LONDON - AMA and Stories from the Capital of England

By popular request, this is an expose thread on London. I've lived in the city for about 20 years, in several different boroughs, went to primary, secondary, and college in london, and I have so. many. fucking. stories.

In general, ask me anything or I will bump every 15 minutes or so with a story or fact.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you so intent on erasing your own history and culture

Bumping for stories.

London is fucked. It's one of the most dangerous places in the UK as a whole, and certain areas of it crystallise this, with one fatal stabbing every two weeks, acid attacks becoming more and more common, and murder in general at a significant high in the UK.

Of the last three terrorist attacks in the UK, two have occurred in London.

Petty crime is so rampant as to be unpoliceable. It's literally impossible for the Met police to chase down even half of the active criminals in the city, and now, plans are to close half of the police stations in the city. Source;

What's your view on Barnet? I was thinking of moving to the borough.

What's Fulham like? I'm considering moving there

What are the no-go areas if you're white?

Best and worst tube lines?

When exactly did bongs become embarrassments to freedom and complete slaves to the state?

Where would you like to move to in the UK besides London?

Thoughts on Sadiq Khan?

Why are there council estates in every single neighbourhood?

We swallowed the inclusivity, diversity line harder than any other western european nation other than France and maybe Sweden.

Unlike those countries, we also got started early. Starting with the CUKC bill from parliament (no really it's called KEK, look it up) we let in immigrants from our old empire's colonies, meaning blacks, west indians, more blacks... et cetera. This has been going on since the 50s at least. So the immigrant communities are entrenched and multiplying hard at this point. Entire areas of london and indeed the UK are multicult hell on the level of south africa.

I trashed a nigger with a ladder when I was 15, but I told that one in the last thread.

Another one.

>Black runs up to me literally as I close my door to go to the shops for a pint of milk
>gimme all ur money blud, gimme ur phone
>i'm like 16 at this point, kinda beta
>I say nothing autistically, but open my door again
>we keep a gardending hatchet by the front in case of home intrusion
>pick up the hatchet and run out screaming slurs
>he runs down the street and I tell him to bring friends next time

Shithole. Has a few nice bits (populated by rich foreigners), but not worth it overall. Whole of greater london is shit except the ultra rich bits. Stay away. Plus, if you get a job somewhere other than Barnet, you'll need to travel in or out, so have fun with the fucking terrible road and transport system.

Total fucking shithole. At least there's some whites there, and some of them are OK people. But some parts are jamaican as fuck, and those fuckers form street crime rings, which the white kids are press ganged into joining and becoming wiggers, or they will get fucked up, and their shit stolen, if the snitch they get fucked up even more at school because the schools cant control the rampaging nigs and muzzies.

1918 or so when the good men were almost all dead

Northumbria, Cumbria, Southwest near the coast, Hampshire somehwere, some parts of Wales, or Northern Ireland (in a rural bit) basically, somewhere with few people, lots of natural beauty, tons of whites. I am fucking DONE with cities once I get enough money to move the fuck out of here. They are ALL infested with subhuman wiggers, niggers and muslims, in varying amounts. London worst of all, Birmingham second, Bradford and Manchester third.

I would say Kent, but it's too close to London, its going to get enriched soon.

continued in next post, sadiq. I have met him.

But Barnet/Finchley has low knife crime doesn't it? That would be a bonus surely?

Collapse > martial law > open transgender rule

What were primary and secondary school like for you?

I'm curious about growing up in London as I know plenty of people who have moved there after graduating but very few who grew up there

Low knife crime yes (bin that knife) but that doesn't account for muggings, attacks with improvised weapons, bare fist assaults... don't let one statistic fool you, the violence is everywhere and rampant.

It's not as bad as some parts of london sure (stratford, peckham, edgeware road, kilburn) but it's getting there. PLUS, you got to think of the future. White flight is very real and more and more pakis and banglos are coming.

