>Sam Hyde Rallies Behind The Fuhrer, The Legend, /OurGuy/ Pewdiepie:
Does this mean what I think it means?
>Sam Hyde Rallies Behind The Fuhrer, The Legend, /OurGuy/ Pewdiepie:
Does this mean what I think it means?
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18:40 is where the magic happens
A new low for Sam Hyde
Jesus christ Sam shave the pubes, you can't comb over a beard you cretin
damn sam really has a hate on for bioshock
Butthurt hebrew detected
I sincerely hope pewdiepie sees what Sam had to say. Maybe we should bring it to his attention if he hasn't seen it.
only one who is funny is sam. the rest is cringe.
Yeah do this
Sam is already growing old and unfashionable as an e-celeb
He used to be remotely funny in 2011/2012 but now he has to rally more succesful youtubers to keep a following of edgy autistic teenagers
I would never expect sam hyde to do that tho, it's h3h3 tier
pretty sad