What should be done with women who are over 25 and unmarried

What should be done with women who are over 25 and unmarried


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They should legally be required to marry the first single man of their race that come along

Like there is anything better than my shit thread on Sup Forums right now

This is true
Also this

They are useless roasties that will do more harm than good to western society at this point. Send them all to Syria or something, I'm sure they will be happy being in a multicultural utopia without cis white males oppressing them.

They can still pop out at least 6 kids

>implying the white dude would be up for it.

Further proof Sup Forumstards are just depressed virgins with low standards irl.

You mean like everybody? My parents got me when they where 20, got married at 35.

I'm 37 and my gf is 18. Don't let people tell you "omg" you're too old for her. Do the right thing, and find a gf/wife who is between 18-23 years old. Even of you're over 30 yourself.

What about the bull?


Castizo Futurism

Why, they have just have 6 cats instead

Roasties ITT already

No. Older men dating younger women was never an issue until recently. Home and family life was better in the days when this was accepted. I'm not going to stop just become some 30 year old woman is upset that men would rather have younger women. I am trying to get her preganent and then will marry her.


How did you do it? Through her parents or did you meet her? details, please.

We need more white children not cats

Let their genes die out. They're defective.

>Shes "single"

You know what "single" means in western culture for a women? Its means sleeping around with dozens of men and taking advantage of Chads for their cock. "Waiting" also means, fucking around until the nice guy comes along when I get tired of being a slut.

my father is eleven years older than my mom ayyy
he's a smart man

good job
this enrages the roasties on their 30´s who are desperate to marry after riding the cock carousel in their prime years.

You are a parasite. You have intentions to entrap this impressionable woman nearly half your age. Be open and honest with her faggot

>being single is hard
I guess, if you're dependent.

plenty of willing beta cucks with bucks . . .

Do you ever get tired of being completely pathetic?

Sterilize them and then force them to slavery in some sort of establishment where Muslim refugees can relieve their "sexual emergencies".

>tfw 26 and unmarried
>haven't had a single relationship in the last 5 years

Rent shovels to dig holes to crawl into and die?

She is an intern at this place I work at since she was 16. Hvae had my eye onher since then, but was waiting until she turned 18. I have known her dad for the passed 8 years, and he himself has a wife 15 years younger than him, so he understands.

Jana is pure
She just needs to settle before it is too late

>You are a parasite. You have intentions to entrap this impressionable woman nearly half your age. Be open and honest with her faggot
t. 40 year old, unmarried,no children, "roastie"

hahaha jesus

>Jana is pure
>She just needs to settle before it is too late
Wonder how many loads of her brothers Josh cum she was forced to slurp up? He got it when it was fresh. He's probably had his spurting cock in every orifice over and over again. I bet shes learned to suck some serious cock over the years of training.

A fortunate series of events. Well, don't waste it.

Jana was the one he didnt finger


>Jana was the one he didnt finger
Sad, the one that got away I guess. I assume he was too preoccupied with this one to give a fuck about the rest.

They should be given a randon number and assigned to a single man for procreation.

>hey big bro what are you looking at

>>hey big bro what are you looking at
I don't normally go for the younger ones, but when I do, they look like this.

It really is great. I'm unmarried and in my mid thirties and I work with a lot of women due to the industry I'm in right now. A bunch of roasties.

Anyway, from the first day all the women were trying to hook me up with the older, divorced single mothers around my age. Then would get pissy when I'd talk to the younger girls who obviously had an interest in me. The number of times I was told the younger girls weren't good enough for me was astounding. I didn't even talk about that stuff with them but they all whispered and worked against me. Ultimately, I never got with any of the younger girls because I'm not willing to shit where I eat (except in rare circumstances), but also because I began to realize how badly these women hated the idea that I might get with one of the younger girls there.

It was really, REALLY eye opening about how women think and behave. When you're a man, women aren't on your side, they're on the side of other women, even if you are a better friend to them than the women in the group. In the end, they'll ALWAYS side with the women of the group over a man.

>I was told the younger girls weren't good enough for me was astounding
its funny how women actually believe that having a good job makes them more desirable to men

This. You can have a mutually-beneficial non-sexual relationship with women, but you must always be cognizent of the sexual dynamic. Basically, observe how women dangle the carrot in front of men to keep them close--even in a passive, without intentions sort of way--and realize thats how you have to deal with them as well, just to stay on their good side. If they dont find you attractive however, you are less likely to irk their ire, and will find yourself maintaining diplomacy through bringing value in other ways besides being viewed as a piece of meat (though this usually ends up being less dignified).

