>eating the meat Jew
>eating the egg Jew
>eating the dairy Jew
Why haven't you gone full red pill and given up animal products Sup Forums?
>eating the meat Jew
>eating the egg Jew
>eating the dairy Jew
Why haven't you gone full red pill and given up animal products Sup Forums?
What exactly is red pilled about being a bitch ass faggot?
>eating meat makes you manly
Nice meme
Because we love in a world of death. And the death of animals is nourishment for us. It's the taste of victory
Because theyre all faggots who think HURR DURR humans are supposed to eat meat its natural.
And for the record, DO NOT eat soy or tofu
You can be red pilled or you can be vegefagian. Pick one. Animal flesh is critical. Don't be such a douche your whole life. You ever see a fucking lion or a bear eating fucking grass?
>Being this nigger
Wew lad
Good Shabbos goy.
Critical for what?
>implying veganism isn't a jew scam
Reminder that pescetarianism is the healthiest way to live. Sardines are god tier.
You ever see a lion sit on its ass all day, working in an IT field, then drive home and play vidya? If you HUNT then you eat meat. Otherwise youre just a lazy niggerfag
A lion will take the path of least resistance to obtain vital protein. If that's chasing down a baby zebra, so be it. They are just as apt to run another animal off to devour an animal it did nothing to obtain. That's not the point of this thread.
Your point is well taken, however. I agree that hunting is the purest avenue. I have hog, deer, elk, and a ton of fresh fish filets all vacuum sealed in my deep freeze as we speak. All provided via my own hands. We eat flesh. That's what we do.
because, higher order animals are the most important part of the ecosystem. They are prime hosts for the cultivation and preservation of microorganisms. Thus contribute the most to the biological density, diversity, proliferation, and protection of our available genetic pool.
Without higher order animals to destroy overproliferative species, we achieve desertification. See the dustbowl after the buffallo, see the desertification of africa after the slaughter elephants for vegetable farmers.
I have relatives who farm, and by far higher order mamallia and fowl contribute the greatest to a deep pool of biodiversity whereas vegetable and grain crops require not only resoiling and the destruction of megafauna in the order of hundreds per acre, and microfauna in the order of millions per acre, and the destruction of microorganisms in the hundreds of trillions per acre. This is all for the initial seeding. As the crops grow various pesti/fungi/insecticides kill repeatedly as these struggling lifeforms seek to regain a foothold in the world.
Meat is murder, but vegetables are genocide.
or as a buddhist monk would say, kill a cow the village eats for many months.
>Eating (((food)))
Getting fucking real goy. It's all a Jew trick.
>good goy don't eat like we do, it's bad for you!
Props to you then. If you hunt the meat then I have no issue. Its all these faggots who dont at the very least get an hour if exercise claiming its their 29th constitutional amendment to eat red meat three times a day.
Fuck off vegan
Your no gains life is for skellies.
>evolution means hunting has to be primal
>monkeys can't use sticks to eat ants
Get a better argument hippy
dairy, meat, have high fat content and oils are fat. What's healthy about eating a high fat diet when you could have low fat diet which is high carb high sugar diet?
>not starving yourself Jew
Why haven't you gone full common sense and realised the jews aren't fully responsible for your idiocy?
Granted, I don't hunt all my meat. The metropolitan faggots living on the 10th story of a concrete box don't have the same opportunity I do. Flesh is still integral to the proper nutrition of a faggot, though.
Look dude I'm trying to get shredded at 180lbs, so that's 360+grams of protein a day. pea protein is the best the plant world has to offer at digests at a rate of 5g/hr(at best, in a peak anabolic state) so that's 24X5= I'm not getting swoll, pussy shitpost
gorrilas eat only greens and are more buff than steroid taking competitive weight lifters.
There's plenty of protein in any diet for anyone including power lifters.
I don't like the tofu Jew or the soy milk Jew
Doesnt have to be primal, but at the very least eat chicken / turkey rather than just red meat or pork. Especially if you are not exercising. Athletes eating meat is no nig deal. But a grotesque 400lb hacker whose only light is blue from his computer screen does not need to be eating bacon with every meal.
Anyone who knows anything about food and its science knows you need complete proteins in order to have a functioning body.
No where, unless you literally eat shit, are there traces of complete amino chains that bind proteins the way they need to be, like in meat.
You have to supplement almost all vitamins to do the diet too.
Veganism is not a natural human diet and is artificially boasted because of muh animalz.
Go tell a wolf not to eat a deer you fucking tree hugger.
leaf science.
