Is this the most redpilled movie ??
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My old highschool showed this one to the students every year as anti-nazi propaganda. This was about 10+ years ago, don't think it would be legal for them to do that in todays Sweden.
>shows neo-nazis to be retards
>shows some blacks in jail for made up bullshit
>shows some blacks incapable of restraining themselves from crime/violence
It's pretty accurate desu, but i wouldn't say it's the MOST redpilled movie. If i recall, it doesn't really address (((them))) at all.
Really? But this movie is only watchable for adult.
It was done in an era where race relationships were still about "why don't we just be nice to each other", rather than "white people should just die desu".
You know what that means? Not welcome!
out history teacher showed us triumph of the will in full. get on our level plebs
>If i recall, it doesn't really address (((them))) at all.
Derek calls his mom's boyfriend/teacher out for being a jew, but that's about the extent of it.
As far as being red-pilled goes, most of the movie has an anti-white nationalist message, but then at the end, when the main character relaxes around blaxes, his little brother gets killed by a nog, so take that for what it's worth.
Yes I was 14 or something the first time they showed it in the cafeteria for the entire school to see. It wasn't even censored, students thought it was so cool when he stomped that shitskin on the curb. Guess it didn't go as well as they planned lol.
It's a Nazi apologist movie straight out of kike stables
It could be, if one for you anons would edit out the blue pilled parts.
Some one make a pol edit please
the movie would be redpilled if it exposed them for taking over the media like in South Korea and teaching that the holocaust is fake.
>watch this movie for the first time in 2003
>don't think much of it
>watch it again last month
If the original ending was kept it it would have been.
Make pol edit user
I cant, it does not exist, it was never filmed, but man the director fought tooth and nail for it to be
Good film, a shame retarded Sup Forumstards don't get the message
I saying some video user should edit the whole movie so it's red pilled as fuck.
>anti-nazi propaganda
Did they cut off the final scene which proved that the protag was right all along?
Everyone who views this movies as anti-nazi is retarded.
dont need to, you just needed the original ending, which was all of a 10 second clip. Have you read into how the original was meant to be played out?
It could be a short film consisting mostly of the first part of the movie
redpilled as in it totally shows how neo nazis are dumbfucks with no coherent tought or understanding of society
that they are doomed to either think and change their mind or die fighting a pointless war against fake enemies
> your hate will get your family killed goyim. even if you 'learn from your mistakes' your family will pay
>based black guy in prison
wow what a great ultimate redpill movie
>right all along
oh god, do you have low IQ? That's not what the ending is about
territorial pissings will not set anyone free.
Just watch the first 70% of it.
The last bit is awful.
Also this is a shill thread, the movie promotes black innocence and spreads negative connotation of white pride.
Tats are degenerate.
The dinner scenes are the best. The director (((Tony Kaye))) tried to poison the well by having the father talk complete sense about blacks and then end the conversation with the phrase "nigger bullshit." That would immediately make the audience dismiss anything he said prior as false.
Then there is the scene with Derek and he mom's kike boyfriend at the table. Derek makes complete sense and everything is true and then at the end of the conversation he produces his swastika tattoo which also immediately turns the audience off to anything he said prior. The kike then leaves the house in a somber and broken mood with the American flag waving in the foreground further driving a wedge between the audience and proud patriotism.
This shit worked like a charm when the movie first came out but everyone can see through the bullshit now.
The dialogue of the main characters is redpilled but if you pay attention to the movie as a whole it's pretty standard Hollywood Jew stuff. White Supremacy was demonized but we never actually address the nigger problem which is a substantial one.
i find it funny how they tried to portrait how bad "racists" are, but in the end when he regrets everything another nigger comes and ruins his life again lol
When you grow up hating niggers because they killed your father while he was saving their worthless lives, turn a new, not-racist leaf and help your little brother see your way of thinking, only to see him murdered the day after by a nigger, it's far more about "territorial pissing" . You frog cunt. You, and your shithole of a country deserve your respective fates.
Derek was the only white guy with principles. That's what got him fucked up.
Is it good? I think I'll watch it right now if it is.