Rome-London-Athens Axis

This will destroy the EU. Greece is going bankrupt, Italy is being strangled by the Euro and Britain may get fucked by Brexit. We need to form an economic and military alliance now, and free ourselves from the German European Reich. It's only a matter of time.

Just nuke this country please, I have nothing more to say

No chance, we left the Eu to stop paying your gibs in the first place.

why dont we fuck off britain join france and take over the mediterranean sea?

I like this idea. I want those Italian women.

you ain't paying shit, we're EU net contributor. Besides, you need allies if you don't want to be fucked over by the EU.
France is our enemy

i would support this. i know nothing about economics however. how would these three countries support each other in that sense?

Do Italians and Greeks even like Anglos/Scots/Welshmen? I just assume everybody on the continent hates us.

Italian and British economies are quite good. We'll have to help the Greeks get back on their feet.

well we can take the blue cost for ourselves as first step