You know your country is turning into a shithole when your parents buy you silver pieces as a birthday present and tell you that you should use them for trading when shit hits the fan.
Germany is done
Hey man at least that means they believe shit will hit the fan and not just slide into eternal nightmare mode
You should be happy your parents are woke.
Do not disappoint them.
shit will definitely hit the fan, and I think it will be sooner than most think
>implying any German will survive
Top kek. I for one welcome the extinction of Germans, your failure nation has historically been mired in piss and shit
Remember to vote for the CDU, or you're a literal Nazi
Are those 1g pieces of silver or something?
Are you also collecting scraps of copper wire?
>Are those 1g pieces of silver or something?
Yeah. 500g in 1g pieces
Ahahah i don't know why i laugh
Happy birthday user
acctualy I would say I have wise parents that care about my future and are aware that there is huge war in EU once in 50-100 years
I know its bad there (mother living in Munch, was callin her after those shouots last year) but still your parents DO care about you
You've got a point there
Don't take comfortable carefree life for granted man.
in all seriousness it's pretty infuriating how bad left has fucked whole west with nigger immigration
it's not like they can produce anything
not to mention even saying they fuck things up is considered taboo
fucking jews
How come they didn't get you a smaller amount of gold instead OP?
Germany is not even close as cucked as France. You guys have mostly Turks which behave and are not the ones commiting rape and crime like Algerians, Iraqis etc..
silver is less valuable and hence easier to trade
kek. i am german and bought my nephew silver for his baptism
It always is.
also invest in few bottles of hard liquor they also sell/trade nice when SHTF
hell my mother used to be smuglerr during NDR/DDR times , and having some kind of gold/silver on you was one of things she made me warry about
They said silver is better for trading. You don't want to trade 1g gold for a loaf of bread
just practice giving blowjobs senpai
Just so you know even an old 90% silver US dime has 2.5g of silver in it.
God bless your parents for thinking about you and caring, but 1g of silver is literally pocket change. I would say that's something to keep as potentially a piece of history.
>also invest in few bottles of hard liquor they also sell/trade nice when SHTF
Yeah that's a good idea. Maybe tobacco too
With parents like this you're going to be fine no matter what.
It's the second best possible gift after a shotgun
Germany is the internal combustion engine of mankind.
Thanks, been looking to invest my own fiat shekels but wasn't sure.
Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, user.
As I understand there is a VAT penalty for silver in the UK. I would say spend your shekels on other things unless you have enough to start buying gold sovereigns or something similar.
problem with tabaco is longevity
while good bottle of whiskey can sit in shelf for 20-30 years gaining value
and even in worst case scenario you can use it to clean wounds or even keep warm thru cold night
I bet 15 years ago Germany would be around 20 in crime index, but still not as bad as france or sweden (which is close in overtaking ukraine for top1)
well, tobacco has a shorter lifespan. though if SHTF lasts for more than a year, fuck it. ill quit smoking
Just dont buy silver/gold from the bank. They register it and are actually allowed to seize that shit whenever they want(since banks run the country...)
Buy it from a small store or individual.
How old are you user?
t. not NSA
I didn't think about the longevity. Alcohol seems to be the better choice then
Estonia has lowest tax for silver in whole EU. Just dont go alone.
happy birthday
How much did they get for you desu? I own 1.3kg of silver and only 1 ounce of gold
happy birthday
also i think you parents meant an economic crash, not a fucking race war. retarded nazi larpers.
Nice. Happy birthday btw.
You make Americans look stupid. He's in fucking Germany, not gonna come across pre 1965 US dimes very often you retard. If Fiat collapses, a gram of silver is going to be worth a lot more than it is today.
How much does that cost?
>Implying one wouldn't lead/cause to the other.
At least they realize shit's gonna hit the fan. Dunno if it's the same in germany but, we're selling the future for a pleasant illusion here. And people don't want to give up their illusion. even the ones ¨waking up¨ are civcucks at best. Good luck man. At least your parents are thoughtful and seemingly aware.
This, well buying coins (especialy USA and Australian) is ok, but such splitable bars are much better.
Problem is many of EU countries have nasty tax on Silver coins, and in many countries they need to colect your data when they sell silver to you.
you pour black stuff to Germany and it burns it all to produce power
About 500€ these small units cost more than a bigger bar
The point is to know what it's worth. At current silver prices, 500g is roughly 16 troy oz. Spot price of silver is roughly $16/oz. So that's about $256 in USD.
That's a pretty nice birthday present. I personally think it will be worth a lot more some day with or without a collapse. I've got several pounds worth of old 90% coins in my stash as that is an effective way in the US to buy fractional silver.
In Russia we just store some food in case ww3 or democracy happens. Why don't you just buy some military rations? or do you plan to run away with that silver?
>race war in a 95% white country where atleast 80% of whites holds ultra-liberal views
wew lad
Yep, just found out it's 20% VAT on silver, fuck sake lol
Honestly I think cigarettes are an even better investment. They have no arbitrary value. Plus if shit hits the fan every smoker who isn't stocked up will be desperate af.
are those the 100g ones that are worth like 60 euros or the 1kg ones for 400e?
anyway, that's more than enough for a birthday present but not really a smart investment.
use them to make a huge ass sword, nigga.