What ethic chicks you banged? Details plz

>"Ladies and gentlemen" banned in Tube tannoy announcements

I've seen this shit, it's fucking ridiculous. They're wiping out the historic appearance and announcements of the Tube for tranny and gay shite. Watch tourism plummet; loads of friendly japs, chinks, other asians and euros come here to see the old london, and the old london is dying.

Are londoners aware that the rest of the country literally gives no shits about London, and that most of us actually celebrate when a couple of you are killed?

Also, how many niggers have pounded your female family members by now - what are their names, youngest to oldest?

Ok you convinced me. I'm turning my sights to more rural areas.

Do you know about any cool urban myths about London?

Where I live, for example, it is said that sometimes you can hear heavy machinery under one of the main streets that lead to the heart of the city. Some people say it is a secret underground military bunker. Does London have any interesting myth?

Fucked an arab chick, she was from lebanon, grew up when it was a muslim warzone, came here because her parents were christian or whatever. I fucked and chucked her, used a condom, regretted it anyway, it wasn't really worth it. She was fucking crazy, probably from growing up in a warzone.

Fuckin hell mate, let me write that shit up. It's going to take two posts at least to detail my schooling. In one word: shit.

Captcha AKBAR ECCETTO, google knows whassup

Is it true that London is overrun with Muslims? I went there back in 2011 and I like the aesthetics of the place.

I can field this for you. Not just muslims...Both Arab and Paki, but Russians and Nips that have no interest in living in a post communist society. They're literally tanking the UK economy single handedly.

Check my other post up above for nice places to move. Trust me I've looked this shit up a lot.

Back to Sadiq. He is a manlet, so that's strike one. He has a horrible attitude, at the community meeting I was at he refused several questions, couldn't answer questions, hated journalists, couldn't account for future plans... he's incompetant. Also, he's closing half of london's police stations. Nothing suspicious about that eh?

By the way, Sadiq Khan was Louis Farrakhan's lawyer for a while. Look up Louis Farrakhan, he's the leader of the Nation of Islam. Sadiq is an islamist agent.

He is also a slippery little cunt, he often tries to blame shit on third parties, like TFL, who he's always in a row with.

>let me write that shit up
I'm listening, user. Please do

Please don't. Those of us in the south west dearly want the rest of you to fuck off.

I only have one sister and she likes the big nordic dick, lol, she lives in the north of sweden somewhere. We don't get on.

Yes, it's fucked. Every ethnic group on earth except for White British is carving up london like a bloody christmas cake.

Wait 'bin that knife' actually worked? How?

Eight million people live in this city you stupid cunt, you're not fucking special just for living in London.

This may not have anything to do with the current discussion, but though i'd post anyway. I live in another European country, one that has seen alot of immigration, as England has. The so-called "refugees" come here, disrespect the rules and people here, have 6 kids, dress them all in nike and adidas shit, then want everyone's pity and forgiveness because they came from a slightly poorer part of the world, and if anyone calls them out on anything i just mentioned, then it's obviously racism and fascism and discrimination. I speak from experience. Is it totally different in the UK or...?

Really want to hear OP's thoughts but im a newfag and dunno how to quote xd.

the escalator of brainwashing
this looks fucking creepy

This, wait 5-10 years and white british will be priced and driven out of london entirely.

There are closed tube lines that can be explored but theyre all locked away. Some urban myths state serial killers and heroin gangs operate down there.

Shame, I would've liked to visit again.

>with one fatal stabbing every two weeks

shieet niggar America is like Mad Max compared to England

Contribute or fuck off, I never claimed to be special, just want to make pol anons aware of what goes on here.

So even in primary school, the races were a fucking colour palette. My group of white 6 year olds would play creative games in the forested area of the playground, or play stuff like tag, catch, british bulldog, shit like that. We would sometimes have an ethnic wander over to play with us if they fell out with the other ethnics, and we would always treat them as we wanted to be treated. But the ethnics would not do the same. Unless you were already a wigger at age 6-10, they didn't want shit to do with you, they played only football and constantly argued and fought. They also banded together in a very surprising way, blacks and arabs formed a sort of alliance. More on that later as its happening in adult criminals and gangs now, has been since 2000 actually.

