Smothering Hillary

White House Insider exists to focus our attentions on minor twitter news instead of the msm stories of the day.
When the msm goes apeshit crazy saying Don Jr DID accept Russian material that material will be subpoenaed and the world will be shocked at Hillarys crimes.

In the end, future generations will ask," If you could travel back in time to when Hillary Clinton was a baby would you smother her in her bed?" and if you say nyet you will be scorned.

Andrew McCabe will get arrested on live tv on July 27th.

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I don't believe you. But bump because I want to.

>no way on killing Hillary, not ever
Sometimes a villain exists just to teach the world about justice.



Isn't he the one who issued a "stand down" order in the Clinton Foundation investigation?

>Andrew McCabe will get arrested on live tv on July 27th.
Jesus, I hope so. As for live TV I would think most networks would choose not to cover it.

Someones going to leak some horrific footage of these elites soon I hope, just like in your face your a retard if you deny it type stuff. . . well, thats what I'm hoping for


bump to keep this alive

>and if you say nyet you will be scorned.
As if I give a fuck. I'm here to form my on opinions without mother fucking MSM,CNN and FOX telling me what to think. Fuck Hollywood , NYC and especially fuck you shill.

McCabe is a clinton fixer. He was in the fbi to purge and stop anything that could hurt the team.

Didn't he accept a lot of money from people he was investigating for his wife's campaign? amazing they get away with what they do.

Good morning, user. To your question, it's always looked that way to me, although I haven't tried to dig much beyond articles like the following. It's from

Yeah, think it was 700k, and his wife even appeared in video footage for HRC ads

I think that's what it would take for normies to pay attention and pull their eyes away from whatever Fake News CNN is shilling that day.

It's absolutely amazing what these lunatics are able to accomplish in plain sight.

the face of evil. And they say they're are no such things as orcs!

Wait, you're backwards a bit. McCabe was running HRC emails investigation while HIS wife was getting 700k from the HRC campaign

now that pic is something you wizkids could be doing. outing these shitheads and any connections they have.

>The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.
Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

And yet mere commoners like us know the truth.
I'm just a person going about the daily business of life, doing my best to enjoy it as much as possible. That said, the corruption of the DNC and large portions of our government cannot stand. Traitorous Republicans must also be punished.

I remember the turnaround on the weiner emails was super fast. it was like 600,000 messages or something. Didn't know mccabe was determining that... makes sense now. They were probably thinking, "gee after hillary becomes president, the republicans will find out that we got these emails from weiner, and they'll grill us over it for years. Lets release that we got it now and then hillary will clean it up later."

Old loser faggot here. Not one of the shining autists, but I'm working on my shooping so I can help out more.

Either they went soft on Weiner or he didn't have a lot on the laptop as it related to Huma and the treasonous cunt.

Here's what i got, from the comey hearing days

Please Research:


Many on this board have argued that Israel is not only pro-ISIS, but also a major financial and logistical backer. Sorry for lack of shoops and other proofs, I'm mentally recalling various posts I've read. (pic unrelated)

Also, thanks for links.

I wish to god they would roll the fucking tapes of the ritualistic sacrifice. I know someone has it. I know it exists. Roll the fucking TAPES. Let the world know who we are ruled by. We would be in the streets of DC by the MILLIONS within hours. People should be physically dragged into the streets and beaten to death. Live stream it on Periscope. The time has come. TRUMP, RELEASE THE FUCKING HOUNDS!

One of the dirtiest, most compromised, blackmailed treachorous traitors in the House is Paul Ryan. His wife works for Democrasts, he comes from Wisconsin-point zero for the satanic child molesting rituals Preibus too) and you may notice democrats will not lay a single blow on him. There are groups out there who say that they are going to force trump and Pence to resign (or get rid of them somehow) and third in line is their puppet king Ryan to become POTUS. Some claim that it is the Chinese who want this badly and will do anything to make it happen. White we get the Russia boogyman it is China who is pulling America's strings-deeply dug in espionage. If the fee honest non blackmailed Republicans were smart they would lobby to remove Ryan as Speaker. As ling as he is there trump and pence are in great danger.

Mccabe is under 3 investigations as we know of. Theres a reason Trump has been leaving him in as acting FBI Director. My theory is the FBI desperately needs a morale boost and a public image boost after all we have seen from them as highly politicized personal armies of destruction against unfavored persons and protective of the protected. When the FBi arrests their own Director, and trump will make sure it happens live on tv, a lot of public trust and respect will be restored. The guys will feel like they are doing the right thing for a change too. And Hillarys noose gets tighter.
i also think Bernie and jane sanders are a key part of all thats going on. The pressure is on Bernie as his wifes secret deals with the Clintons become exposed. Bernie either flips and admits everything he knows, which is a lot, you bernouts really got played by a huge scam. or his wife wears orange for a few years.
This big fucking mess of corruption and crimes goes all the way up to George HW Bush but I doubt he faces any charges. if so, he, Bill, W, and Obama will all get pardoned for the well being of the country.
Chelsea may do time if Hillary doesnt plead guilty.

The Podestas will be sucking fat nigger dick by the dozens though.

These events would be more than satisfactory for me. How long do you think it would take for all of this to happen?

I think we have learned over the past 8 years that the only thing that really matters are elections. I think it goes on into the midterms as a major issue with new revelations and so forth until the democrats are just buried again in losses.

I also think the end game of the Don Jr scenario is Congress subpoenas the papers the russian lawyer said she left with trump people. when those clinton papers get entered into the record shit will go nuclear.

By Congress issuing a subpoena for the papers, would that equal Don Jr being in some kind of legal trouble? I'm very confused by that, and it's being shilled hard.

>Don Jr DID accept Russian material that material will be subpoenaed


Mueller's on it.

>you may notice democrats will not lay a single blow on him

>will be subpoenaed

>they went soft on Weiner
Sensible chuckle. Bump.


and via top minds...

Why would any democrat think its a good thing for congress or the fbi to get their hands on a clinton dirt dossier? I betcha Hillary doesnt think its a good thing. Its supposedly financial crimes. I doubt very very seriously Hillary wants that shit in the public record.
this is a huge sting operation to take down the clinton foundation. don jr wore a wire at that lunch. wait and see.

of course not. all the trumps are going to come away clean. lynch is going down, maybe a few others. doubtful obama.

>Podestas will be sucking fat nigger dick

I'd pay a lot of gold to see this happen.

>doubtful obama.
Is he too well insulated? What if Hillary were somehow willing to testify against him?

Except the Russian translator in the meeting with Don Jr. and the Russian Jewish Putin HATING lobbyist lawyer works out of the NY FBI offices. The FBI was in on this sting and attempt at entrapment. McCabe? Comey?

McCabe. Comey has flipped and has immunity. Why do you think he went on tv under oath and admitted he is a criminal leaker with a grudge? he got immunity. hes flipped.