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We could have prevented this
S m h @ not authentic vaginas.
That's a woman not a fag you transphobic cis white male.
You keep posting. I keep saging and hiding your mongoloid threads.
hahaha holy fuck.
I thought this type of shit was a meme. Wow. That's beyond mentally ill.
You're watching a medical doctor castrate a man at his own will, while his safe-space coordinator provides trigger-proof kleenex and "moral support"
But I should kill myself.
I'll JUST leave this here
>somehow this isnt considered mental illness
found the tranny
I don't think that we can create enough chlorine gas to fix this.
what the actual fuck I want to kill all trannies now.
You could possibly just call them "equality crystals" and use this old Sup Forums prank. If framed around some kind of LGBT shit I can see it working.
It is a legitimate procedure. If it weren't for government subsidized HRT, I literally wouldn't be here right now because I'd be dead. That's what you bigots don't seem to understand - I. WOULD. DIE. Without. It.
>mfw these revolting monsters are all over the ruling class, politics, media, and tv
Anyone have sauce on one of these pseudo-vaginas getting fucked? I am cryptically interested in how sex with one of these abominations looks like.
And people say it isn't natural.
Would have worked for last Wednesday.
>Removing your dick for some ugly Frankenstein hole
He makes an unattractive-looking girl too.
Doesn't this make mustard gas or something? Far from a chemfag but it sure as shit doesn't make crystals.
Why not just take testosterone instead?
Fags are AIDS vectors with no other goal in life other than spreading deseases. Fags ignore their natural duty of spreading their genes that were passed generation after generation and instead live a life of hedony with no regard to their ancestors. Fags are pedophiles, they'll lie saying that this is just prejudice but deep down everybody knows that fags love children. Calling them fags is wrong, we should call them by what they are: sodomites. Pedophile hedonistic monsters that spread horrible diseases, that is what you're supporting when you support "LGBT".
I agree, however...
not everything in this world exists for your own personal gratification user. If that dude is happy then that's all that matters.
That’s the joke
Sabotage a tranny's HRT in any way you can
fags love to have huge cocks hurting their prostate to the point when it will get so damaged that it will make them cum, they do it again and again, this not only makes them very vulnerable to anal cancer but also prostate cancer. And they call this heinous self-harming activity "sex".
>If that dude is happy
He's not. faggots who undergo genital mutilation are full of regret and lie about it to other faggots to get them to undergo the procedure and join in their misery. More crabs for the bucket.
>and the CIA
>and the army
>pic related
>trannies have access to advanced spying as well as weapons of mass destruction
Why didn't you archive?
In that you would commit suicide?
If you're happy living in a sick society, I'm not.
do any of you fags ever fucked a trannie???
it's tighter than any girls vagina, even tighter than most assholes. and they can't get pregnant!
what are you guys fucking waiting for?
Also, what about my kids? Do I tell them this is wrong? That its beautiful? What if their teachers tell them its okay and they get confused?
All that can happen where it wouldnt have before, just because we had to accept and "tolerate" this person and it wasnt about my "personal gratification"
Drugs, disease, pedophilia, fetishism, self-harm. That's the life of the sodomite, pure hedonism. Every parent who has a gay son cries, no parent want their genes wasted in such a cruel manner. Fag lovers will say that everyone who doesn't like the idea of pedophiles full of diseases adopting innocent children is a "religious fanatic". No, you fag lovers, are the religious fanatics, all members of the satanic church of sodomy.
I mean, a bonobo chimp is probably tighter than all of that but you're not gonna fuck one of them are you? (Unless you're a nigger)
Fucking fag enablers. "lol MUH compassion!!!!!"
No he's just ugly. I don't know why he could be happy with a fake vagina and fake everything.
What wicked heathens.
Daily reminder to sabotage a tranny's HRT any way you can.
>but muh science! but muh "that's dangerous!"
It's no worse than what they already do.
>I was abused as a child
>not realizing this is directly why you are trans and that it is a form of acting out
God when will they see they're all victims and they do this to themselves to act out or as a coping mechanism
It's more complicated than that. Most suicides have a choice whereas I wouldn't have it. The suffering I experienced every hour of every day was unbearable. Imagine going to bed each night sad.
careful, if kurt eichenwald stumbles upon this you will be charged with assault with a deadly meme
of course it doesn't make crystals. If you want to make crystals, you need to electrify salt water, preferably in a small room
His parents must sabotage his efforts, replace his estrogen with the native test he desires and burn all his female clothes
It's just not worth it
>make sure your vagina is free of hair balls