I went to primary school in Lewisham and it was like 90% non white and all the ethnic groups mixed and there wasn't much segregation. Stop peddling bullshit racebaitey lies.

I have a unique perspective, as I grew up in Krefeld, but am British. I would say the MAJOR difference is that the UK has made more of an effort to accommodate while neglecting to attempt to integrate; Germany, ironically has been happy to put Kurds in particular in abandoned camps and let them do as they will. I would say that there was more of a status quo that everyone ignored and accepted in Germany, right up until Merkel fucked over Europe in its entirety by opening the floodgates.

In the UK, there is no integration - poles, niggers, mudslimes, pakies...They all have their own communities, don't engage with anyone white, all teh while the UK government has been complicit in allowing them in many cases to get away with murder, and legislated any proportionate response against these people into an actual crime.

I once met a guy who grew up in a rough part of London and he said his school was more or less entirely segregated by race. Teachers seemed to enforce it too.

did you see me when I was in London a couple of years ago ?

The amount of petty crime makes up for it though. Yeah you americans are fucked I don't even know what chicago and detroit are supposed to be anymore, theyre like something out of an apocalypse movie

Solidarity bro. We experience all the same shit, but most of the white londoners are ultra cucks. There are some good old cockneys left, but theyre rapidly being forced out by pricing and living space and jobs.

Continuing. We were taught like absolute shit. our schooling was EU mandated shite. We visited gurdwaras, mosque, and synagogue but not church. Gurdwara was actually the nicest and most open of those, the sikhs gave kids food and let us sleep in their sanctuary.

The hard subject teaching was terrible. How it worked was you got put into a 'band' which is like a class, but they're also divided up so the ethnicities in each work out as wholly mixed. More coming.

Large chunks of Fulham are no go zones, stay away from North End Road.

Where ever you go, there you are
>same in Australia

What about Barons Court area? Incidentally I have walked down North End Road and felt a bit uneasy about it. Why does London seem to have council estates planted in every neighbourhood?

What the fuck am I reading? Are you even from London?

Fulham is posh as fuck, lad. Are you talking about somewhere else in that borough?

I get the feeling this is just some sort of ruse.

Probably fucked your sister mate, my last gf was norwegian and there's only about 300 of you eh

Good for you, but that's not what I experienced, or this guy
Not really. I don't know the stats but it's still violent as fuck maybe just with less knives. Moped criminals are now attacking people with hammers, household acids, and other improvised shit anyway.

As for 'bin that knife,' the London bridge attackers made makeshift swords by getting huge ceramic kitchen knives and wrapping improvised handles onto them. So much for binning it, they made really good weapons out of them for fucks sake. The problem isnt knives its fucking niggers of various shades

I went to secondary school in kilburn, it was a combined boarding and non boarding school. 90% not white. Got bullied hard there, the tough kids would make the weak kids fight each other for status, they would make a ring, push you back or kick you in if you tried to leave, you had to put the other guy on the floor before you could both get up.

One night at that school the boarding area was raided by black men in masks, they woke up the kids by slapping knives on their faces, walked them all around the area to every cashpoint taking out the max from their debit cards, took all their technology and shit, basically ruined their lives and gave them PTSD. The security was that fucking shit and there was no CCTV to get glimpses of suspects. All the boarding students could say was that they were african males in their 20s who raided the place.

Lad you're chatting absolute shite. London is far safer than any American city and is pretty average for a European city. The biggest danger to Londoners are Tory councils skimping on fire safety.

I've lived in a supposedly rough estate in the Elephant and Castle for two years and have never been burgled or mugged. The main problems in London are unaffordable shitty housing and the high cost of living. In terms of crime it's very safe here as long as you aren't a fucking idiot.

Not all of it. When were you there mate? Shit changes fucking fast atm. Some parts are posh sure, but little cordoned off rich parts don't make the shit parts not exist. Look above your post, more people who have been there recently.

