How fast would White Men get their shit together if we banned Anime and Japanese culture?
How fast would White Men get their shit together if we banned Anime and Japanese culture?
Never. You're treating a symptom, not the cause.
I feel like school shootings would decrease.
Other than that, nothing would change.
Anime and waifuism is just a symptom of having a gynocentric society where the man takes all the risk in relationships. Don't expect anything to be fixed until alimony, child support, "no fault" divorce, false rape accusations, and bias family court judges are a thing in the past. Even then, a lot needs to change.
>leaving the barrel band on
fucking pleb
kys kike
they would just switch to ponies which are higher form of degeneracy
Symptoms eventually become causes given enough time. E.g rap music and gang violence.
This is site created exactly for that summer
I think you have the causality backwards here, faggot.
>getting unironically killed by a 22
Sure, like dogs become Gods given enough time. Spare me the weed-triggered "deep thoughts," gang violence is caused by progressive "social justice," and always has been. Just because the progressives pretend that there MUST be some other cause, doesn't mean there is.
see how mad the anime-watching neckbeard gets when you threaten his anime. If only he could project that anger towards the negroids fucking his women.
Instead he will say "white women are sluts" and go create a fucked up hapa child with some gook.
>see how mad the __________ fan gets when you threaten his ________.
Show us photo of yourself
Says the fag posting on a Chinese chalkboard club. Please give me that delicious (You).
we would ban together to overturn the ban then go back to fapping.
If (((they))) tried to ban anime, I would start an armed uprising.
why does the niggers in summer who flock to le edgy amine forum always try and remove anime?
we will never know
Majority would seek out other alternatives, the online community could guarantee a western-style "Anime" if you would. The solution isn't banning Anime, Manga, and Japanese culture, the solution is the culture that harms men. Feminism and so forth has harmed men and made them seek these alternatives because they provide the solution to unnecessary and obscene work necessary to succeed. Change the culture to encourage young men to strive for success and to seek wives, and for the women to not be bitches to these men, then the problem will be resolved.
>implying that banning one of the few escapes for the demonized white man would somehow fix everything
haha le good memed muh fämälämäzöid
Animu is the effect, not the cause. Fix western civilisation and it will disappear forever.
Re:Zero was a mistake.
(both of these girls are boys.)
If I didn't have anime I'd probably spend my free time beta orbiting some basic bitches and get blue pilled hard.
At least now I join in your meme wars because you faggots are based.
>see how mad the anime-watching neckbeard gets when you threaten his anime.
Imagine if Sup Forums had their anime threatened the same way Sup Forums had their anime threatened? It would be GG times 10.
>If only he could project that anger towards the negroids fucking his women.
They're not my women and have never been and will never be.
>Instead he will say "white women are sluts" and go create a fucked up hapa child with some gook.
kek no I won't.
Anime is the only form of degeneracy that should be permitted
emilia is my wife and also the best character in all of anime the last two years if you discard izumi sagiri
ferris a cute
not a mistake
I think he's saying that if you banned Chinese Cartoons, the only thing huwhite men would have left would be Paramilitarism.
only a tiny % of childless white men are weebs. almost nobody over the age of 25 is. you need to get off Sup Forums m8
amine forum
cardiac arrest yourself
Nice |>ubs.
I like that explanation of Japan's soft power. Thank you.
Also, does anyone know about this NatSoc comic? (Bottom Right)
name please
Fuck you niggers will never take away my waifu
It is my reason to live
>he doesn't know about anime girls shooting up the school
it's all the rage in japan, lately.
goes to show what a shithole the country is becoming thanks to western values (i.e. guns).
paramilitarism wouldn't fix anything either
it'd either quickly be stamped out or further push the demonization of white men since the guys who'd be doing all the paramilitary work and killing would be white
Almost instantly
>carnage everywhere
They would kill themselves. The weebs are a lost cause and should be gassed alongside the kikes.
Anime is a state of mind
So are Guns
You can take the anime out of a man's hand, but you can't take anime out of a man's heart
As far as guns go, I'd rather not infringe
dunno, ask reddit. this is an anime website. you don't belong here.
If the Jewish Question were ever expressed in anime form, the whole world would be radicalized against jewry within months.
Do you have an entire folder of these? if so please dump, the last two got me pretty hard
Dump what?
meant to respond to and
Artist erikku
There would be a lot more mass shootings if white people lost they anime.
