Redpill me on White genocide. Why are they doing this?
Redpill me on White genocide. Why are they doing this?
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Because they're jealous of pic related, the average north mexican woman, they just want to be like her.
he went through all that trouble to mutilate his dick but he couldn't be bothered to shave his mustache?
Because they want us dead. Why else does one commit genocide?
Suicide in less than 10 years
Just find the whole ordeal surreal in some ways. 80 years ago it would be the reverse of what we see now. What's the end game of eliminating whites and infesting white countries with undesirables would turn the homes into shit holes, given absolute power?
What will happen when politicians can't control the experiment?
Say what you will, but going under the knife and having their shit all fucked up, that takes some balls.
>that takes some balls
Yeah, and a little bit of grey matter too.
And that's what you get for following trends
there is no white genocide
>I have a vagina
Nah, you have a wound.
I don't even know what could lead someone to do something like that. I think they should probably take some heavy doses of LSD and do some serious self- exploration before doing something that drastic.
But for all the concerns that they're just mentally ill or just liked getting fucked by straight guys or whatever, they are very serious about getting the "work" done. I mean they want that thing GONE, it's pretty amazing.
Dysgenics, breed humanity into a slave race and claim absolute power.
>mfw reading that
>0 sympathy for these degenerates
Because you know who wants to control everything and Europeans have a history of strength. Can't have us standing in the way.
What they don't realize is that they're doing us a favor. Modern post-industrial society is generating a greater number of parasites than ever before. The weak and dumb will perish, but the strong will survive. Reduce whites to baseline conditions and the weak will perish. It's basic Darwinism, really. And going into the far future, Whites will have the least amount of baggage and filth hanging on.
I say let them try and destroy us, our descendants will be the smartest and strongest and will ultimately be the last standing.
Most jews believe the holocaust actually happened. They're afraid we'll try to do it again.
The smart elites that know better just want us out of the way so they can more easily have more power.
Sandniggers and niggers are much easier to control.
I struggle with gender dysphoria, did hrt for a few months, and I have put a lot of thought into this. I think multiple factors came into play. My parents divorced and my mom was given custody. She constantly bashed my father, and sometimes men in general, during the transformative years of my life. She even refused to call me by my first name, because I am a Jr. She hated my father that much, underservedly so, and projected this onto me. I only realize now as an adult that mom and sons should not be best friends. She taught me to love shopping, and there was little to no emphasis on male camaraderie.
She wasn't the only caustic influence. Media and society at large praises femininity to the point of fault, and more often than not villainizes masculinity. This starts as early as nursery rhyme age - girls are sugar and spice and everything nice. Boys are snips and snails and puppydog tails.
90% of my teachers were female. Just about every role model I had was female.
By the time I was of age to use porn, I was already willing to be bi. The focus of males in pornography was a big turn on. After a few years I had removed females all together from the kind of porn I watched.
Anime, videogames, etc. didn't help. All the best characters are cute girls.
To complicate matters further, as if my gender wasn't bad enough, I was also an "evil" white person. Look no further than Germany to see the effects of what happens when you constantly tell white children that they are bad. I was left wanting some semblance of a connection because I was raised to reject who I inherently am. Because white male wasn't an appealing option, I sought the next best thing. And I perceived that women were the ideal thing to be.
I'm working on getting in touch with my masculinity. It bothers me that I fell for a pharmaceutical scam.
If I were in a position of power I would genuinely try to help these troubled youth. They're being robbed of hormonal makeup, whilst being influenced by less than savory characters. I'd suggest counseling to better guide their minds from being fucked in the long run. Too many of these mental cases I've seen where the he/she was perfectly fine before, to suddenly and without warning slightly insane and uncharacteristic of themselves.
It's a sad thing to see. Having no control over your thoughts.
You kicked us out 104 times.
Maybe by know you will understand that all it takes is a few heads chopped off.
>this is considered white in Mexico
The average north mexican woman doesn't have any flesh left on her face.
The answer is simple.
who cares about being white? you can keep the worse of our women in your side of the border, meanwhile i enjoy a world where pic related is the average
You have an open wound between your legs that will heal closed if you don't stuff it with dildo regularly for a few weeks !!!!!
