Inb4 state enforced homosexuality
Normies Normies Normies Normies
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Now I wish Lgbtqpyegsbdjdjbd
Had no rights now
>Ladies, Gentlemen, and the mentally ill
easy fix
mind the gap between reality and your discordant group psychosis
Dear humans and other bipeds.
>Inb4 state enforced homosexuality
we laugh today
just wait...
I dont even want to live on this gay earth anymore
but thank god I dont live in in London. That city is just fucked up through and through, muslim mayors, pakis, liberals, faggots, sjws, feminazis, and millions of them concentrated in the same space...
if only we could turn back time...
>ladies, gentlemen and monsters, please mind the gap
State enforced homosexuality?
Like the state makes you suck at least 3 cocks a month?
Let them have safe spaces in London, when they're all bunched up the Muslims won't have to use as many bombs
>Causually celebrating terrorism
I don't get it
If you're a tranny don't you want to be called the opposite gender? What do they want to be called and then what's the point of changing sex if not wanting to be called that
Ladies and gentlemen should still make sense for them
They'll just put a "No Herero" sign in every building right next to their "No guns" and "Safe Space" signs
>being this new
It's not unique enough. If you don't recognize just how unique these people are with their made up labels, you're raping them.
I wouldn't doubt state enforced homosexuality is coming down the pipe line.
Its the current year anything could happen.
They want open transgender rule. Everyone else is enslaved. They are hiding in plain sight, all over the place!
"It's 2017 guys, being a reproducer is soooo WW2" -Some Liberal Somewhere
hahahahahh yeah exactly
"its such a barbaric thing man why dont you just progress!"
literally less than 1% of the population
seeing more and more of things like this
we are getting closer, maybe it will start earlier than predicted?
if we could find a way...
>some silly rainbow trains and an announcement
we'd take back those words that hurt you
and you'd stay
Good. Why is this a problem?
if we could reach the stars
Wtf I love London now.
Your days are numbered, cis scum
I hate fags and especially trannies, but the most disturbing thing about this is how overt the propaganda is. The government wants you to believe faggot-fucking is normal to such an extent they put rainbow shit everywhere. I hate them.
Because they're banning a common phrase that offends .01% of the population. They're making decisions based on what an extreme, extreme minority wants.
>This goes out to all my bipeds who identify as laaaaadaaaaayyyysss!
>Increase efforts to AI replacing jobs
>Unemployment increases
>New requirement for government assistance: Suck 4 dicks a month
But they have plenty of allies. Most of the population doesn't give a shit. Only triggered Conservatives
The person who came up with this idea probably isn't LGBTQ themselves.
It is just probably another liberal idiot who thinks they know what we think and tries to speak for us instead of letting us speak for ourselves.
I'm gay myself, I was a liberal for quite a while (thanks anons for red pilling me) and I've realized that most of the gay parades are hosted by non gay people trying to say "hey we accept you" when in turn it annoys me and a ton of other people because we don't like gay propaganda being shoved down our throats all the time
Fake and gay, no source on that, and they never say "ladies and gentlemen" in the loud speaker anyway. KYS you false flagging fuck
lol the news organization who made the article was "the scoop" that's my source
Read up on the butterfly effect, you retarded immigrant nigger
They're trying to promote faggotry in a muslim city? That's going to work out well.{sarc}
>Britcucks unironically supporting this
>not respecting anthropomorphs who chose to be quadraped
we should go forward in time instead and get this race mixing shit done and over with so we can focus on other things.
>thanks anons for red pilling me
Thanks the Lord rather than a bunch of retards who do nothing else of their day exept to develop a heart condition for their 40th birthday
that being said, it's always grateful to congratulate ourself for not succumbing to international jewry.