Wherever you are in London, you're less than 20 minutes away from a huge council estate, filled to the brim with wiggers and non white criminals scrouging benefits and spreading their cancer to the whole area.

This council estate stuff was a response to a population crisis in london starting in the 60s but continuing till today. Huge horrendous commie tower blocks, shit living standards, full of retard slave labour imported immigrants... hello Grenfell anyone?

The thing is the west side of North End Road is all private housing and quite nice, whilst the east side is all shitty council housing. Barons Court is actually much nicer, a bit too close to the motorway for my liking, and don't go to far south as then you reach the shitty estates in Fulham to the south of Barons Court.
>Incidentally I have walked down North End Road and felt a bit uneasy about it
Lol imagine living right next to it.

What race are you?

>Probably fucked your sister mate, my last gf was norwegian and there's only about 300 of you eh

no, haven't got any sisters or brothers. I'm actually the last one to carry my surname even though there is a different branch who use almost the same surname going back 5 gens. I'm getting older, got lots of education but no work and obviously no wife or children because I can't settle down without work.
Still studying, it is kind of morbid that I soon will be able to decorate a room with my degrees and awards.
Happens to everyone these days I guess, politicians and the EU establishment eventually fucks us all over.

How bad is Khan compared to my PM Justin Trudeau?
Is UKIP fucked or is there representation for nationalism in Parliament?

You sound like you're living in a bubble.

There's like one or two London Assembly UKIP members.

So you have no problem with a school in england being 90% non white?

>The biggest danger to Londoners are Tory councils skimping on fire safety.
You are a head in the sand living, breathing meme. I hope for your sake that you are trollan.

Ah yeah that's fucked mate. Good luck, you sound like a good person. Try to get involved in your local or regional politics somehow, be a voice against EU bullshit and globalism, it's awful. For what it's worth, Norway is a beautiful country physically, but I seen a few too many arabs hanging around in your towns and cities now for my liking.

Ever been to Kristiansand in the south? It's full of brown people for some reason? They all look like hungry ethiopians and afghanis too, it's really weird the choice of immigrants you guys get.

Upper middle class white

Yeah I'm the one living in a bubble, not you the delusional stormfag

>don't go to far south
Is there a particular road you could name as a boundary of sorts?

I have never lived in London but visit if quite often. Seems it getting increasingly segregated

There's a couple of UKIP people trying to make a difference, but they're far and away outweighed by do-nothing Tories and active destroyers Labour. UKIP didn't even stand in my constituency so I voted Tory, lost to labour by 10k votes. 10k fucking votes! All the immigrants vote labour en masse because labour endorses them bringing their families, friends and old neighbours over from wherever jungle or sand hole they live.

This too, regardless of whether or not there wasn't segregation, it is WRONG. English schools should be WHITE as milk.

Far more people in London died in the grenfell fire than in the terrorist attacks. Don't chat about that which you know nothing about.

I'm concerned about ghettos but that doesn't mean you can just make up whatever you want.

>upper middle class white
>not in a bubble

Just face it you stupid cunt

Pakis and niggers ruin everything and homogenous countries are far better than multicultural shitholes

Where exactly in this thread have I made a Stormfag post? Why so salty?

Do you understand that with the way things are headed, the middle class and upwards are going to be seeing things get extremely violent?

Errr it's a bit difficult I got lost once somewhere south of Barons Court and it was bad, I'll have a look on Google Maps.

When was the last time you lived in London for a long time? Where do you live now? When were you in E&C?

Genuinely curious how you didn't get trouble, I do all the time. Are you huge or have a scary face? I'm 6'2 and 79kgs, but groups of non whites and wiggers have had a go at me for my valuables a few times.

>with one fatal stabbing every two weeks

Still 14 times safer than NYC

I saw this getting out at Oxford Circus and similar shit on Tottenham Court Road. Almost fucking threw up... And to make matters worse, last weekend I was going back from the west London and had to get mixed up on the tube with the fucking degenerates themselves. (two of them had a son, faggots ofc, with rainbow flag t-shirt and David's star on the back )

This city is dead to me. I'm doing everything to leave asap

How bad are poles in UK. Looking at my friends that left most was failure/trash tier so.. well you didnt get the crop of the cream.

you speak of your cesspits as if they should be something you should be proud of.

