BBC: Schools Must Hire 70,000 Extra Non-White Teachers to Reflect Pupil Demographics

>The BBC has said in a report the Department for Education (DfE) should recruit an extra 68,000 teachers from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds so as to reflect England’s pupil demographics.

>“Just 13% of state-funded schools’ teachers are currently from a BME background, compared to 27% of pupils,” laments BBC News, reporting that its analysis of DfE figures for 2016 “found the number of BME teachers would need to double to accurately reflect the ethnic make-up of the state school pupil population in England”.

>“It’s vitally important that as our communities become more multicultural our schools reflect the areas where our children grow up,” she said, adding: “I do feel that when schools appoint teachers, there is an unconscious bias where white teachers are often the preferred candidate.”

>According to the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), ethnic minority teachers “face discrimination and prejudice when applying for jobs, but the BBC reports that BME teachers say young people from a similar background “have historically preferred to enter other professions such as medicine or science.”

>In a recent report, the teaching union warned that non-white teachers’ have their careers blighted by “deep-rooted, endemic and institutional racism” in British schools.

>import millions of migrants
>use taxpayer money from native population to subsidize their gibs and education
>use this as a justification to implement affirmative action, and anti-white quotas to reflect the new demographics
>anyone who opposes this is "racist", and get even get fined or go to jail under EU laws
>UK media supports this and claims to be "unbiased"

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Kalergi plan is real

Make sure to pay your TV tax, BBC needs more money.

Niggers get nigger teachers, become dumber
Mudslimes get mudslime teachers, become jihadis

>BME students want BME teachers is not racist
>white students want white teachers is racist
business as usual

LMAO white men just can't compete with us. You even name yo tv after us

So only 73 british kids are white? Lmao

i am in scotland and the non-white population is 5%. are they suggesting that non-whites can only make up 5% of the number of teachers? i think not.

sounds like a report made by someone who just makes reports.

i'm glad i live in Germany, the memes about us are overdone

Bongs are fucked. They're so eager to bend backwards for muslims, they might be the first to fall.


Last modified on Friday 14 July 2017 13.21 BST

> A state-funded Islamic school in Birmingham unlawfully discriminated against pupils when it separated them by sex from age nine, a court has been told.

> The court of appeal case could lead to other schools that practise similar segregation across the country having to make drastic changes to how they operate, or to split into separate single-sex schools.

The left obviously gets a kick out of submitting themselves to muzzies, it's truly bizarre.