What do you think of this? Do you support it? Also, what's your general view of the homeless?

What do you think of this? Do you support it? Also, what's your general view of the homeless?

It's not okay. Taking away space to sleep on won't solve the problem, but shift it to someone else.

These spikes are useless. Just cover them with plywood

I don't know about you, but the homeless normally don't carry a piece of plywood as large as themselves with them.

It's not for homeless. It's for loitering nogs you fucking idiots.

Fantastic. Homeless are homeless for a reason: they have failed the social contract and nobody wants them. They should be allowed to die if they continue with their failures.

I don't like it it will just shift the problem. Hitler was right. Homeless need to be cremated to end homelessness for ever.

fuck the homeless

The homeless should be eliminated

I wish that they were in the ground and would shoot out once someone was laying down on them.