The ones I know are incredibly sound. A few bad eggs who like to get drunk and cause trouble though


>Was part of the Leave campaign in London
>we were canvassing council estates
>EVERYONE in those blocks in west london is not British, literally EVERYONE. Look at some grenfell victims here, this is the average family in a london tower block
>got threatened with violence several times for putting leaflets through someones door
>several doors were left open with horrible smells coming out, rotting and other shit
>one of my fellow campaigners found a dead body in a flat, he stuck his head in because the door was open

Poles are ok. It's the romanians we need to genuinely consider a genocide on. They're subhuman.

Fucking hell its trips of truth. Sounds like you live or work quite close to me, I saw that shit at Oxford circus too, kill me god.

Best tube line: Jubilee and Central imo
Worst: Metropolitan, Northern.

Bakerloo special shoutout for being so fucking old but still working.

When I went to primary school in East London in the mid 90's, It was mostly white with a few nigs (for me, nigs never nigged in primary school but after 2000 in secondary school is when they started to act like niggers). I remember when we got our first paki students. This paki girl in our class was always bullied and one time her younger brother did a shit in the hallway during break time. They left for a different school months later.

In later secondary school years I noticed more and more non English speaking kids coming in and teachers would pair them up with with other students so that they could teach them English. I was paired with this Bangladeshi bitch that was allowed to wear her muslim shit which wasn't part of our school uniform yet any white student wearing the wrong shoes gets sent home. I noticed quickly that she was rich. Had expensive items. I asked her about it and she said she gets free money from the government, like £1k a month. I called bullshit and the next day she brings in her bank statements to proof it.

Skip to college in late 00's, I was one of 3 white students in my year, one of them being Polish. I remember there being job experience vacancies being made available only for the ethnics. I also remember a paki cunt asking me why I was at college and not living in some council flat getting benefits.

Either way I am glad I fucked off from London. My only regret is not moving to some rural part of the UK and seeing what life was like there before abandoning ship.

Some are good, but there are quite a lot of young Polish Communists in my experience.

Other than that, there are a lot of men who are criminals, or who work jobs for far below the minimum wage because they live five or ten to a flat together and don't have families to support.

Young women are qt though, dated one once.

At the rate things are going, can you make a prediction as to what London will be like in one year? As in proliferation of more violence, start of holy war, govt getting their shit together.. overall prediction for a year

thats acctualy nice to hear, just from my perspective i`ve seen not so wise guys leaving for UK

While i know few that went for white collar work, the ones going for docks or so werent.. brightest.

well i always wanted to know how you say "no one gives a fuck, Ahmed" in arabic
can you translate it for me, Ahmed?

Here's a rough map. Blue are the nice parts, red are the estates. Don't go too close to Charing Cross hospital as that area is particularly scummy.

10 years ago, London wasn't overjoyed with the influx of Polish migrants. Now I'd say there is more of a mutual respect. English people have come to understand that Polish people do a lot of work and generally feel that any beef they had with the Poles is eclipsed by a larger issue

Mixed good and bad. Some are great people, but some are fucking bastards.

>me and two friends coming back from boozer one night
>accosted by literally 10 or more little chavs, mixed up mystery meat kinds
>get in huge brawl 3vs10
>we're getting minced because numbers
>all of a sudden 3 poles jump in on our side and we start turning the tide
>lost part of one tooth in that fight, but got good hits in on at least 3 or 4 chavs
>chav rats disperse and the poles explain to us in broken english that they need some help with their car please
>we're astonished they fought just to get help with the car but we help them push the car down a hill to jump the engine
>they wave at us as they drive off


Poles are not too bad. Stopped me getting jumped one night and a few nice one's at work. Its the others that are wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire.

I'm a white Londoner desu and I kind of agree with this guy who said it's not that bad. London is a shithole but it's not that dangerous.