Whiter than the rest of the world
What goes around comes around
you're just a stupid faggot, the flag helps eme come to that realization. find a dumb woman who will compliment your masculinity and cure your "dysphoria"
> the average
I saw you posting the same image over and over again.
When I was in your country the average was that.
i said NORTH mexican women. not south trash
white *suicide
Final red pill incoming
Can you stop posting this shit in every fucking thread please
Working on it.
Where in Sonora do you live?
It's a 50/50 shit show. They're killing themselves off most of the time.
White Populations are harder to control, which is why Demographic Replacement is being used to reduce them. Birth Rates are also a factor(Better Society = Less Births/Kids to Enjoy it, Worse Society = More Births/Kids to Survive it.)
[KB Threads:
Social Engineering is being used to make Women not want to have Kids/Families(Birth Control also causes Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder in them) & to make Men be Weaker/Less Confrontational when it comes to the "Tribe" being taken over/destroyed.
>Spending money on a fake vagina before getting laser hair removal
Eugenics at work
based bulgariabro
they want a big dumb horde thats easy to control.
Hermosillo Sonora, avenue santa rosa 230 A
i dont fucking know why, but its happening.
and if you deny it, you're a fucking idiot.
>White genocide
>Minorities are more likely to be part of LGBT
yeah nice one retard, besides asian countries have way more trannies than west ever will
Because it's natural to fight for one's own kind. They are only doing what nature intended.
Somewhere along the way, the Western Whites lost this trait. It's more of a self-inflicted genocide more than anything else.
You don't need to be that specific, Hermosillo is good enough. I'm from Anacortes, Wa and was in Guaymas for about three years. Went to Hermosillo a couple times. Would live in Mexico expect for I can't have guns or work other then teaching English. I'll be coming back down to the Sea of Cortez with my boat here as soon as I get a chance. Then on to other places.
That's a great town. There were a lot of girls that looked like that there as well. My host had Italian ancestry.
In the states they encourage kids as young as 8 to transition. In my stupid country we pay for it
i wonder exactly how far north you have to reach for white sir, all the way into the US or Canada id assume
Fag enablers are cancer, and they reject wisdom. Look at how they praise (((compassion))) and denounce actively treating this guy's brother like an addict addicted to female trappings.
found the towelhead
Hi, Ahmehd
Sup Forums has been shitting on me lately for posting this bitch but anyone that has been in hermosillo knows there's a lot of white people here.
>be me
>be friend a canadian black woman and a german bitch
>the german says she doesn't feel that diferrent but the canadian does really look different
>pic related said she doesn't feel like she's too different from the people living here
yet Sup Forums shits on me
>Gets kicked out for jewery
>Gets kicked out again and again and again for jewing everybody.
>Keeps on doing what the world has hated them for, for no reason at all.
You're truly the scum of the earth.
Are you seriously claiming she's Mexican? She's a Canadian streamer called Kaypea.
It's just for Illustration purposes you puto ahmed.
My family was Forced out of Romania due to pogroms at the end of the 19th century and beginning of 20th.
They litteraly did nothing wrong, besides owned a glass & cristalware.
Appeal to ambiguity fallacies won't save you either jew.
He's a fucking faggot, she's Canadian. He doesn't even believe in what he is saying about the attractiveness of Mexicans.
Sup Forums shits on everybody don't feel bad. They have not been in Sonora or anywhere else besides mommie's basement. They are the once suffering because they know when the collapse comes they will die as neckbeard virgins.
Sonora and Baja California should break away from Mexico and become a white ethnostate. What do you think?
5 o'clock shadow and a mutilated penis. Degenerates when will they learn
> glass & cristalware.
>used to drink the blood of slaughtered white babies
>Jews dindu nuffin
There are going to be thousands of these once it's not longer a libtard trend.
To illustrate what exactly? That Canadians can be this attractive but you couldn't find a Mexican that was.
>Puto ahmed
I'm white with blue eyes.
They want us to breed with lesser races in order to "dumb us down" so to speak, creating a singular non-caucasoid non-negroid mixed race of easy-to-control sheep.
In 2-3 years he'll probably kill himself. He's yet to experience the horrors of dilation.