Its really not nigger. Ive been (almost) plant based since August and that combined with exercise ive been in the best shape since wrestling in high school.
would the americans on here be quite discriminate about where they get their animal products? some of the stuff livestock/meat are pumped up with is illegal in every other first world country in the world. i'd be fussy as fuck trying to find unadulterated food over there.
Sorry but I like eating this.
I did!!!!
Listen, coon, if you want to compare yourself to a gorilla, be my guest. We are way closer to apes/chimpanzees and they eat meat. They will even eat their young as a source of protein. Get fucked.
Fowler warns against over-interpreting the event, and reckons that the need for nourishment was the animals’ main driver. “If you eat meat and you can see [the infant] as a reasonably large piece of meat, you may as well eat it,” he says. “It’s perfectly normal that you would eat the meat that’s available, even if it’s in the form of a dead infant.”
If you want proof that humans *need* meat, watch an episode of Naked and Afraid when some stupid hippie vegan comes in the jungle and creams herself at the mere sight of a flopping fish. They don't even hesitate. They eat that fucking fish so fast and say, 'wow, I've never felt better. Weeeeeeeeeeee. Meat is great! It's almost like complex amino acids are important!!". Polypeptides ftw queers.
our ancestors have been eating meat for the past 200.000 thousand years or more. Literally nothing wrong with eggs. Only white people can drink milk.
nice bants, nip
Explain yourself retard.
It is natural. Look at our teeth retard, we're supposed to eat a variety of things.
Milk is for babies, that's pretty much it.
Veggies are all leftists and hippies. Kill yourself.
You need to learn about genetics and the potential of what they mean for each individual animal.
A gorilla is genetically supposed to be big. Steroid users have to pump more free test into their system so more can be bound in protein synthesis. Which is why they say steroids don't make muscle, the will of the person working out extends their potential to make more muscle.
Our diet and genetics rely off a based omnivore/pescatarian diet. Due to salt and the need for aminos.
>eating kids is natural
Woah there Skippy chill out
according to bible, god created animals for humans so we can eat them.
" Genesis 9:3English Standard Version (ESV)
3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you.
Goats = dairy + meat.
Chickens = eggs + meat
All go good with sweet corn.
Are you really suggesting our tiny canines justify anything else but nuts? Smh fampai
For fuck sake I forgot my pic.
>Gorillas eat leaves, stems, fruits, bark and buds, and occasionally small invertebrates like ants, worms, termites, and larvae. The Western Lowland Gorilla subspecies (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) eat the fruits of more than 100 species of trees, 97 of them produce fruits seasonally; about 67 percent of their diet are fruits, 17 percent are leaves, and the rest are seeds, stems, caterpillars, ants, and termites. Sometimes, they enjoy aquatic plants. The other three gorilla subspecies consume much less fruit.
its an overall low protein diet
I've never met a healthy looking vegan.
>Not having a mixed balanced diet of meats and veggies
Nigga pls
nah son, you better take the veg-pill
>gas kikes pls
>no tranny shit
>send blacks to nignogland
>dont eat meat you dont kill
Tell me again ? Fuck yourself potato
how did you come to think that i need to learn about genetics from that?
Given that its obvious gorrilas are more buff they need protein to feed that muscle growth, that's the point.
And idk if steroids make muscles but taking steroids will make a person gain muscle even by not doing much.
Animals are resource meant to be used, why should I cut myself off half the resources? Just because animals are 'alive'? top kek
If you faggots ever had country of your own you'd be steamrolled by china within 12 hours of it's creation.
You should stop smoking weed.
Because I'm not a liberal.
Ill concede marijuana if you concede meat once a week
gorillas litterally spend 80% of their time awake eating food. You would have to eat a fuck ton. Meat is more efficient
Yeah guys stop eating animals and just start eating vegetarian/vegans. They're obviously ignoring hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to offer themselves up for the greater good.
I just had a turkey and colby-jack sandwich with a fried egg on it and chased it with a big glass of milk.
wow you're a dumbass
the point to compare to a gorrila and not a chimpanzee is to show that an overall lower protein diet is well sufficient to build up all the muscle even a gorrila has. I'm not even going to address eating their young, that's just dumb.
Retard. Our canines were larger before the discovery of fire because cooking food completed part of the digestion for us and made meats softer. Thanks to fire our mandibles decreased in size as did our digestive tract. Because of this our brains became more developed as the energy and nutrients dedicated to our digestion track was placed else where, On top of that our brains would never have developed to what they are without the amino acids attainable only in a high protein diet given to us by cooked meats.
Furthermore, you're a nigger.
No. I just hope your heart loves you still
Yeah let's just eat twenty plus pounds of vegetation of day.