I got tons pal. I can just upload them somewhere as not to derail the thread.
Do you have a preference for bladed weapons, blunt weapons, or guns?
No mass shootings, it would be war. Even those that don't care about anime would fight since it's a clear violation of the 1st amendment.
The story of Hitler would make a great anime desu
So many good characters
Mass suicide.
its all good I'm not picky
>no guitar
not at all. Why do you honestly think normies are plagued by anime?
it will be replaced by nigger culture
prove me wrong you 66% burger
>Costco mixed nuts containers repurposed as ammunition storage
>Going on a shooting.
>Still shows up in her uniform.
At least she's punctual.
Anime is literally the one single thing keeping me alive. Without anime, I'd probably have killed myself long ago. I need to look at cute anime girls to unwind and rid myself of the stress from working long shifts.
>not even using over 10 round mags, or even those cucked mags attached to each other for higher capacity
>muzzle flash
>expulsion half-open
>casing already halfway to california
god fucking damnit japan
Asians in general are just rice eating jews. They think they're the superior race, they try to dissolve white culture with their (honestly highly popular and invasive) alien culture. The only difference is that asians are straight forward and aren't as liberal/pc. Asian culture is surprisingly appealing to the youth, Asians aren't "based" they're just the jews on the other side of the coin.
Is this what you want?
The Japanese are very big on professionalism.
Nah. Get them jobs and trade courses instead.
Some hookers would be appreciated as well.
Bad anime should be banned, basically anything having to do with little girls, tits and ass in a serious setting and over the top character design.
>bad anime
>cute girls
but that's what a good anime is.
I bet she bowed to everyone afterwards and apologized for making such a ruckus and mess, before committing an honorable suicide.
>no anime on a anime website
Go back to blebbit kike
fuck you faggot
back 2 reddit you go
White women fuck dogs, No way id partner with one
if my girl told me she fucked dogs/horses in the past i'd probably stay with her but if she told me she fucked a nigger i would drop her without hesitation
>Sup Forums
There a Jew in the room that no one is acknowledging. Realistically, who would ban anime? Who has the political will and resources to organize an anime ban? Or worse, rather than banning it, who would inject their political ideology into anime such that it becomes unwatchable? Who would do such a thing?
>Look at these evil right wingers who want to take away your anime, goy. They're a threat to your interests.
And all of a sudden the leftist threat to anime gets swept under the rug. Well played, kikes.
briefly for a moment in order to get our anime back.
Anime culture has only been a thing in popular culture for not even 10 years in the west. Western culture has been going downhill for at least 50 years now. So no, this is not anime's fault.
Don't forget video games. Video games are a bigger problem than anime
I miss pre k on anime
stop you're embarrassing yourself
Video games are a bigger issue, but sure, let's focus on a niche hobby that's barely relevant outside of Sup Forums.
Why do newfags pretend K-On birthed moe anime?
thanks, I found the pixiv page.
3 days
They're a symptom, not the cause. Even if you nuke Sup Forums crap, you'd still have Sup Forums crap, and Sup Forums crap, and Sup Forums crap, and /tg/ crap. Young men are turning away from society because decades of partially malicious and partially ignorant social engineering has reached the point where men gain absolutely nothing by playing the game and engaging with society.
Anime means fuck-all relative to no fault divorce, third wave feminist ideas on dating, and the current labor situation
You're an idiot. You might have had a point if you talked about black, urban culture as a whole, but it's still putting the cart before the horse. The real issues are the lack of intact families (and therefore father figures) and poverty.
>goes to show what a shithole the country is becoming thanks to western values (i.e. guns).
It's the bullying. Japan puts out excellent escapist media because actually living in Japan sucks. Their high schools are hard as hell, they have ridiculous problems with bullying, and then you graduate and work long hours and get socially obligated to hang out with your boss after hours.
Weebs would just create an anime black market to satisfy their pedophilic needs.
The framework basically already exists with the tricks surrounding importation and free manga sites.
>guns r badd lmao
Kill yourself yuropoor.
loli rape doujins are only banned in Canada, the fuck are you talking about?
Ban those and video games as a whole tbqh
ya'll know you are on an anime/JP culture website?
Right, but don't ban TV or films either even though they serve just as much to escapism as the other two.
Anime and japanese culture is turning the freaking white men straight!