can someone explain what is going on here? why does this border exist??
Can someone explain what is going on here? why does this border exist??
why do any borders exist
Moor containment country
probably some inside joke inbetween kikes. I don't really see the point of such a state existing other than that
are you saying portuguese are the undesirable wetbacks of spain???
moorish fucking shits
Different branches of royalties who did not unite under a single ruler. Basically a remenant of the geopolicially fragmented world of the middle ages.
Why does northern Ireland exist? Why does Kaliningrad exist? Why does Alaska exist? Why does Overseas France exist? Why is Gibraltar Britain? You're point?
Pic related
Show us your flag Pablo.
No idea other than USSR were poor fucks who needed to sell land (I think).
Just answer the question redditor.
>Why does northern Ireland exist?
it was the only part of Ireland that didn't fight back against English imperialism
>Why does Kaliningrad exist?
it was part of the Eastern Bloc that stuck around for the Russian Fed after the Soviet Union collapsed
>Why does Alaska exist?
what do you mean? it was sold by the Russians
>Why does Overseas France exist?
Because France was a sea-faring empire -- this is like asking why does Australia exist
>Why is Gibraltar Britain?
Because it was stolen from Spain in battle
>You're point?
Portugal has no reason for existing, it is a retarded border, why not just be Spain??? Why didn't the Spanish annex it despite Spain being a mightier imperial power ??
Rightful Castilian clay.
>lists examples off other odd borders and then requests your point
typical kekistani poster, condescending and retarded.
It seems you know shit about Portugal. Read a damn book for Gods sake. Were ethnically different than they rest of the spaniards, we have a different language, different culture and we're almost 500 years older than spain. Portugal (1143) spain (1489). Besides since the 11th century our people started to have a national identity.
because it's a Visigoth kingdom? Like nigga come on, this is history 101
Indeed, ethnically different. You're significantly browner than Spaniards
the fact that you have been around longer and speak a different language aren't good reasons for not being annexed -- why did the Spanish colonize the Americas??? Because they could, so why not also shitty Portugal??
>thinks less than 350 years is "almost 500"
this is why you don't deserve your own country
because of this:
Try and Wiki for starters, kiwi
Already reported.
Quite the opposite my friend. You've never seen a Portuguese in your life so you just believe in Sup Forums memes. The Portuguese are slightly whiter than the average Spaniard (except in Lisbon obviously) and unlike Spain we don't have Muslims here. They are only 0,3% of our pop.
>implying Spain had the military power to annex us
That didn't end up well for them. Google battle of aljubarrota, war if the Spanish succession, the 30 year war and the French invasions for staters.
The only time they annexed us was when their king was the successor to our crown. But we got tired and took back our independence 60 years later.
reported for what you fucking creature?? is this not political? are you upset about something?
from outside perspective it seems to me they shouldnt really be separate ya
their languages are so similar too. Portuguese just looks and sounds a bit strange
Castille was the strongest kingdom, Portugal was 2nd strongest. Due to foreign intervention from England that didn't want iberia united, Castille was not able to keep portugal when it finally did take over.
>implying they couldnt do it today
Portugal became first global empire in 16th century -- 2017 a bunch of retarded muzzie hoodlums rob their weapons stockades... how the mighty have fallen
ok i think i got my aswer
But why DOES that border exist? Is there some weird mountain range there that separates it a bit?
Please neck yourselves
>a country with 0.3% Muslim pop is a Muslim caliphate now.
So what the fuck you call to France Germany etc?
Go back to your sheep kiwi fuck.
It is simple. Castilla couldnt conquer them
We aren't going to unload the entire history in my country here in >> bc you want a quick rundown without going to wikipedia or something. It's time for >> regain some quality back. Even mods made for that.
>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
Like I said, try and Google.
You too. Go to This is a political board.
Greatest Oldest Ally
It shouldnt, its deudal politics of property, someone wanted all potugal as his property so ge seperated from spain.
>Portugal is shit, gets cucked by Muslims
>b-but what about FRANCE and GERMANY?!
this is like when Hillary would just say "BUT WHAT ABOUT KLOMPF" when confronted with her corruption and lies
seems like you don't want people drawing attention to how stupid and shitty portugal is -- why are you so mad?? why any threads on Sup Forums if people can just watch youtube videos and read wikipedia? kys pls
>why did the Spanish colonize the Americas??? Because they could, so why not also shitty Portugal??
