/NEG/ -New England General

Perhaps the most objectively white region of the country, we convene today to discuss the prospects of an Ethnostate
States Welcome:
>New Hampshire
>Rhode Island
>Upstate New York
>Canadian Maritime Region

NJ fag here, I want to leave so bad.

If you're white you can come here

Good luck taking all the blacks and Puerto Rican's from Waterbury,Hartford,new haven, new london, etc

lol no
they're all ghetto drug dealers who speed and drink and drive

>implying CT, RI, and even MA will be Part of the Ethnostate
Nigga please

Have you ever been to New Haven or fucking Bridgeport. Eastern CT is pretty white, but as a whole that state is fucked.

Believe me, I know how fucked CT is, I live here

>another new england general where non new englanders complain about how new england is fucked and filled to the brim with refugees
>haven’t seen a black person in a week

The only blacks in my town are a police man, 2 or 3 mullatos and inner city nogs they import from Jew York to use our schools