>being a vegan is the true jew practice
It makes you physically and mentally weak and nutritionally deficient
That vast majority of our diet in the past untill the last 200 in the past was veggies and fruits.
Are you willing to eat 80% of your meals without meat like your ancestors?
There is nothing jewish about any of this. Especially dairy. White Indo European people domesticated the cow and the chicken for livestock and eggs and milk. Jews are mostly lactose intolerant. Literally our heritage. I'm not gonna stop because Hitler was a vegetarian. Good for Hitler. I on the other hand like meat
A gorrila eats more than a man but is also much bigger. If the average man is about 1/3rd the weight of a gorilla he doesn't need to eat 40 lbs of vegetation a day. A few pounds for us is enough adding things like beans and other carbs.
Irs true that meat was vital to early humans success. Now in our time (because they shrunk) we dont need to be living off a primarily meat based diet. Its unhealthy
What do you think human brains will look like in 100 years without the necessary nutrients provided by a high protein diet?
Literally trying to lower the IQ to negroid levels.
Yes, eating meat makes you more manly.
This is literally scientifically proven.
Different types of apes also learned to eat meat. Why do they do it? Because they found out it makes them more macho than the other apes that don't eat meat. They can fuck them up and they are the alphas BECAUSE of eating meat.
I never said leave protein out of the diet you sperglord. One cup of cooked pinto beans has 40g of protein.
>A 1-cup serving of boiled pinto beans contains 15.41 grams of protein, and 1 cup of canned pinto beans supplies 19.36 grams.
Fuck off shill.
>scientifically proven
>no sources
>he still thinks eating shit covered tortured flesh is good for you
Woah really activated my almonds
How about you just give up eating at all and just fucking die off
Ironic that milk and meat are the top sources of estrogen.
>Eating the vegan jew
slide D&C thread SAGE. You want a redpilled diet? Know your own body, everyone is different everybody reacts differently to foods. OP is not a dietitian, go to /fit/ for this stuff. KNOW YOUR OWN BODY FUCKING SAGE
Chimps eat other animals alive
Apologies. Uncooked
Your brain schematic is based on genetic compsotion.
If you need an idea, look at breeding dogs. You call a mix a mut and a pure breed pristine.
So in theoretics a gorilla can metabolize his diet differently then ours because he has followed that genetic makeup for however long.
Veganism is an artificial diet, like paleo, and is only viable due to an evolutionary debacle. Image making cats only eat vegetarian.....oh.wait...that kills them. Yah. It doesn't fucking work you retards.
Homosexuality also exists within that species. Does that mean you bareback faggots too
But they have no aminos.
Black beans are the best for protein and salt but zero aminos.
Not an argument.
My diet use to consist mainly of black beans and kale.
I bet you're under 6 foot lad
great argument fruit boy
watch a baboon eat a living gazelle
I think it's cool we evolved to have heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes. T-thanks, meat.
What am I a ducking rabbit.
Im not a baboon you silly coon.
I eat meat because it tastes good and is highly nutritious. I eat eggs because they are a cheap form of protein, and also taste good if not overdone. I eat dairy because I have a lactase persistence gene, and therefore milk provides me decent calcium and protein. It's also delicious. I'm not a vegan because I have no reason to.
and how many vegans have you actually met?
>muh amino acids
Jesus dude are you even trying? How can you type this with your girlfriends feminine penis in your mouth?
I'm not an american so I can consume animal products without filling myself up with hormones, pharmaceuticals, double meat mutations and god knows what else
Peddle your scientific GMO abominations elsewhere, vegan merchant.
wow you're fucking retarded
Obviously a gorilla metabolizes his diet differently but the protein content in food doesn't change and he takes in lower amounts of proteins given his diet (although he consumes a lot of it). It has nothing to do with any evobabble about how long he and his ancestors have been consuming this diet.
Veganism is a natural diet, its what people ate for thousands of years, very little meat. Cats aren't vegetarians they have taste buds for amino acids, we don't.
So who's the retard?
Beef is the best because a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is bad for you.
English teacher knows what's up
Eating 360 grams of protein a day sound very natural.
>t. What is Myostatin
I went literally the opposite and I'm now on a keto diet.
>all the butter, bacon, and cheese I want
>eat the finest meats
>do have to eat some salads but I manage
>drown everything in olive oil and heavy whipping cream
>less than 20g of carbs a day
It's amazing. It's like all the boring filler food is gone from my diet and now I only eat like a rich person, but it also costs less and I'm losing weight without feeling hungry or tired or weak.
>X is unhealthy
>No, X is unhealthy
>You shouldn't eat X
>You should eat X
The red pill is moderation and God help me for saying this... diversity in your diet.