How do we save white people? Can white people be saved in the first place?
How do we save white people? Can white people be saved in the first place?
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Kek at the women's facial expressions in the crowd
Of all the races there are, whites are best equipped to save themselves. But god knows, user.
don't bother. you can't save that which doesn't wish to be saved. just stop identifying with them and you won't care.
We wait it out till the next big purge.
Unfortunately things will have to get really, really bad first. Then nature will take its course and decide whether the white race is to be saved or not.
why do Americans call themselves white when they have pink skin
lol, fuckin' this. Bitches are hilarious.
>nobody will notice my inbred hammer face if i get nekkid!
clever girl
>implying we wont take out a lot of our own in the race war
that's my plan
Aren't these all Trump voters?
America is dying..
that's some ugly people ya got there
The people in that photo have ZERO percent chance to succumb to liberalism and / or globalist pushed muslim agendas.
Most are probably Catholic, too.
Sp in a way, they are already saved.
Where's the diversity?
Insert hyper competitivity in every aspect of society.
Hardly. There's at most 200 people there. Out of 300,000,000 I see no cause for concerns.
>Probably Catholic
You're a dumb cunt aren't you?
Clearly an image from somewhere in the Southern US. They're almost certainly Protestants if anything.
You're all filth anyway.
Almost every guy in that picture is bald with the same facial hair.
The degeneracy really started accelerating when hwite youth started emulating 'hood culture.It's a culture of death. Now we are reaping the same results: degeneracy, drug abuse, broken homes, poverty.
As a good friend once put it, "I like black people. But I hate niggers."
Did you miss this treasure?
Guy in Caterpillar hat has a "degenerate tit-licker" smile.
This is a slide thread
Like-minded white people (almost exclusively men) are banding together to protect their own.
Taking a leaf out of the Jewish playbook, they are forming an economy and rulebook that serves only their interests. This will grow, even as the white race is being reviled by the world.
Is this the harley rendezvous in ny?
>How do we save white people?
we institute martial law and execute any degenerate individual on sight
we implement patriotism studies in schools and kindergardens
we purge the traitorous politicians
That naked woman isn't hurting anybody. It's YOU that's the problem, because your primordial brain is triggering all sorts of feelings that you cannot control.
Neurotransmitters are fucking with your head. Wake up.
Cool story bro
The only feeling that naked chick is triggering in me is disgust. Also this is the funniest reaction face in the entire image, Shame it's halfway blocked by that dude's head.
Come home white man
P.S.: Bring your sister
>absolutely haram
Kill jews specifically Jews in academia and media
.This x1000
Would absolutely smash
This is what crowds of New Yorkers looked like back in the 50s and 60s, pre-mass immigration, pre-sexual revolution.
Super high IQ whites need to create a virus or nano-virus to eradicate non-whites. Low IQ whites are little more than animals but can provide sexual amusement thanks to their diverse phenotype range.
>Low IQ whites are little more than animals but can provide sexual amusement thanks to their diverse phenotype range.
You just described why Australia exists m8
I agree with this. There's nothing wrong with being naked outside, you aren't breaking the NAP by doing so. The crowds taking pictures and staring are the real degenerates and the problem here. If they would just ignore her or shame her, that would be peak society.
There's no "White" race, it's a fucking meme made by retarded burgers that don't know where the fuck their ancestors came from so anyone with light skin is called White
>into the trash it goes.jpg
thats a great expression
no tv, no facebook, no state funded schooling to start with
Well we do diverse phenotype range with redheads and blondes often being the genuine article. Plenty of low IQ whites too.
my sides
Retarded troll question. Remove Jews and everything balances out.
Isn't that the lesbo that was in that last Ghostbusters film?
Was waiting for that edit.
Found another celeb in the crowd.
Blackpilled anarcho-capitalism is the key. Form corporate style alternatives to the nation state. Only admit functional individuals.
Welfare states wilt and starve.
Call it Nu-purge.
By walking away to let the inevitable occur, returning to work with the strong survivors will be recognized properly by future historians.
First step is to understand that notallwhitepeople are worth much
I just found out that my grandfather was Hungarian, and under current laws in Hungary, if I can find proof of his parent's ancestry, I can apply for 2nd citizenship...but my father didn't know his father at all, and all I have is a name to go by, and a few clues. I have a huge task ahead of me to reach that citizenship.
I feel home calling me...
Imagine if this was your daughter.
My daughter has enough sense to not do something that stupid. Plus, she knows I will be carefully monitoring any suitor she introduces to me.
White people can be saved, but it will be through a small, dedicated minority of white people who launch a coup and install a government of brutal authoritarianism. The ideal scenario of there being some sort of collective awakening is not likely to ever happen.
That's why shes fucking around with dudes and not bringing them home you dipshit
That's why she stays at home, and is esorted to each even with dudes, dipshit.
It's called "chaperone", look it up sometime.
P.S. she's 13 you fucking pervert
Lmao when i was 14 i was having sex and I certainly wasnt one of the first but sure your daughter is totally different
She's going to get older and rebel against you, you know? You want her fucking niggers? Because that's how you get her fucking niggers.
Take our example. We're taking care of the "White problem" quite efficiently here. I'm quite convinced that Sharia Law is not only imminent, but a requirement at this point.
