricks are for you to give atabs authority over you and rule yiu.
>worshipping arabic religion
Z>worshipping kike religion
Its too late now as you have all been colonized and made second rate servants to arabs
Jews. I don't like it but it's true
The word "trinity" is not found in the bible its a catholic invention same with Mary being the mother of God, There is only one God and God is a spirit and a part of his spirit manifested in the flesh as Jesus to be sacrificed for the sins of the world and rose from the death on the third day, that is the correct Christian belief
>And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (1 Timothy 3:16)
>Nigga you just jelly that he fucked a loli
This shows just how degenerate your religion is, you as a Muslim believe muhammad is the "perfect man" because the quran tells you that so you have justify his pedophilia, Would you let your six year old daughter marry a 50 yr old man? As a Muslim if you say no then that means you disagree with what Muhammad did so you have to say yes, that is pure degeneracy, SIX years old is way too young to marry anyone let alone a 50 year old man, SICK
>He didn't have sex with her until after she hit puberty
>he consummated his marriage when she was NINE years old
A 53 year old man had sex with a NINE year old according to your book and you are defending that, you are a sick person just like your prophet, some parts of the quran literally read like a Rape report of a child absolutely SICK religion
>Sahih Bukhari (6:298) - Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.
Sahih Muslim (8:3460) - "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you could sport with her and she sport with you, or you could amuse with her and she could amuse with you?"
stupid retard you. faggot. your mom fucked other kids before your dad. degenerate.
Why are you so firm on worshipping Arabs religion?
What do you gain by cucking to Arabs?
You want to blanda upp?
Even then it's still not one unified thing. Look at the difference between Shakta vamachara and Vaishnava vs that group who still follow the Rig Veda moreso.
hurrr you so smart
>muh arab religion hurr dirr
why you dont stop lying retard. id smack your face. lying is sin.
i live better then you.
islam is a global religion.
Smarter than any pedophile prophet worshiping slave religion.
sure, sure.
first,mohamed is no pedophile.
second, you are godless and cuck to israel and roasties.
go worship roasties.
Yes, the world belongs to Arab rulers and supremacy.
Mohsmmad the tribal warlord must find a way to rule and conquer, and so islam was invented to facilitate conquests and friendly states to colonization and rule over.
Obviously islam. Hate ir or like it it has preserved it's ancient roots the most. It has scholars that can openly present an alternative to the current "enlightened" secular view of the world.
Most christians dont even know such a thing could exist.
Protestantism has devolved into irrelevant 21st century humanism and is basically dead, catholicism is on the same tread. Orthodox church is slightly better.
Go be a good slave to arab masters, one ummah, no black and white but arabs rule ;)
No, it wasnt.
All of them are shitskin non religions that shouldnt be spoken about in aryan tongue or latin script.
inferuority complexe much.? wanna be an arab boi. you dont have what it takes. femboi, go be a trap.
Are you a convert?
>first,mohamed is no pedophile.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was SIX years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).
A 50 yr old man marrying a six yr old is a pedophile, muhammad was a pedophile according to your own quran
skin is not an argument.
"n- no u"
Ok sunshine.
And yet you spend your time shitting on a carving board wasting what limited time you have before your existence is snuffed out? How pathetic.
Then why the heriditary ranks to Arabs? If it wasnt crested to make arabs kings nobles and rulers over the world with slick tongue.
Your dad fucked other dudes before your mom
What's with the jew and the box on the head?
They'll say that's not white soon as well.
Someone who gets it. I don't understand why people would put skin over truth. It seems so unreasonable.
I dont care about thoughts of shitskin.
That's such a dumb and ignorant view of the world that i wont bother to even answer it seriously.
Just going to say that as a reactionary/conservative atheist i sometimes find that islam really adheres to my views a whole lot.
you do.
I dont worship shitskin religions.
I would say hinduism, but only because it has its roots in vedic litteratur
Saturn worship, look it up
>He doesn't even have the balls to show his fleg.
How do we know you are not the shitskin.
we stone gays you know right.
you will get stoned with your roastie mom and your cuck dads.
>we stone gays you know right.
And also fuck little boys.
It's called a phylactery or teffilin. I don't know if they're autistic and took things literally or if they're actually called to specifically wear them.
Yes we know youre savage ooga booga niggers to avoid.
>consummated marriage when child was 9
Pretty much the definition of pedophile.
Calm down friend, nobody is asking you to worship anything.
hey dumbfuck. shut up.
arabs or camels has nothing to do with islam.
go see the embargo on those arabs, they are sucking our dicks now.
dont post something useless about arabs. you inferior sob.
>literal submission to sky daddy who is the real alpha and owns your ass like a bitch that you are
>not the ultimate cuckoldry
The Jewish girl has the Black Cube of Saturn or El on her head.
Its a symbol of the Demiurge Yaldabaoth.
Yaldabaoth is the Gnostic name for the Lord of the Garden who we call the Chief Archon. Or First Ruler.
According to the Gnostic versions of the story he was the Lord who made Adam.
Other names for Yaldabaoth are Samael and Saklas the Blind, Ignorant and Jealous god.
But what is strange is that he let his wife Lilith mate with Adam because he tried to make offspring from their pairing. We all know of Lilith as the wife of Samael and the first Succubus.
So doesnt that make Yaldabaoth the first Cuck?
jews insulted mohamed with worst of insults. but pedophile aient one at that time.
i dont care what your jewish overlord tells you. you can suck his dick.
Nope, little boys dont get punished.
Youre retarded, religion is good the problem is what faith, if you want to worship skmhitskins you pick up a good goyim religion to serve gods chosrn, if you believe in your race and people you worship the correct ideals and faith in tge best manner possible.
>circlejerk of scheming and self-destructive "masterminds"
>also what is progress
>Is that even a religion?
Can't say anything about Christianity because flag related.
All sects follow the veda our ceremonies are still vedic its just the way of life thats different
>worshiping sshitskins
go to >
>be shitposting
>moslems too stupid to understand God's nature
>your culture = culture made by cultural marxists, to whom there's nothing saint and they revel in degeneracy
>when you know only about wars in Europe, because that's the only relevant continent
>muh sharia law
>see cultural marxists
>[citation needed]
But also the deities and rituals and so on are different. Vishnu cannot be supreme AND not-supreme when Shiva is supreme. The two have competing beliefs in some areas. Brahman cannot be personal and impersonal, it cannot be nondualism and dualism.
I think it's fairer to say Hinduism -- or Sanatana Dharma, if you prefer, is an umbrella for a bunch of religions.
muhammad is the biggest pedophile in the universe,
not only that, also adulterer by nature, fucking slaves, maids, captives of war, all documented, shamelessly and if ur a muslim he asked u to do the same u hypocrite better start a new sect in wich u removed x an y parts of ur muhammads life u 12iq donkey fucker