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Civic Nationalism
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What the far right wants is clearly the best option of the 3. Why use this picture in favour of civic nationalism?
When decisions are made there can never be a sense the decision was made by "the tribe" therefore every decision is unjust as you are being governed by people not in your "tribe"
>inb4 cultural tribe
These bonds are incredibly weak and will become tyrannical at the first sign of disagreement
It's the political ideology of multiculturalism and multiracialism, which destroys culture and race by blending them all together and no one knows who they are or where they're going in any grander sense than "I'm a fatass who just got my paycheck and I'm going to wal mart cause I'm outta cigarettes and tater tots"".
>When decisions are made there can never be a sense the decision was made by "the tribe"
yes it can. it's called one nation under 1 flag.
You know that is false.
Tribes are forged trough intermarriage and common culture even in ancient times. All empires have been multicultural or multiethnic in nature, it is hard to think of exceptions to that.
You simply are so obsessed with the idea that genetics matters most that you disregard everything else.
It doesn't. Genetics don't mean shit.
You know that is false.
Tribes are forged trough intermarriage and common culture even in ancient times. All empires have been multicultural or multiethnic in nature, it is hard to think of exceptions to that.
You simply are so obsessed with the idea that genetics matters most that you disregard everything else.
It doesn't. Genetics don't mean shit. Racial tribalism is a form of collectivism anyways, why follow it?
It doesn't care about faith. I don't care what color people are but i refuse to live with non-Christians.
The problem is that most of the time there's no effort to assimilate people. Whites are cultured and so assimilate, asians follow hierarchy and assimilate more or less as well, but africans and middle-easterners just fucking won't. Former are too stupid, latter are too indoctrinated by their religion.
double posting. dont do it
Name some tribess formed by intermarriage between people of different races.
These people will not die for me and I will not die for them.
>Collectivism is bad
I remember when I believed this too
>looking for actual arguments
>These people will not die for me and I will not die for them.
come to Israel you will see that they will die for one flag (yes arabs join the army too)
aka civic
That picture is fine aside from
>civic cuckism
>All empires have been multicultural or multiethnic in nature
This is wrong.
t. The British Empire
Would it be good for Isreal like it is in Europe right now. that is all you need
Civic nationalism does not seek to eradicate the subversive elements that will destroy it from within, as long as these subversive elements (the left, Islam, feminism) claim allegiance to the country's best interest whilst actively working against it.
I think ethnonationalism suffers from the same problem. There are plenty of white leftists that seek to undermine the nation state.
Maybe cultural nationalism's the solution, I dunno.
I bet you can't actually name one thing bad about this picture
>implying the damage isn't already done and the far right pic is achievable in any sense without a tyrannical state.
are you for real? how hard is it for you faggots to realize you're as stupid and divisive as blm? ethnostate is a nice idea but you're actually a stupid person if you seriously advocate it.. like literally a fucking moron that's probably rather sheltered or too stupid to treat everyone as individuals which is the rational thing to do in a civilized society
that's retarded. Most Empires consist of a homogeneous group conquering other groups by force.
They breakdown when the conquered start being integrated into positions of power like with the Romans or Ottomans.
Genetics is everything. You need civilized humans to sustain civilization just like you need domesticated cows to sustain a dairy.
Racemixing is bound to happen and it's bad for all sides involved.
It destroys ethnic groups over time.
It lacks the strength of an ethno state, or the trust of one.
Culture is irrelevant
i have bad news for you.
......aaand you lost me.
Civic nationalism is loyalty to dirt.
I'd rather be loyal to my people.
>degenerate pic
To the ovens with you.
>Why is it bad?
Because its a slippery slope to cuckoldry
If you can pump the breaks and enforce it, its perfect. Replace the white trash with worthy blacks(few), non muslim browns(more than few) and asians(more than few)
It can easily be subverted though and that is the flaw.
Fixed it for you user
>centrist memes
Purity of race and culture duuuuh
its bad because it doesnt work
Theres a path between atheism and christcuckery
None of those welfare leeches would be allowed in an American civic nationalist society. That woman would also be carrying a gun and wearing body armor in that subway with those types.
im from Canada goy the Muslims are bad not Israel.
Dude... Why aren't those people all holding Israeli flags? Do you support open borders for Israel?
Islam has no place in an American civic nationalist society. Jews will also regularly be deported for trying to subvert the nation and destroy it from within.
Civic nationalism wont work for europe though because they have no individual rights to allow people to succeed without the state.
>y-y-youre dumb
Nice argument
USA is the top economy in the world and they have everyone there, coincidence r-right?
a muslim would married her and made here barefoot in the kitchen, not letting her running in the streets for male attention.
USA was at its peak in the 60s when we were 90% white. If multiculturalism is so great why didn't you put your own flag on that meme and have everyone go to Israel?
stfu jew. stop killing the US middle class and turning them into retards.I LL KILL YOU
>USA was at its peak in the 60s when we were 90% white
this is a meme. USA is now way be comparatively worse off but that's thanks to the internet that you gullibly shared with the rest
also pic related, Israel is a small place, geographically very very small.
Civic nationalism is "synthesis" part of thesis-antithesis plan of jews.
First they fill our countries with other genetics to destroy our homogeneity and genetically attacks us.
Then they conquer and divide.
Then they "make a deal in the middle".
It's just a ploy to destroy the idea of what it means to be nationalistic or to even have a nation.
After this humans will have no real connection or desire to have nations.