Because Britain allied with them against the French and Spanish for a good chunk of time?
It's in case the Spanish piss us off again.
But we have literally no problems with Muslims. They are almost non existent here. Do you research.
You son of a bitch!
Why does Kekistan exist? Oh right, faggot teenagers.
Had a gf who was half Azoran Portuguese. Would try again
Drug usage zone
>muzzie hoodlums literally rob military stockade
>no problems with Muslims
>why any threads on Sup Forums
> Sup Forums
Read the rules of >>
Wrong board, man.
this ain't the board of quick rundowns and redpills. To start a discussion, you have give us some intel - that implies that you to research, kiwi. Read the rules again. Other boards:
--- /His/ people will give you quick rundowns, idiot.---
Portuguese language is just a dialect of Spanish. It's mutually intelligible for the most part
its actually the better side of Spain
the boarder exists so spaniards dont flood the nice country
also better history than spain
Wtf are you talking abou dude,post sources
Wow how do you know it was Muslims? Source. No one said it was Muslims. We're did you saw that? It was stolen by random dudes who want to attack one of those trucks full of money. That's the lastest suspicion of the cops. We don't have sufficient Muslims here to have organised moorish crime.
But you refuse to acknowledge that we have no Muslims just because Sup Forums fucked up your brain and you see no reality past it.
Not for their part. We understand most of Spanish but they can understand one word of what we say. You're mistaking Spanish for Galician.
>stupid x/y border
>why doesn't x just annex y??
>not political??????
>/bant/ is a superfluous board characterized as international Sup Forums
>completely pointless considering Sup Forums is international Sup Forums
>not even a Sup Forums-tier thread
>/his/ discusses history, question concerns present
>thread hasn't been deleted even though you allegedly reported it like 30 minutes ago
>mods clearly disagree with your stupid opinion, realize you are just assmad moorish trash
okay thanks Sup Forums police
>i-it was just teenagers user, just t-teenagers
Post sources retard. Nobody talked about Muslims here.
>stupid x/y border
>why doesn't x just annex y??
or wikipedia
>>/his/ discusses history, question concerns present
The border hasn't changed in the last 100 years
You're just shitposting now.
>thinks common thieves have the ability and balls to rob a military stockade
>obvious coordinated effort of Islamic State
wew lad
t. Larry "Pixy" Foulke
>mods still haven't deleted thread
>clearly think you are just a whinging faggot
>still rambles on and on about muh /his/ and muh wiki
give it a rest nando
But Larry knew borders were needed in the end because of a lack of trust in each other.
How could it have been Muslims if there are literally zero Muslims near that military base. Neither the army, nor the police nor any TV or newspaper know who did it neither they tried to guess. So please tell me where the fuck you heard/read it was an Isis job. If you don't post source GTFO because I'm not wasting my time with some kiwi larper who has literally no other argument other than it was Muslims but posts no source just because Sup Forums made up a meme that the Iberian peninsula has Muslims.
>thieves have to live in the same neighbourhood as the places they rob
>obvious carefully planned and coordinated robbery
>for high grade military weapons
>not muslims, just local crooks
I've literally gave info in /pp/ whose only topic was about the robbery but none of my countryman gave a shiet. It's a proof that this board - it is decaying rapidly.
Why do you need to make a thread about this?
Fucking Google it
Fucking Strayans
>mercenaries suspected
if this thread is so off-topic why are you still here??
>upset about thread
>post in it anyway
It says in the pic in was some European mafias. Can you read?
>We are following the trail of mercenaries who will have been contacted by an INTERNATIONAL CRIME ORGANIZATION that ORDERED THE MATERIAL
>hmmmmmm almost like IS or something hmmm
can you read?
to clarify, the article says they HAVE CONTACTS with European mafias, not that it was surely European mafias that hired them
it also says they have contacts with NORTH AFRICAN MILITIAS (hmm maybe like IS in Libya??????????????)
kill yourself.