Spics aren't white
include chihuahua and we're set
i don't want to use more pics, i already saved KP's pics
Muslim isn't a race it is a religion. Do you pray to Mecca five times a day along with the rest of the Canadians? Live on your border, you are fucked up leaf, really fucked up. We may have to invade and put you down like old yeller. I don't know what happened to you, we used to be friends.
Christ. That was stomach churning just to read about.
Some of us see women everyday. Why do you need to post her constantly? We are here for political/interesting discussion. Not to look at a random bitch. Post something worthwhile or dont post at all.
Lets be more solution oriented.
>pharmaceutical scam
if what you're saying is true, you'd know the tranny drugs are cheap as hell, all has long been available in generucs, no one is making any meaningful money off the small amount of trans people there are in america
what was your dosage and what effects did you notice? how did you decide it wasn't for you?
We would do so of course, why let the Chilangos have all that gold and silver?
Then all the seafood and stuff from Cortez, and all the agriculture...we'd be rich.
Then went to France, started anew, volunteered for the French army in 1914, wounded in 1917, discharged with honours in 1918.
Became citizen in 1921, naturalized his name.
Became successful in the French cinema industry, made it great again, litteraly.
Married a French woman, yet Europe 1930's.
Antisemites(unironicaly) do everything for the company to come down.
Have to fraud with his own money to save the main elements.
His accused in 1937, released in 41, deported to Auschwitz where his last letter was sent in winter 1942.
i give it 6 months tops
Fair enough about the religion part but the Muslim plight tends to be non-white. I'm actually an english atheist.
revenge out of deep hatred of goys after millennia of antisemetism.
goyland needs to be filled with the weakest type of guy possible and their civilizations and cultures need to be erased. even better if the very goys whose culture,heritage and legacy you want to destroy can be made to do it instead.
>Have to fraud with his own money to save the main elements.
Also, please conclude your story with a point.
what happened? did he drown in the swimming pool?
>Post something worthwhile or dont post at all.
Yet still you are never French, you are a dirty kike who has reverted to the mean. But thanks for pounding that out; gives me further insight into your tactics. "Muh daddy Jew wuz honorable Aryan and sheeeiit, therefore I'm like you goys! Give me feeeeelllllzzz!!!"
You are sociobiological cancer.
Betcha (((they))) will never report on the mass suicides that ensue.
Watch action movies from the 80's to learn how you ought to be. Good luck.
>Why are they doing this
who gives a fuck.better question is why is Obamacare (the fucking taxpayer) paying for it
She's ugly tho
>Pic related.
This is why everybody gasses you like bugs.
Take some responsibility you psychopath.
Jews see functional families as a threat to their survival. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's well documented. People with a strong paternal figure tend to lean more to the Right, and in the view of Marxist (Jewish) scholars, are more likely to become fascist.
Thus the Jew envisions a world in which all identities (except theirs) are destroyed, and all families (except theirs) are destroyed, and all men (except theirs) are neutered.
It's as simple as that.
So the recorded nepotism and rampant subversion/trickery was just the goys imagination? How about the times where Jews were caught draining out the blood from missing village children. Is blood libel a meme. Because there sure is a lot of evidence pointing to some very dark practices my friend.
Company was jobs for thousands of French people.
What's better asshole?
Scam the coward state with your own money? Or selling out and ruining peoples lives "like a Jew"?
If you don't understand my point at this point...
>revenge out of deep hatred of goys after millennia of antisemetism.
>revenge out of deep hatred of goys after millennia of countersemitism
I recall trolling him before being suspended from Twitter, bretty borin actually.
Their word for this process is "Tikkun Olam".
sauce me, I want to feel repulse and hatred towards these deformed creatures
There's a significant amount of stubble in his face, even to this day he never shaves regularly.
Stop being kind.
These always make me laugh
You have no point, you have only posted appeal to emotion and ambiguity fallacies, and now even a black and white logical fallacy.
Or in short; typical jewery through disinfo tactics.
Read the sticky and then try again.
"NOT RACISM NOT RACISM!!! But preservation of culture and tradition!!!"
I just understand why people can't say it. I want to preserve the European people. I don't want my ethnicity to become extinct. Is it so fucking hard?
holy shit