Boyfriend is a nazi

We've been dating for about 2 weeks now and a few days ago I came to his house for the first time, and I was rather shocked to see a large swastika flag and nazi memorabilia inside his room. I already had my suspicions because he always bumps loud nazi black metal music in his car. Aside from this however, he is a really sweet good looking guy, but should I be worried?

Other urls found in this thread:

only the degenerate metal music should worry you

Lock him into a room with death metal blaring for 7 days straight, he will come out communist

>should I be worried?

only if you're jewish

No, this means he has morals and will make an excellent partner.



>Aside from this however, he is a really sweet good looking guy, but should I be worried?
Only if you're worried about him cheating on you with another man.

The internet "fashy" crowd is rife with homosexuals and trannies nowadays.

Age? Are you M or F? If M you both belong to the gas.

Is he autist Le Nazi or can he actually word why he is a National Socialist.

>good looking man
Fuck off slut

7s (trips quads+) always mean GUD fortune!

>metal music
>literally a song of rage against the status quo and the idea of not going silently into the goodnight
Oh, I forgot, white nationalist watch paint dry for fun

Send him to a communist gulag in northern region of china for 5 years. Meanwhile give birth to 6 black kids. He will be a great and humble cuck daddy when (if) he comes back. Use money sent from said gulag to attrackt black bulls with kfc.


Hmmm where have I heard this before...

I listen to normal people music for fun ;)

Maybe he just like memorabilia.

Remember, put sage in all fields

>not posting tits

Yea sure...

i'm 22 and he's 31

he's hot and definitely not as autistic as you

I have them ready but no one here is worthy of seeing them

faggot detected

Should you be worried?
Can you trace your lineage?


i'm not jewish but it still kind of makes me uneasy

Well you're obviously a faggot. Yes, you should be worried.

Dick or gtfo

> his beliefs and ideals are completely opposed to mine
> I abhor the music he likes
> but he's a good looking guy
womyn wasting digits, as they lay waste to Western civ, nothing new under the sun
as larping, 6/10, would try again

7/10 slide thread

Come off it. You love that you have a bad boy you can tame.

Nice bait.
Rate it 8/8

Prove that you're not some weeaboo behind a screen and show us a picture of your lower face with a timestamp that says LEAF

Does he live at home? I'm willing to bet yes

He's a keeper.

No, but you do.

>Inb4 "I'm actually very successful..."

Hide your collection of bbc videos and you'll be fine.

Metal is for children

>in after "no u!"

Wow i wasn't expecting such bants. U sure got me

Why are you on /pol ? You're not a NAZI ? GTFO

theres a vid on Jew tube called something like "George Lincoln Rockwell's greatest speech," and you'll come to understand that natsoc is best soc.


>Swede projecting
Join motstandsrorelsen you phaggot.

>tfw had a tinder girl over and forgot to take down my confederate flag hanging in my room

Had to weasel my way out of that one

>should I be worried?
No. If he has a girlfriend, children, property, etc he will have something to lose and therefore become less extreme.

look jesus your faggy little escapades are the least of my concerns. we have a score to settle nigger. are you ready? and no the venue has changed. nobody wants to go to some nowheresvil israel. your already in america so just stay put a customer service representative will be with you shortly

Ragyu dindu nuffin wrong. Lesbian incest and communist shirts are the future. Good image. 10/10 would not lose my way.

Jokes aside, this. Although, 31 and a ¨nazi¨ into black metal. He still sounds like a big of a faggot.

>i'm not jewish but it still kind of makes me uneasy
The most important is his heredity, education and way of life.

NSBM is not DM.

Why? You a faggot or something?

What's wrong about that, shitposter?

Nazis have morals and live by a code
He is a strong Aryan warrior and he will protect you. Have his fucking babies you cunt.

>large swastika flag and nazi memorabilia
Tell him to hide it, get rid of it or if it is a family inheritance to hide them.

>tfw jewish and Sup Forumsbf likes to roleplay nazi rapes ann frank

Because he's proud of his race and not sucking Tyrone's dick?
Get the fuck out of here roastie and post your tits, that's all you're good for anyway.

>I have them ready but no one here is worthy of seeing them
Besides it is the internett so we have to take you on your word.

Of course it's from a Finn
(Heavy Breathing) "actually guys......"

>should I be worried?

If getting a nice big house in a rural white area and having lots of cute white kids is scary to you, then yes you should be worried.

>i'm not jewish but it still kind of makes me uneasy
Why, how?

