>you will never be white
You will never be white
I am though.
White people are a race of weak cucks in the process of ethnically suiciding themselves, why do you want to be white?
Pic related, the average white man, welcoming his own demise.
>you will never be black
Kek, seems the best way to get a white wife these days is to be a non-white man.
then what are you?
>tfw mixed
>tfw look in the mirror and imagine what the fully white version of me would look like
Hold me brehs...
Why come here and torture yourself, OP?
half nigger
oh fug
feels good being non white tbqh famalam
So many whites would trade places with a non-white out of white guilt.
So many non-whites want to be white.
This life is a short, unsatisfactory affair riddled with unfulfilled longings and urges that can never be satisfied, and then you die.
cheer up nig bro
at least your not full nig
at least you have the intelligence to kys
salty shitskin. Lol
Care to explain how I'm wrong? White people used to be based, but now they're a fucking joke.
I'm white and I'm proud of it
I want to be white too nigbro
Well at least I can be honorary Aryan.
You're taking the meme too far.
Hitler didn't hate other ethnicity, he called for homogeneity. Sure, there are some genetic differences, but that's among millions of people. You could be a smart mongrel.
if you really wanna sugar it up, yeah, but the fact that we are being forced to integrate is making shit worse.
I'm a mongral of different white nations.
I'm part french, english, german, polish, irish etc.
No part of me is more than 50% so I can't call myself anything.
Am I white by Sup Forums standards? I blame a lot of my flaws on the fact that I'm mixed.
this, every race has their homeworld
That would be thanks to the GOD DAMN FUCKING COMMIES.
FDR and Johnson FUCKED the us with the 1965 immigration act. Obama FUCKED the US with allowing so many god damn Mexicans in.
Merkel and the EU have pulled down Europes pants and are ANALLY RAPING the ENTIRE CONTINENT with refugees.
They're doing all of it to suppress nationalism and subvert any possible nationalist revolution.
ktf bro
cheer up
The very problem with crusades is that they ended several hundred years ago.
Well spoken, amen.
>tfw middle eastern
Feels good man