Destroy the "utopian" welfare state

Married off to beta wizards with proof of housing and employment

i fear i wont be able to find someone before 25..

Are you a girl?

i have been raised very well (conservative christian household)
the thing is i dont think there are people here that are not complete degenerates
and also i am shy so i dont think i will find a husband

I don't believe you.

okay well thats up to you

>They are useless roasties
he types just before he goes on another 10 hour anime and vidya binge

Hey bby. Want to romp around in some wheat fields with me?

no but i do like playing violin

How old are you?


Fugg I'm 18, I'm looking for a younger woman than me or one that is the same age as me

>at 27, she is in her prime


Anyways, guarantee she's single because she's incredibly picky and wants that perfect six foot, six figure, six pack guy.

u will find her dont worry

There's a big difference between 20 and 25. At 20 years old, 5 years are literally a quarter of your life. It's also the age at which people sexually peak. And don't forget that in order for your parents to have you at 20 they must have known each other and started dating way before that, probably high school sweethearts. If you're still alone with no prospects at 25 you're statistically an anomaly.

fine... i will fuck them. but im going to need supplies. some baby oil maybe 10 drums per month and a lot of printed images of prettier womens faces and some scotch tape

I have only had one girlfriend and I ruined it. I made a stupid mistake and I regret everyday because she was basically like me. She respected me, adopted my views, Christian, non degenerate, sexist(like me), wanted to be a housewife, wanted 4 kids, didn't dress like a whore, traditional, browsed Sup Forums.

It's a long story

>fucked up over 2 year age gap
Lmao, kids

She was like a lucky charm and I threw it all away....


maybe u can win her back :(

Post feet


>looking for a younger woman
Enjoy jail when her dad catches you

Single women should be put in concentration camps until they're married off to a bachelor

Well I'm closing in on 25 and haven't had a girlfriend since 2011 back as a senior in high school. Not KHV just normal V still. I know I'm fucked. Just joined the military on a high deployment time job so I don't have to worry about it much though

>dating a 17 year old while you're 18 is bad

having no relationships is a good thing.. you shouldn't have one except the one you're going to marry..

So i can satisfy my fetish and not compromise your anonimity

I won't win her back, I made a horrible mistake, like I said, if you knew what happened then you would understand

im not gonna do that... thats weird


Ficki, they belong to the bbc. We need more racemixing

We enlist them in the uber-soldat program

Then stop larping you fat retard

what lol

u expect me to post my feet because ur not pure
o k

And youre just baiting because u have a """feminine""" dick

It's not like this place is the most productive place on the internet

trannies are disgusting go away

>teens are dumb
Color me fucking surprised user

Ill go away when i start seeing feet, be it yours or somebody elses

Fetishes aside, that's how you prove whether you're a guy or gal on here, since there's no nudity involved and female feet look different enough from male feet.
Otherwise, everyone assumes you're just some LARPing male.

u are lucky i dont hate croatians like i hate bosnians

Will you marry me?
>6 foot
>National Socialist
>Make 60k a year
>want kids
>Southern (Alabama)

come home White woman

Croatia is a just bit more advanced than most of balkans but its still a shithole
Too many people are tolerant of faggots and other scourges of the earth, you would hate us more if you knew anything about us. I can consider myself educated, not lucky

Lol she just hasn't met any multimillionaire

>that awkward moment when you're 29 and only date girls from 17-22

Nothing wrong with that user, (((they))) have pushed the "older men dating younger women is bad" meme. Older women know they can't compete with younger women, so they shame men who date younger women.

As a reminder, don't have sex before marriage, always wait until marriage. Just because the age of consent is 16, doesn't mean you should be dicking young girls.

:^) i guess youre all dark so anyways

you realize the AOC is 18 only in like 10 states right?

Nothing. Natural selection at work, pushing crazy bitches out of the gene pool. Just like how we don't have state-sanctioned wives for crazy neckbearded manchildren.

M'lady , the post

>leaving bitter females in the voting pool

They don't all kill themselves

Forced prostitution if unmarried by 30/35. Unfortunately sluts can still have kids up until 40 and some up until 45.


People over a certain age with no kids shouldn't really be allowed to vote anyway. Not like they have much of a stake in the future.

>American education
Are you aware that 18 is more than half of 38?? You stinky, dirty N I G G E R