We are living in last stages of new world order.
you need to get out more tbqh famalam
Israel needs to do it's part and open it's borders to the refugees from Africa. You could take in a ton before you ran into geographical issues. Its also too Jewish, you need to embrace multiculturalism.
The US is worse off because the government passed the 1965 immigration act under the table to fill the country with 65 IQ niggers and spics without a vote from the people.
The kike wearing the yarmulke for one. All jews are genetically bad and need to be removed from among goyim populations. I'm even considering the idea of allowing Israel to live so long as all the juden move there and don't pull any more USS Libertys or 9/11s. Will even help you expel the Pals to Jordan
1.5% yet they own most of music industry, most of movie industry, most of TV, a lot of banking, influence politics a lot....
They control the culture and politics of US easily.
CivNat is a jew co-=opt to try and keep themselves in power as the culture shifts.
CivNats may not be getting gassed now while dealing with a common enemy, but your still getting gassed.
You need to get into the shower room tbqh famalam. We've got some delousing agent ready for your greasy bad jew hair.
Of all the races, only east asians are not a net drain to white societies, and they come not to integrate but to conquer
i think its a fantastic idea.
america should open the floodgates and let all who seek lady liberty in, particularly certain """european""" citizens. on the flipside, i would suggest white americans not wishing to partake in multiculturalism or multiculturalism with MAGA hats should be able to take voluntarily repatriation in europe.
it is the best option. whitey surrenders the wealth and institutes apparently accumulated through oppression and slavery, and goes back where he came from to a significantly whiter europa.
it is exactly their low population that makes the fact that they control all of finance and media and all the banks worrying you absolute turdnugget
Israel NEEDS non-Jewish immigration if it wants to decide. No more monolithic societies for you :^)
1 billion people are on the migratory path, Israel can't avoid taking them in, it is good for you and them, have a heart
How can different races hold up the same values when they are so different?
How the hell do people still not get this? Borders have been drawn on tribal/genetic lines since the end of time
It's a bunch of people that have no ties to the British nation standing in it's halls of power.
It's everything we shouldn't accept.
Honest to god, when has that ever worked in america? Since its inception people have been playing the race card.
>All empires have been multicultural or multiethnic in nature, it is hard to think of exceptions to that.
You're having a laugh right? When empire become multiethnic, they are on their way out, as the dominant groups power gets challenged.
>Genetics don't mean shit.
Nig detected. You're having a laugh right? If you're impulsive, and your pre frontal cortex is just not as well formed, then you're going to have a shitty life. Niggers are impulsive, and rotton to the core. This is demonstrated the world over.
Civic nationlism is cancer. It's also a tool of the globalists, pic related, as they can take over civic nationalism, but not ethnic nationalism.
It has never worked and can never work. People prefer their own people, their own culture. After all, it was built specifically for them.
You have no free speech and no guns and socialist nonsense. I would rather die in a race war here than live with you commie fucks.
America was found on the idea that anyone could be free to have any culture ideas etc they desire without repurcusstion. Why is this so hard to grasp
They would say to preserve white racial purity if they were smart but it's been largely destroyed.
No it wasn't. Pretty fucking embarrassing when even i know your history better, ain't it?
No, America was founded by white people specifically for white people. The proposition nation idea did not exist until the last fifty years. It was invented by filthy kikes who want to destroy all white nations.
Wrong, it was founded on the idea that the federal government should have less power to tax and shouldn't have a state chruch. The founders still recognized niggers were too dumb to be considered people.
What about the situation when there is a primary conservative ideology supported by the white majority which minorities follow while keeping their own cultures either at homes is their containment mini-ethnostate?
Worked just fine in the Soviet Union :^)
Finland was founded on ES and alcoholism :DDDDD
This is bait right? has to be...
my argument was the damage is done and we'd need a tyrannical state. having trouble reading?
>Islam in a free and democratic society
The fuck out of here
So what?
and also that IQ varies so treating anyone other than an individual is irrational... where's your argument dumb ass?
so move or just kill yourself if you're going to cry
Why would anyone want to live in a country filled with white nationalists considering every one of them are memespouting retarded faggots? I mean imagine a country of Richard Spencers running around, it'd be even cringier than all the Kekistan faggotry.
The basis of any healthy nation is a sound biological foundation. Only from this can culture, tradition and meaningful institutions grow.
I can deal with a "tyrannical" state for a while if it means muzzie trash and niggers can be shipped right back to Africa end masse.
Its either that or be a minority, easy choice
Why all these jew threads lately?
You're the one crying, nigger
I would much prefer a "tyrannical" state that works in the interests of my people over a (((democracy))) full of people actively trying to genocide me. Democracy only works when you can trust your neighbor to have your best interests in heart. Democracy where everyone votes like we have right now probably never works even in an ethnostate, its basically soft communism. Read Plato's Republic.
The basis of the bell curve implication can be witnessed in African settlements, whites have profoundly achieved with little to no African assistance, whence included it goes to shit.
The Israel comparison is hardly valid because many of the semitic Arabs and Jews are extremely close genetically and IQ wise and their IQ on average is 25-30 points higher than nogs and that's neither accounting for the tribes from Europe.
Its disingenuous to push multiculturalism that's exclusive to Africans when your government knowingly sterilized and paid for Ethiopian Jews to leave.
You can argue hypothetical and the mere social basis but in contrast to your nations policy we're no more the supremacists and deep down you know it and just see us as a valid threat because you've been trained to hate christians.
i propose a hypothetical radical shift in western immigration policy whereby non-whites leave europe en masse and whites enter europe en masse, and you think through all of this, nonsense socialist, hate speech and human rights laws etc would somehow still remain active?