Oh and happy birthday. One year closer to the soothing embrace of death.
No worries m8 just take your pound sterling note down the bankery dankery doo and they'll give you a pound of sterling silver!
121 pre-1982 pennies created 1 pound of copper and as long as you smelt them into a "paperweight" shaped like an ingot or another non-currency item, it's totally legal.
Austria 20%
Belgium 21%
Denmark 25%
France 20%
Germany 7%
Italy 22% - Will increase to 24% in 2017
Ireland 23%
Luxembourg 17%
Netherlands 21%
Spain 21%
United Kingdom 20%
Poland 23%
>Estonia is the only country I can find in the EU that does not apply sales tax to silver bullion or silver coin purchases.
The 100g ones
Germany is mankinds rectum. It only produces shit and failures
I'd rather have the pennies. Nobody's going to be trading pounds of copper paper weights. Copperfags are the worst.
Metals will never be used like currency again you idiot. Counterfeit techniques have become much to advanced. You could never trust a random person offering silver.
well, then make a cute little silver dagger, user...
Silver and gold will be alright but lead is going to be the hottest commodity
>or democracy happens
You guys have nuclear weapons. We can't bully you militarily. Why do you think we sperg out so hard on someone possibly researching a weapon they can never use. It makes them sovereign.
>The 100g ones
You got 24000 euros? Jesus Christ.
>getting a 500 euro worth present
I got a t-shirt my last birthday, wasn't even a good t-shirt.
I'm not arguing if a race war will brake out, I'm saying if the economy collapses it would lead to civil unrest. If a race war broke out it will cause economic uncertainty, and fiat currency is already shakey. Learn how dictators come to power brazilnigger.
Wew lad
Shut the fuck up faggot. We need to support white people wherever they are. Stop acting like a dumb nigger
I can't even get people to show up to my birthday, which is today.
The only person I know who's showing up is the most degenerate piece of shit ever, he cheated on his gf with a black guy and they're still somehow together even after she found out.
She also cheated on him earlier in the relationship.
Both are covered in tats, both believe the whole "IQ doesn't measure anything" meme and that the wall doesn't matter.
I'd kill myself, but today is the memorial service for one of my great uncles.
Get yourself some pew pews m8
Unless you can forge that shit into a gun and some bullets it aint gonna be worth shit.
stock up on toilet paper....everyone will want it
everyone except indians
>he cheated on his gf with a black guy
what? Also happy birthday
hang in there user.
>a silver gun
wouldn't that be utter trash?
I don't have the space to store alot of food
I got 5 x 100g
Each 100g package has 100 pieces
A t-shirt isn't too bad. Think positive user
you read that correctly.
HE cheated on his gf with a black guy.
at least he'll bring weed. No sense not getting incredibly high and incredibly drunk tonight.
Cheers user.
Can't see myself travelling to Estonia any time soon.
Happy birthday user.
I "celebrate" alone too. Besides my parents and grandparents nobody gives a shit about me.
This is the future you chose.
the worst part is my parents, they try to cheer me up but don't realize how it makes things worse.
I'm 24 years old and my closest friend is a fish tank.
or anons on here, at least folks here actually make me laugh.
>I don't have the space to store alot of food
Well, if you go for freeze dried like you should if you have a little bit of money then it might not take as much space as you think. I have a 4 winter tires and wheels for my car. In about the same amount of space, I also have six months of food for one person.
If I don't use it in the next 20 years or so I'll drop it off at the local food bank.
Rice costs nothing and can be stored almost indefinitely.
About half a kilo should suffice in terms of daily kcal consumption, and you can get 100kg for about $200.
Wew. A coalburning faggot. Are you friends with Milo?
At least the weed part is nice, cheer up
the worst part is I invited a girl I like, absolute Aryan Princess, but I doubt she'll come.
And even if she did, it's not like I'm prime material.
Aryan Princess who has a strong relationship with God.
Literally the only woman I know worthy of mothering my children.
Who needs friends if you have anons.
Sounds interesting. I will check it out.
Happy Birthday boys, i wish i could shake your hands.
at least your parents love you no do right by surviving and breed with a good true german woman.
I'm not particularly sad, this is normal for my birthdays.
Coalburners, non-earners, and all.
Thanks user
Thread theme, for when you hear the specific line. You'll know it when you hear it.
>not a sad song either, depending on your perspective.
we have the biggest silver operation in alaska thats why silver was implemented in dimes
>Sounds interesting. I will check it out.
I don't know what the options in Germany are like, but in the US we have Mormons and they believe in storing food for the upcoming end times. So they make an industry of selling storable food to the rest of us on the cheap.
I've lived off beans and rice before, and I also have beans and rice, but imo you're going to die if you don't have a little bit of other things in your diet as well.
I did not mean american invasion. I mean if we elect/coup into power actual ((democrats)) that will fuck up economy like they did in '90s.
It was mandated in the Constitution before we bought up Alaska.