When I was in my early-mid teens I got mugged like 5 times by groups of older kids, but back then I was a complete beta who used to go out smoking weed in the middle of the night in the streets. Since ~16 I never get shit despite living and travelling through relatively dangerous areas. I'm 6' ~80kg, used to weigh like 65kg when I was 17 or so.

Now 22, last time I got any shit was when a large group of large negro fellows was purposely walking in front of me in passive aggressive way as I walked through the group. Once I realised they were doing it on purpose I gave one of them a bit of a shoulder barge, and he babbled something at me like "oh hard man are you?" but did nothing more. That was after some race baiting shit had been on the news, can't remember what.

But that's pretty much the worst of it for around 6 years - some passive aggressive wogs. Probably, I have been lucky and I do live in a middle class enclave, but still it's not that bad for crime yet.

I agree with you that London is fucked long-term though.

I'm a little further south of the bottom most blue bit on the same side. I wouldn't have any doubts about the neighborhood if it weren't for the council blocks but hey ho

Do you feel like londonites would get pissed off enough to start kicking these shits out of their country? I know the answer is no but I want your opion

Did you not read the part about living in a shitty council estate in the Elephant and Castle?

Honestly, if Brexit results in the shit poles that drive cabs and contribute nothing, and gets rid of the romanians, I'll consider that a win. If it gets rid of the fucking refugees as well, I'll call every ounce of suffering worth it in its entirety.

Normand park I'm guessing? I've been through there a few years ago, the area to the north of it is quite nice. Although it's not all great.

Too late, out numbered and police would turn coat

>job experience vacancies being made availble only for the ethnics

This is not a meme. This happens. The hiring recruitment staff for loads of shit in London is not white british, and so they don't hire white british. On top of affirmative action style policy to get ethnics working, the whites are being forced down to the bottom of the barrel.

Yeah it's alright in the middle and upper class havens, but those will not exist for much longer. And yeah, you say it's not that violent but you were mugged several times as a teen and got shit for being white as an adult?
Fucking hell mate where's your spine. This is your country, and people not from your country were abusing you for being from this country.

I may sound hysterical, but this shit is fucking insane. This is the capital of a supposedly white built and made for country, and whites are treated with contempt by the underclass of ethnics. How the fuck is that OK?

Answer me already. Why lash out at someone disagreeing with you with "Stormfag"? Why be insecure. You're living in a bubble if you're telling us that London is all safe, where I live gangs are forming every night and are actually a danger to the area, stabbings and thefts are becoming common. Even in the news they're going on about how knife crime is on the rise this year. Sure, our cities aren't American, but London is progressively getting worse and less safe. People like you seem to want to ignore that.

In london at least they're too entrenched, it would take a full on civil war to liberate london. I expect that within the next ten years btw.

The arabs and blacks and jews will all form one side, they're all fine being against us.

Orientals, caucasians and slavs will join up but be massively outnumbered.

Btw, japanese immigrants are the best kind, they have nothing but respect for you and work quietly and calmly, live normal lives and have cute kids that love to play with english kids.

The arabs on the other hand are terrible at parenting, horrible in society and overall unpleasant.

>the CUKC bill

Yeah pretty much this. In the wider scheme of things, it's not as big a problem as the other lot. They are taking over.

We get a lot of them too mate

lived in Clerkenwell since 97.
Saw it slowly shit the bed.
got out in '15.
now in the west country being raising a family and being comfy.

Why are you still there user?

What was college in London like for you, OP?

I've heard Imperial and UCL are great from a "student experience" perspective, if you get my drift... Uni of East London, less so

In one year it will just be more of the same, the LGBTQIAMP (gotta make sure muslim and pedo are in there) shit will get worse, the segregation will get worse, and more terrorrist attacks are coming.

In ten years, fuck knows. It will be like Mega City One from Dredd probably. We're selling all the land and buildings to chinks, russian oligarchs and saudis with unlimited money, they are turning everyting into highrise flats. That will be the way of life in the future. Brown hellhole flats.