>be at a grocery store
>buying food for the weekend
>time passes, eventually go pay for the food at the counter
>a lot of people lining up
>go to the line
>time for me to pay for the food
at this moment my wallet is no where to be find
>oh shit
>i can hear annoyed grunting from the people behind me on the line
>the somali man behind me says that he's willing to help
>he pays for my food
>i offer him my number so i can pay him back
>he says he is more than happy to be able to help and doesn't need any money
Today's occurrence made me rethink the way i view non-white people. I used to be hateful and didn't want immigration to Finland, now judge people on the individual bases, because i understand that there are many generally good non-white people
Somali refugee incident happened to me today; story
Other urls found in this thread:
>because i understand that there are many generally good non-white people
How old are you ?
There are even bad white people, did you know that ?
I agree, no reason to ate people for the color of their skin.
for newfags
This is the 5th time I've seen this thread during the last 2 days.
There are bad people in every race and good people in every race. No need to generalize, sadly Sup Forums generalizes alot.
You can post it as much as you like. Everybody hates Somalians, even Somalians. GTFO Open Society
this is the best b8 thread I've seen in a while
Why have I seen this Pasta like 5 times now.
Where is your wallet? Forgot home or lost?
Chances he stole it from you while you were shopping are to be considered.
In best case, money he gets comes from the welfare, in other words: from your pockets.
He paid nothing.
First the bank and now this?
Somali man stole your wallet you retard
>Somali took your wallet
Inb4 the nigger stole your wallet
Aww the Marxist fingolian grl is back telling us how great double digit IQ 3rd worlders are.
Bet you've never actually lived in the same neighborhood as them when they have large numbers.
You don't be hateful towards a group because that's nigger behaviour that doesn't come to most europeans, but you need to understand why they shouldn't be there and why you need to do your part to get them the fuck out so they can work in their own societies.
Oh, it's the Finish poster with the fake Somali story again
Sage ffs
This is so low energy bullshit.
>same fucking pic
>same ridiculous stories
>yesterday a Somali helped this dumbfucker unclog a shit filled toilet
Stop shilling for those sub-human apes, this is the 4th fucking day you're doing it.
Stop reposting this shit
No one belives you
How dumb are you faggot that you fall for such easy bait
can some1 shop finland here? thanks.
You make a "Somali refugee story" nearly every day. Fuck off, nigger lover.
you again
How do you know its fake?
Fuck off you skinny somali nigger.
>things that never happened: the post
>things that never happened
Yeah he picked your pocket dummy
It's more common to be helpful to complete strangers in the middle east in general. But its also more common throwing acid in people's face.
The generalization is statistically based. Even blacks will tell you 1 in 3 black American men go to prison. They use it as an argument that they are being treated unfairly because of the unequal outcome, even though we are all playing by the same rules.
Hello Shareblue.
>doesn't come to most europeans
Dont even know the history of the country you live in (plus every other country Europeans settled in)
There was another story involving a Somali helping his son when he was being bullied. It's as fake as a white hispanic
It's the same nigger making this threads.
>be communist
>fabricate blatant lie propaganda about weaponized shitskins destroying enemy culture and society
>pay pinheaded communist bootlick 2 shekels to post it online
>chuckle at pinheads buying into the bullshit who will be mere work cattle in slave gulags as party elites live like royalty
>rain adoration upon Kim Jong Un, Stalin, Mao, Castro
>laugh again as the enemy destroys itself and not your fellow communists or bootlick work cattle foot soldiers
Fuck off with your stories.
niggers are scum
I dont.
This thread really opened my eyes
How could Sup Forums be so wrong?
i kno
just yesterday
>be me
>not you, me
>drive down the street
>see a group of somalis hanging around smoking
>be wary because i have to stop almost next to them
>the group starts to approach
>panic slighly, think this is it, shits about to go down
>the group surrounds my car
>oh shi
>they bring in lifting equimpent and start to lift the car
>they take my 6 year old tires off, holy shit its really happening and cant do shit because its me aganst many
>suddenly they bring in brand new tires
>they put them on, knock on the drivers window
>they say they have to leave because they arent allowed to stay in finland even tho they have expert papers from tire changing unit that they lost when they left somalia along the way
>they leave
>i put the old tires back of my car and drove off
really cooked my food now
Hey I know this pasta
Finland stop it with this pasta its getting stale
And that Somali's name? Albert Einstein.
Today again? It already happened to you yesterday...
Apperently you Finns haven't yet succumb to multiculturalism, until then he will keep "losing" his wallet.
'Some Ali' the Somali
Somalians are white dumbo
But seriously Somali muslims are a specially bad roodypoo. They are the gypsies of blacks.
we can all be friends now
watch the fuck out for somalis my finn. somalis and the chinese are the only races i'm actually racist against
Didn't fucking happen try again faggot
Where is your wallet?
and a day before that the Somali didn't' kick him off the train for having no ticket.
hey i am somali we are not bad
Powerful story
>because i understand that there are many generally good non-white people
Are you retarded? Of course there are. One of my best friends is a POO, but that doesn't mean I don't want to kick out all his kind and the pakis, nogs, chinks, slavs and krauts from my country.
as long as you're inside Somalia you can be whatever you wanna be
>Somalian steals your wallet
>Uses your own money to make you think he was a nice guy
>You fell for it
This shit makes my blood boil
>be me
>driving back to university
>starting to get dark out
>edge a pothole and tire blows
>swerve to the side of the road
>proceed to change tire
>halfway through the fucking jack breaks
>road is pretty desolate that time of the night
>try to wave down passing cars
>all white people
>two cars ignore me while the third actually takes the time to laugh at me
>old battered pickup comes along
>give a last attempt at waving the guy down and he actually stop
>old black guy
>doesnt just borrow me a jack he changes the tire himself
>Give him ten bucks and thank him one last time
Stereotypes. The lazy mans way of avoiding taking the time to give proper judgement.
>be me waiting in line to pay the cashier on shop
>african nigger approaches me
>asks in some broken spanish if i can let him in my place cus hes missing a leg
>hes actually missing a leg
>tell him to go back to the queue
>no one else in the queue stood up for him
>feels good man
Yeah man I fucking hate the disabled too :))
Touching story.