The Midwest is one of the whitest areas of The United States, home to a rich culture, bustling industry, and the bread basket of the world. Our goal is to
> form a movement with the end goal being the American Midwest becoming a separate entity as an ethnic home for whites.
> create content to further promote our message
> organize and promote our movement within our communities.
> securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Midwestern Alliance Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Ohio reporting in
Where my Hoosier bros at?
812 checking in
OH/WV/PA TRI-STATE reporting in.
What do we do about the heroine, opiods abuse, suboxone clincs & elderly population?
Bring back manufacturing jobs to the rust belt.
Fuck coasties
Maybe. 1000 positions just opened up at a nearby steel mill, but doubt in their reliability of staying open is a general state of mind here
Oops, meant to reply to you
We'll have to ban sweatshop made products in China and other third world countries.
Novo Jugoslavija?
right here bro, glad you like my flag
Also if anyone is interested we have a site we just started up. in the beginning phase but good stuff coming soon.
Nice keep up the good work
I disagree. Sweatshop products are incredibly cheap which is why we import them. It allows the average quality of life to go up without tiring people's income to increase equivalently. Same reason normies can afford a 70" TV now.
I like it.
Michigan reporting in
The sweatshops have done nothing but empower globalism.
thanks, keep posted, well have ways to start/join your own local group soon plus lots of content on the way.
Not going to argue about economics right now. You should hit up some of the econ books on the Pol reading list though.
>(((econ books)))
Literally every educational book or textbooks are written by Jews
see heres the thing, the economics, the politics, the arguing, it can all be hashed out once we have a homeland. for now we need to be peoples united in the goal of securing our existence.
Hi nigger.
630 reporting
That's why I said I didn't want to argue it right now. Eventually though a solid economy is crucial.
like the slight edit there. honestly been thinking about making making fashy versions of the state flags. heres the one I did for IN
Reminder that America is Anglo clay
Michigander here, we need backup before we can enter this alliance Detroit, Flint, and Saginaw just pure garbage people.
What will the capital of this nation be?
I see the fundamental problem with blacks within our region is gibs. when we take power I honestly dont see getting rid of them to be that big of a struggle. we just take away all benefits and they will self deport.
Revamped Chicago
Indianapolis has been floated around a lot. and I have to say Im biased towards it. However I see the building of a new capital in a central location to be the best idea.
That's really nice. Seeing that made me want to make one.
looks good man
I hope you all realize how absurd you are.
Sort of related to this.
Do you wish for the balkanisation of all of the US or do you just care about your own independence. I think it would be a lot easier to secede if there were other places In the us doing the same thing. Maybe you could partner with Dixie general
This thread gets made here like four times a day now. It's always the same lack of content
>Hoosier reporting in!
>UP is Wisconsin clay!
>Ohio is/is not Midwestern
>if I spam this Dutch flag with a Reichsadler that no one else likes enough will you all like it?
Seriously, what's your goal?
Fuck off and go suck based black guys cock
It's worth noting that or only ocean access is through the great lakes and the St Lawrence seaway.
We'd need to seize the waterway.
we want the US to break up.We see problems with the southern nationalist rout and the practicality of forming a white state there. however would love for a new dixie to form and to be allied with.
While we focus on forming our state within the Midwest we would prefer our borders to expand outside of it., Pennsylvanian and parts of the west coast are promising. we focus in on this plot of land however to avoid the overwhelming goal many WN have of forming the entirety of the United States into an ethnic state. we think the midwest has the best to offer withing the US and want to promote activism within the region, and among whites with the similar goal.
post a better flag faggot
The problem is you guys need to be united by more than just race. Most of us in Dixie share common ideals, symbols, heroes, and such but also have differences like the cajun influence of Louisiana. We also have friendly competitive banter like which BBQ is the best. Dixie has a bond forged from the blood of the battlefield but also in common goals. We get that every state in Dixie is different and unique but we also get the need for unity against our common enemies. I'm not dissing the idea of Midwest secession, just I think the Midwest has more they need to iron out before they're at the level places like Dixie, New England, Texas, and the Mormons are at.
thats fair and what were trying to do in this movement. most Midwesterners dont realize our connection and heritage. theyve lost most of their culture since immigrating to america. we want to rebuild that.
Detroit after it's been resurrected from it's near death status.
Also we're reforming the Iron Brigade.
Pittsburgh PA reporting for duty
>bread basket of the world
You mean California, the only thing that's made in flyoverstan is corn syrup and "cheese" products.
And a hell of a lot of industry.
Flyover states are still majority white, while California is the next Mexico.
>tfw you forgot how Wheat, corn, beef, soybeans, and oats work.
>California is the breadbasket of the world
You mean laughingstock?
In a perfect world, public hanging of any and all drug dealers
Des moines, the capital of Iowa. Its a great central location
Minnesota just needs a good white powerwashing.
No, we're not copying that failed state.
I understand what you're saying but I think having a nation produce it's own goods and not rely on the cheap labor of foreign states is more important than being able to afford a 70" TV.
I see the drug problem as a side effect of whites feeling they have not future. they want to escape the reality that they live in and forget. striving to create a better future and giving purpose back to those who have lost it is a big step. in our final state there will be stick consciousness for drug use and the selling and making of drugs. this will be a deterrent to keep people away from the substances.
Texas reporting in
There's nothing wrong with trading with another nation, as long as your nation gets the better deal. However, the fundamental safety net of autarky is by far worth the tradeoffs in profit.
Hooiser checking in
nice to see people on Sup Forums finally taking the extra step beyond worhtless shitposting.
Little Ohio mock up I made
like this idea
thank you sir. only takes a small group to make big change. I know no movement will make everyone happy but someone has to finally start something.
Very cool. Michigan checking in.
thanks! remember to check out our site, more content and information on how to organize will be coming soon.
why wouldn't you guys add Washington,Ohio,Wyoming and other states close to the Canada border too? From what I see its also pretty white and a cold climate where the white race was mean't to be.
looks nice but too much of a EU vibe
Illinoisan reporting in. Currently living in coontown 2 hours outside of Chicago. Would welcome Midwestern Death Squads marching through the streets. In fact, I'd sign up.
Like ive said elsewhere in the thread, this is about focusing in on one region. the more you add the bigger the goal is. obviously people from those areas are welcome to join us but we want to focus in on a smaller region than the whole US.
this is what Indianas flag looks like now
If youre interested in joining send us an email on our contact page, or dm me on twitter. well have more information on forming local groups soon.
didn't know
We also need to replace GMO corn with organic corn.
That corn's not made for humans, it's made to feed livestock...
What are you planning to do once your mediocrity and hypocritical laziness is no longer subsidized by California and New York?
Feeding livestock with GMOs is still bad.
what's your twitter? would be happy to send in a DM.