George Soros DENOUNCED by Israel

>In no way was the statement (by the ambassador) meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments. Soros funded organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.

What are those Jews up to Sup Forums? None of you listened when I said Zionists and globalists were at each others throats, but here's the proof.

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all of the can fuck off

wtf i love george soros now

but you're warming to israel, right?

b-but le jews? b-based palestinians? umm... err... I KNOW! They're just playing both sides! That's it!

Hes just a fall guy

like an oven

congrats on your vote!

There is no place for a jewish state in a globalized multicultural world. The jews are being eaten and destroyed by the monsters they created.

Everyone knows Zionist / capitalist Jews and socialist / globalizt Jews hate each other