NMR? (Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen) mehh... as activists I kinda like what they're doing. Otherwise, eh. I'm nationalist. ethno nationalist at that. But not big on nationalsocialism as is. With uncle adolf.. maybe. But he's not around anymore.

No idea if your bf can articulate his political beliefs well or is a total sperg, but I would recommend listening to what he has to say. Or just browse Sup Forums for 3 weeks to 3 months.

your boyfriend sounds like a great guy.
don't cheat on him you fucking whore.
i know its hard not being allowed to fuck a new guy every week, but try.

TITS OR GTFO (time stamped)

The only autism is on your end. They are not similar aside from the instruments used. You must have tin ears.

and what do you listen to?
probably coldplay right or some other top 40 shit
"oooooohhh look at me and my undercut i'm so normal wow"

>Jokes aside, this. Although, 31 and a ¨nazi¨ into black metal. He still sounds like a big of a faggot.
The only discerning feature between a faggot and a bad boy is a body that can at least back up the edginess. It's hard for a fucking blob to be intimidating.
OP, does he have a 6 pack?

inb4 OP is a chink

Bullshit, Tits or GTFO then discussion

>not worthy of posting them here
GTFO gay man

no he's just not accustomed to metal because he listens to lil uzi vert, like a grown ass man

What is nazi black metal

>In Australia for study
>Meet a nice guy
>Become friends
>He seems like a centrist egalitarian
>Throw out some light race-realist comments
>Agrees with them
>Find out his family are all pretty traditional
>They own farms, market gardens and production businesses
>Seems a lot like national-socialism scaled down
>Invites me to go camping
>He and his male relatives are all 6'1+ and naturally athletic
>Never saw a single brown-eyed person the whole time
>They're playing football
>They take their shirts off
>All of them have celtic symbols paired with Swastikas
>Realise his entire family are white nationalists
>They're all the well-mannered types that Sup Forums tells me don't exist

If he's not trying to immediately convert you and you like him, then you've struck gold.

Tits or...

that's system of a down

your relationship role play has nothing to do with politics, you corpulent, shit stinking slob. fuck off and huff cyanide. nice fat sage as well so no bump for you, shit head.

That sounds a little too good to be true user. Also, post tits or BTFO

You too

The most creative music of this day. Even Jew college DJs are obsessed with it but of course they implore everyone to pirate only this genre as you shouldn't support such despicable persons.

you know the rules user

Yes, he's fit

i'm korean but whatever

I don't think (((she))) does

Does he push for babies? I know many guys push against it, but if he is a white nationalist his he different in this regard? Maybe you want children anyway? Also tell him that white nationalism dont need borders and that globalisation is not dangerous if he just raises his children to be strong, confident adults with a belief system.
Example/Dogma: Whites are inherently more egalitarian becouse of biology. This is a justification.

Stormtroopers Of Death

Speak English Or Die!

>I don't think (((she))) does
(((she))) does now :D

>Yes, he's fit
Jump his bones. Make him into a race traitor.

My white bf is also kinda a racist prick, but that doesn't stop him from pounding my latina pussy

>My white bf is also kinda a racist prick, but that doesn't stop him from pounding my latina pussy
If you are a pure euro descendant then you are still white ffs

>Race cheater
Holy fuck you should dumb him or your kids will end up like Elliott Rodger go on r/hapas to see your future kids

An example?

She could have white eggs implanted fertilised with his sperm.

No, unless you look like the bitch in the photo.

I don't look too different from her

>tfw no korean gf to make me kimchi
feels bad

I'd have to give you a few as it has many different flavours within the genre. Here is a super lo-fi song that will implant a bug into you brain with is catchiness and chiming call and answer guitar.


This is next level shit posting here. I only wish an Aussie were here to see this

He will probably attempt to "redpill" you at some point. most likely he will do it slowly leading up to a larger reveal at which point you dump him and he makes a green text about it, to post here

Simple test
>if you are white and female
Keep him, make white babies, save the white race

Fucking gas yourself

>trying to convince an Australian borders are a bad thing
Shilling in the highest order by Jewish high priests can't pierce that armor.

Are you a fucking idiot? Caucasian eggs fertilised with Caucasian sperm equals Caucasian baby. She will merely be a vessel and will raise the child in a typically disciplined manner.

>NatSoc has Asian gf
Like pottery

You should probably find someone else, but do not tell him the truth. He may stop caring about his people and start being a white guilt-leftist with problem glasses. Tell him he does not work hard enough; so he will work harder for his people.

pic related. Everybody trying to avoid this for happening.