What's it like living in an invaded country?
I'm looking at you, Europeans (except poland and switzerland)
Do you feel less safe?
What's it like living in an invaded country?
I'm looking at you, Europeans (except poland and switzerland)
Do you feel less safe?
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Pretty sure we're the only country that has never been invaded.
>inb4 refugee joke
>inb4 refugee joke
>implying this is all just a silly joke
Turns out, it's real.
Feels great here.
but refugees are invaders
>checks flag
why america would want to invade europe. There is no oil here, except Norway.
Bruh we have an invasion of our own It's short and brown.
We might be getting invaded currently, but y'all already past the point of no return.
No sé, dímelo tú, Pedro.
i dont know
i m just waiting for the slaughtering, i will not spare no muslim no swede alike
Correction, a couple states are at the point of no return
the most populated states
>country filled with albanian and ex-yu trash
>not invaded
> switzerland
yeah burger try actually going to europe for an instance
and poland is far from the only non-cucked place around here, I can take a bike ride from one end of my capital to the other and, on a good day, never see a single negro/arab/paki, how about that? #sloveniastillnotcucked
¡Buenvenida en California!
My German friend's girl is finally getting some good dick from these mudslimes.. She's into rapekink and beastiality so it's perfect.
I love this country desu.
I couldnt imagine myself living in Sweden for example.
We've managed to hold this piece of land for over 1100 years now. Probably longer than any other ethnicity before. German philosopher Herder prophesied 200 years ago that Hungarians, surrounded by Slavs, will vanish soon.
We'll keep proving the opposite.
> invaded country
Mongolians, Ottomans, Russians, Prussians, Germans, Swedes, Ottomans, Slovakians, Bolsheviks
Gosh, stop invading us, give us a fucking break pls
>Do you feel less safe?
I feel way safer than I used to 10 years ago
>surrounded by Slavs, will vanish soon
Anyway, Nostradamus predicted that Poland will become a major superpower in the near future
Genetically we are probably nothing like our horse riding ancestors though
>Nostradamus predicted that Poland will become a major superpower in the near future.
>believing in Nostradamus
>the best states are white
>the worst states are full of shitskins
I bet he wrote that on his biggest trip lel
>Wielka Wojna Religijna
>Na początek XXI wieku Wielki mistrz Nostradamus przewiduje najazd islamu na Europę. Ma to być jednoczesny najazd wielkich armii muzułmańskich na Grecję i Bałkany oraz na Włochy, Hiszpanie i Francje.
>Do Francji ma napłynąć tylu wyzbawców proroka, że kraj ten nie będzie mógł sobie z nimi poradzić. Najpierw ma wybuchnąć wojna domowa we Francji spowodowana przez żyjących w niej muzułmanów a potem krwawe walki ogarną cały kraj i nastąpi rozpad państwa. Paryż ma spłonąć z rąk swoich muzułmańskich mieszkańców. Od tego momentu mają zacząć się wielkie rewolucyjne zmiany na całym świecie które Nostradamus określa jako wielki kataklizm.
>Podobnie tragiczny los spotka także część Niemiec i narody bałkańskie do których islam od dawna rości pretensje - czasy tureckie.
>Cała Europa Zachodnia ma cierpieć w wyniku wielkiej wojny cywilizacji. Wojna ma mieć charakter religijny, totalny. Zabijani mają być wszyscy. Starcy, dzieci i kobiety. Do Europy powróci niewolnictwo wprowadzone ponownie przez islam.
>III wojna światowa ma stać sie wojną religijną chrześcijaństwa z islamem. Wojną na śmierć i życie - któraś z tych religii musi zniknąć jak pisze Nostradamus. O prześladowaniach chrześcijan przez muzułmanów tak pisze wielki prorok Nostradamus : "To niesamowite, Porażajace ... Nigdy przed III wojną i nigdy po nie było i nie będzie takich okropności."
>Ta straszliwa wojna ma potrwać 27 lat. Polska ma być wolna od bezpośredniej okupacji islamskiej ale ma być pod jakimś wpływem islamu.
Ten cały artykuł jest z przed kryzysu migracyjnego
forgot about Austrians and Kozaks and Tatars, though
Yes, but we have a cultural continuity, even if you and me wasn't 'kangz' (Álmos, Előd, Ond, Kond, Tas, Huba, Töhötöm). I don't know how our language came here, but it was first recorded in the 11th century and we still speak it, so I guess we are Magyars.
>not an invaded country
I perfectly sure i'm not living next to a bunch of niggers and we have placed police inside the concentration camps and the military outside.
Western cucks are fucked beyond belief though.
Cant argue with that
At least they aren't fucking horses :^) Seriously what the fuck Switzerland
Switzerland is less than 50% Swiss. Sure, a lot of their immigrants are ''white'' but still, it's invaded..
say what now?
>british invasions of finland
Poland invaded western europe already with mass migration. My town here is flooded with them kurwa.
still counts
but hold up for a second, the soviet union gets kicked out of the un for this unjust attack on Finland
>Britain bombs finland to show support for the soviet union
fucking anglos
>Britian trying to sneak attack when it's light out 24 hours a day
Good luck winning an election when TX and FL become permanent Democrat states.
Most of them work and pay taxes. You'd better want more Ahmeds?
Every major city is a foreign state.
>calls himself trash
I just want to kill everybody of them, niggers, muslims, sudacas de mierda marrones (los blancos no) and chinese.
I just want to kill them and his jew masters and the gays maricones de mierda also...
I thought you were in jail for that that thing that happened in the subway?