Boyfriend is a nazi

We've been dating for about 2 weeks now and a few days ago I came to his house for the first time, and I was rather shocked to see a large swastika flag and nazi memorabilia inside his room. I already had my suspicions because he always bumps loud nazi black metal music in his car. Aside from this however, he is a really sweet good looking guy, but should I be worried?

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only the degenerate metal music should worry you

Lock him into a room with death metal blaring for 7 days straight, he will come out communist

>should I be worried?

only if you're jewish

No, this means he has morals and will make an excellent partner.



>Aside from this however, he is a really sweet good looking guy, but should I be worried?
Only if you're worried about him cheating on you with another man.

The internet "fashy" crowd is rife with homosexuals and trannies nowadays.

Age? Are you M or F? If M you both belong to the gas.

Is he autist Le Nazi or can he actually word why he is a National Socialist.

>good looking man
Fuck off slut