Man up you fucking child. Those taxes are your doing, you want free stuff? You get fucking taxes because things arent free
Typical millennial thinking.
>Lets destroy western civilization, culture and technology >Lets destroy things made by boomers He said while posting on a platform created by us, boomers
Colton Wood
Aiden Nguyen
I buy -not lease- buy cars (2) every 4 years, & have been doing so since 2003 (1981 fag here). This year is the exception, because I just bought a house, & money is fucking TIGHT; my 13' impala & my (female ,cis, white) wife's13' Malibu are going to have to make it the long-haul, because the roof, central air, & 2 new bay windows only lets us enjoy California cabs, Oregon Pinots, & Australian Shiraz on the weekends for the time being.
>golf sucks & is boring as remorse
Kayden Watson
More like a bunch of kikes are pissed that you fags are blowing all your money on worthless degrees in Rwandan feminist throat singing, smartphones, tattoos and expensive clothes so you can look "fresh". Then you retards turn around and complain about having no money, a low paying job, a lot of debt and shitty credit. In other words, you're both equally destructive.
Liam Clark
Millennials are the worst generation after baby boomers, both generations being the most indoctrinated by marxist ideals.
Jaxson Fisher
Well I do believe Millennials are "killing relationships".
Jackson Powell
Thanks baby boomers and gen x
Verily, the life science’s arm of Google’s parent company Alphabet, has hatched a plan to release about 20 million lab-made, bacteria-infected mosquitoes upon Fresno, California — and that’s a good thing!
John Powell
>the free market is killing obsolete industries >republitards: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Joshua Moore
>identifying with (((generations))) one of the biggest bluepills
Kayden Hughes
I can see OP that you posting here on Sup Forums shows you live a productive and hard life with little to no free time that us Millennials get. I'm so lazy that I wished I didn't have to pay 400 dollars for a college parking pass (cheapest one btw). I should move away from home and live on campus, Dorm housing is only15,000 dollars a year. And apartments around campus go for 5,000 a month. I can truly move out and support myself now making a whopping 8.55 dollars an hour (my last raise was a union mandated 5 cents!) What a lazy Millennial I am going to school full time and still working 40 hours a week to make payments on car and insurance. I should be ashamed.