Obviously, fundamentalist primacy is a system that is not only reasonable, but preferred by any member of a reasonable society.
You're a fool if you don't believe this. If you believe this, prepare to be shunned for being a racist bigot. That's what you are. You are wrong and my feelings are hurt.
REE, fucking normies, etc.
Why do Americans start fucking so early? Here, our youth starts drinking young, but there the youth starts slutting around like a bunch of degenerates.
The boomer deserves it. It was her generation who did this. Up until them, every generation has been able to maintain and build upon what was already there, but not them. They had to fall for the Jew's lies. First desegregation, then the anti-Vietnam war movement (the first time there had been widespread opposition to a war from a country's own people) and then the sexual revolution--the real catalyst of all this degeneracy. True, they were the first generation to undergo post-war indoctrination, but I doubt even the Jews expected them to lap it up as much as they did.
They are traitors to our race.
Honestly im not sure I've heard a lot theories everything from chemicals in the water to too much tv and internet but i do i start masturbating regularly around 8 yrs old and by 11 I started hearing about other kids in my grade having sex and by 14 I was convinced i was a loser bc it took me so long to get laid
she has the look of a girl who would never do such a thing
Just because you were raised by sloppy parents, doesn't mean my daughter is the same as you.
>only one black kid in her school
>he's an aggressive asshole to everyone
>she has negative interest in assholes
>has white friends
feels good, man
Then there's that one old guy in the bottom left wishing he gave his daughter more attention when she was younger.
You said she's 13. Give it a few years and she'll be attracted to that aggressive asshole or another one just like him.
>by 14 I was convinced i was a loser bc it took me so long to get laid
You succumbed to peer pressure, really?
This is the reason why America is falling deeper into degeneracy. "Everyone else jumped off the roof and said I wouldn't be cool unless I did it too, so I should jump..." (splat)
This is the reason why I am looking at getting a 2nd citizenship. The country is so fucked it's beyond repair.
Nothing that a knife, a shovel, a 10x20 carpet remnant, industrial carpet cleaner, a GPS, a rental SUV, 2 days of paid vacation, and a topological map can't solve.
>turn assholes into tree food
>get paid to turn assholes into tree food
really feels good man
>Clearly an image from somewhere in the Southern US.
you're retarded.there are rednecks in every state kek
you can be naked on your own private property but sure not on mine
>once a nigger comes to France and has kids his kids are French not African
top fucking kek
only degenerates
>then the anti-Vietnam war movement (the first time there had been widespread opposition to a war from a country's own people)
toppest kek
Alright, you set the rules on your own private land.
and nobody in my community would be naked because i would live in a community without degenerates
That is the value of NAP. If it's your private fiefdom, then you set the rules.
If it's public, then it is a commons, and you don't get to set private laws. Privi = Private, lege = law, Privilege is private law...and you can't have private law in non-private spaces.
I think and have come to a mutual agreement. Mutual agreements are another ancap cornerstone.
>how do WE save white people
Yes, a handfull of virgin NEETS can save an entire race of people nice one
Name me an example before that.
She is breaking the nap because law says you cant be in public without clothes
>Morality = Not hurting anybody
THIS RIGHT HERE is the degenerate humanist philosophy that has destroyed the west
The state shouldn't have the power to enforce a moral-based law like that.
Im kinda into her desu
you cant
The mindset of a large portion of the male population is dependent on the female population.
If you can convince or persuade the women, most men will follow.
>Most are probably Catholic, too.
Man, that's a image of USA. They don't look Irish or Spanish ancestry.
Islam is the savior for the West.
Embrace it, brother
>The state shouldn't have the power to enforce a moral-based law
But that's literally the whole point of the state, to enforce morality
What the heck? The point of the state is to collect a bit of tax to maintain certain things that protect the citizens. Such as the military, police, firefighters, courts and prisons. They aren't necessary for anything else.
i think that chick is in some british porn?
We invented the state in the ancient days to enforce the moral laws of the gods, not to build stuff.
The state's purpose is to ensure that its people are good.
This exists so the state is prepared to fight evils from outside
These exist so the state is prepared to fight evils from inside
Anybody could do this there is absolutely no reason for it to be the state
These exist to prevent the state itself from becoming evil
These exist to contain the evil people of the society
The state's purpose is to fight evil, for that is Humanity's purpose.
>We invented the state in the ancient days to enforce the moral laws of the gods, not to build stuff.
I don't know about you, but my country became a state because my people could be free from foreign oppressors that among other things shoved their magic Jebus bullshit down our throats while setting our ancient groves ablaze.
Evil is subjective, not an argument.
This exists so the state isn't destroyed by foreign forces, violating the nap
These exist so the state could fight those that violate the nap
Having different competing organizations all over the country isn't good in this case, because that will probably lessen cooperation between organizations as well as different towns and counties. It's better for there to be state-level oversight here so that different groups could be sent to one location if necessary. If they're private organizations, where do they get their wage? Will everyone have to sign a contract and pay a monthly fee to their preferred firefighter group? I dunno, man.
These exist so the state could fight those that violate the nap, much like the police
These exist to contain those that broke the law of the state
The majority of whites in the US, are easily shamed, are afraid to speak out, are easily divided, and are not proactive when it comes to politics. We had 8 years of Obama before they decided they had enough....
In short, NO.