A New Power is Rising

>Sam Hyde Rallies Behind The Fuhrer, The Legend, /OurGuy/ Pewdiepie:

Does this mean what I think it means?

Other urls found in this thread:


18:40 is where the magic happens

A new low for Sam Hyde

Jesus christ Sam shave the pubes, you can't comb over a beard you cretin

damn sam really has a hate on for bioshock

Butthurt hebrew detected

I sincerely hope pewdiepie sees what Sam had to say. Maybe we should bring it to his attention if he hasn't seen it.

only one who is funny is sam. the rest is cringe.

Yeah do this

Sam is already growing old and unfashionable as an e-celeb
He used to be remotely funny in 2011/2012 but now he has to rally more succesful youtubers to keep a following of edgy autistic teenagers

I would never expect sam hyde to do that tho, it's h3h3 tier
pretty sad

dw pdp will see the video

he's a fan of hyde

don't sperg out

Yeah nobody gives a fuck about the others.

If only there were some public anonymous japanese imageboard that Pewdiepie browsed everyday...

>comparing Sam Hyde to h3h3


>now he has to rally more succesful youtubers
No mate. He's just sending a message to him.
I wasn't gonna be like YO PEWDS HELP SAM GAS THE KIKES I was just gonna ask him if he's seen the video, that would suffice. Also, this video isn't on Sam's channels, it's some other guy that Sam did the video with, pewdiepie might not find it even if he does like Sam.

>卐Sam Hyde卐

>i want to put them into gas chambers

He is going all out!

He is a fan of BG kumbi not shitty overweight washed up losers like sam.

Sam Hyde is a comedian, not a racist nazi you absolute sperg
He used to be an artsy art student, currently leeches of society god knows how, never did anything remotely meaningful in his entire life
He is everything he claims he despise
grow up, Sam Hyde is a persona

hehe yea sam hyde is so lame now, we as a whole of Sup Forums all hate him now he's so old and dumb now we really dislike him!!! if you disagree you are dumb just like samuel hyde!!!

>Sam Hyde is a comedian, not a racist nazi you absolute sperg
you clueless fucking idiot

is weev our guy or a mossad agent?

Who did BG Kumbi feature in his video??

Always good to hear from Sam. The other ones in the video needs to kill themselves

Didn't this fag fuck a tranny ?

He's a bit of a degenerate, but he's totally /ourguy/, he hacked thousands of random printers to print out this letter last year.

That is borderline retarded. Definitely a mossad agent.

>Mossad agents getting arrested and doing time in US prisons
Doesn't happen.

>And so began the smear tactics based off nothing but reddit shitposts...
Watch that mouth of yours boy, youre insulting the king himself

lol, he launched the rumor that he fucked a tranny himself.

>nazi salute
I believe you're the clueless idiot

>FBI informants don't get fake prison story backstops
Oy vey the goyim are waking up

Both Weev and Hyde both have suspiciously (((kosher))) facial hair


who the fuck knows as long as its funny

>Intentionally exposing children to propaganda
You sickos are no better than the people you constantly whine about.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, shekelnigger.