You are retarded aren't you?
t. (You)
literally in the same sentence it says militias from North Africa i.e. islamic terrorists
very nice selective reading nando, now kys
oh fuck off you still have cavemen
Ah ok just saw that your right about it. Don't deny Isis might have a hand there but the crime wasn't committed by Muslims which it was what you were saying back there. It was Portuguese ex soldiers that stole some army depot. Not Muslims. Now wether they sold the shit to Isis that's another question.
Believe me our genes are much cleaner than yours
Literally the opposite, you seem pretty dumb
>Hurrrr swedish sound like duh germun
>Theirrr all blond toee
>people hired by Muslims to carry out robbery of military grade weapons
>lol checkmate faggot it wasnt muslims they were just hired by muslims we dont have a muslim problem they just steal from us by proxy
all these mental gymnastics must keep you in great shape
Retard read your old posts. You said we were a moorish country. I said we weren't and you said lol yes you are. Look at the Muslim crimes committed there. Lol source? Ah look at this guys who stole shot form the Army. Ok show source. LOL IT WAS MUSLIMS some dude posted a pic. It was the Portuguese A team. But lol they are working for Isis.
And??? It doens prove your point. Muslims people don't commit crimes here because they are almost non existent. Isis had to pay some PORTUGUESE dudes to steal shit for them.
They could have done it literally elsewhere. Even in Poland god dammit.
Just because some muzzies paid some mercs to steal shit from us it doesn't mean we're a caliphate.
Thats basically not true, portuguese is a very easy language to read since it looks and sounds as a much shorter spanish.
>Were ethnically different than they rest of the spaniards
Makes sense, since Spain is white but Portugal isn't.
People from all over the world learn spanish, they can't learn portuguese though, the language is too complex, not even we speak it that correctly most of the time
The writing is kinda similar but when spoken is completely different.
>says the 3% african 8% mexican "white guy"
and actually we're both distinct caucasoid ethnic groups, spanish are considerably darker though, beautiful women in both countries anyways :^)
its the opposite lol.
i am 23 years old. I never saw a muslim.
>Moors ruled Iberian peninsula for hundreds of years
>thinks there is no Moorish blood in him
wew lad do I have some bad news for you
>show source show source show source
well they havent caught the culprit so there is no source but given the fact that these mercenaries have ties to islamic extremists and given the geopolitical climate for the last several years I am only putting 2 and 2 together -- you seem to be in denial my friend
you have no idea.
>never played Europa Universalis
>rightfully gets called out for being a filthy Moor
>le 56% XDDDDD
Unfortunately for you my brown friend, I happen to be one of those 56% :^) Stay mad, though.
Your white people are hispanic mestizos, my people are a unique ethnic group, cry some more, tribeless degenerate
Stop being tsundere to us and just fucking join us again.
We kick the catalonians out to make space.
t. I'm 1/4 portuguese
Because of the motherfucking historical war between France and England. Portuguese allied with anglos because of the dominance over the Atlantic sea, and France with us in order to counter it and also obvious geographical reasons. Those fuckers defended only their interests and divided our beautiful iberian penninsula. Portuguese are independent gallegos from Galicia and lusitania (Portugal= Galicia's harbor) and if it weren't for anglos and french we would still be holding the empire. So bad we were blind back then and had a nonsense fight between brothers, sons of la tierra de conejos y conquistadores.
Hey I'm from alentejo I love spain, you guys are darker though, not saying you're not white, that would be retarded
I would say that on the side of, France, England, Germany Italy and probably Spain.......
... Portugal is the most glorious country that ever existed in Europe.
Celtic misticism foundation, Reconquista, epic battles and victories, huge empire with a small population, much smaller than all other european colonial countries, some sense of style and intelligence, xx century traditionalist-fasci way.
>North African admixture in only a few port TOWNS which makes the overall mean average higher.
>Literally no trace to the Moors outside of a few spots
> Older ethnic Iberian group than Spain
> One of the oldest Ancestral European ethnicities
> Barely any Muslim population, hates Islam
>Shit Tier Moors??
so we can build walls on them and kick spics across them
Well shit a burger knows a few things about portugal, that's pretty cool
Why are you people so obsessed with this Iberia bullshit? It's a pipe dream. Get over it.
Nah, granma is same color.
Degenerates are tanned as fuck tho. Not me.
Iberian union fucking
I'm half Portuguese. Green eyes, dark auburn hair to. Total Nigger status to Sup Forums