Debuking the Spanish and Italians are non white

We all know that Spain Colonized whole world and has kick ass architecture and 1st world standards. They Discovered Americans and have tons of inventions. During the invasion of muslims, muslims numbered 20 000 and conquered Iberia that at the time had population of around 4 million so they could hardly change genetics. They were mostly at top positions and as time passed the natives were muslims later on. During reconquista and inquisition many times muslims were sent back and resettled by Christian Spaniards. Even majority of Spanish haplogroup is huge majority R1. North Africa used to be part of Vandal kingdom for 100 years, do north Africans look Germanic?

Italians were never even conquered by any 3rd world nation except a really small part of sicily. Majority of their slaves were celts during Roman times. Italy has epic architecture started renaissance and had Dante, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and multple others and has invented so much.
Just because those nations don't have blonde features like Swedes doesn't mean they are not white Europe has to have real diversity after all

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Meds are white.
There aren't a lot of differences between all of them, most of them share the same colours, I'm focusing on North African and Iberians.
They are mostly different when it comes to the skull size and haplogroup.

Pic related is a Moroccan

>Pic related is a Moroccan

Thats like me giving a picutre of blonde indian and sayin '' Look Indians are white''

maghrebi scum are not white

European Meds are white, not the remaining meds

White is either a racial concept or not, it's not a cool kids club.
Meds are (sub)racially different from proper whites i.e Anglos/Scandinavians.


White is the cucked stormweenie word of European, both of which contain the subcategories of slavs, germanics and Iberians etc etc

>Meds are (sub)racially different from proper whites i.e Anglos/Scandinavians.
Anglos/Scandis literally can't handle the sun, and meds are the inferior ones?
>maghrebi scum are not white
What are they then? Black?

North African.

I have never mentioned superiority/inferiority in my post, says a lot about the complexes some people have here.
We Meds are adapted to a different environment as Nords, of course they have more trouble than us in our climate.

Only a small vocal minority thinks that Meds aren't "white". European Meds that is.

North-African, Middle-Eastern, Anatolians etc. are not "white".

Anyone who sits on their fat ass screams about Italians not being 'white' needs a psych eval, has never picked up a history book.... and their family history was probably endentured white slaves that immigrated to the US.

Yeah it's mostly Americans who got their entire idea of race/ethnicity from their history books on the second world war or it's just people shitposting.

Misunderstood the "sub racially" then

>North-African, Middle-Eastern, Anatolians etc. are not "white".
What are they then?

>and meds are the inferior ones?
no, but we are different

"Proper Whites"

Ohhhh, do tell oh wizard. You seem to know more than what EVERY SINGLE DNA STUDY in genetics on the FUCKING PLANET tells us.

ah ok, guess it was a bit misleading

sub-racially because both are caucasian, and both roughly reside in an Europid cline of variation, although it gets a bit complicated there as you don't have the sort of huge separation that exists between caucasians and non caucasians, people near the borders of Europe are often more related to non Europeans than they are to other Europeans, namely Finns and south Italians

"proper whites" in the sense that those people pretty much define the category and nobody could reasonably call them non-white
or do you seriously believe that if you sample enough Italians you'll find people more genetically white than Norwegian?

btw, "white" is not a genetic category recognized in any serious study

Ahhh, so "White" is the lack of melanin (because of mostly snow regions) and lack of large percentage of Light Eyes.

"White" is, according to you, how close you are to being PALE?

Not about cranial features or DNA, or haplotypes, or genetics, or facial features, or phenotypes.

It's all about SKIN tone?? You take yourself seriously?

According to Benjamin Franklin Scandinavians were swarthy.

>btw, "white" is not a genetic category recognized in any serious study

Fucking KEK, from the guy who just said "Proper Whites"

nice strawmen buddy, you truly come off as an expert on the subject
I'm just basing my classification on what can be considered unanimously white and then expanding from there

BF is long dead and his definition of white is no longer considered believable

yet another strawman, I never mentioned to be talking about a commonly recognized scientific term, "whiteness" is not scientific but we can still talk about it

So far, I've heard on Sup Forums

Germans not White
Italians not White
Irish not White
Russians not White
Portuguese and Spanish not White
Italian not White
Finnish not White

Who's left? If it's going to come down to skin tone, than the pale snow people or pink "Anglos" can claim WHITENESS. Fuck em.

"Unanimously considered White"

You mean PALE skin with light eyes? Amirite?

>Who's left?
Anglos, and they are really not white (anymore).

Alright bro, my genetic test says 100% European, my eyes are green, hair is auburn, pale as hell in the winter.

But hey, don't consider me "White". Cool man. Half of Europe can live without the snow people or the Anglos just fine.


reasonably depigmented Europid of continental European appearance, the sort of person who could pass as a local in one of your super white communities

is this man white or not?

Okay, if Anglos are the only "Whites" left, then fuck man, they sure gotta hard road ahead. No need to defend as fellow Whites. Since I'm not White.

Good to know Man.

why are you so much on the defensive?
tell you what, why don't you explain to us exactly what a "white" is and how you distinguish it from a "non-white", phenotypically and genetically

That man is CLEARLY not white based on pheno-typical traits alone. WTF are you asking for?

Whites are EUROPEANS. All but Sicilians and PARTS of Eastern Europe.

But hey, only Anglos are White. So why even bother responding? Right?

ok, how often do you think that phenotype appears among pure stock Norwegians and how often does that appear in Greece or south Italy?
maybe there's actually some real genetic differences and putting those in the same box makes no sense whatsoever?

the guy I posted was from Calabria, guess he is actually white then

keep being on the defensive

You're a fucking Idiot

butthurt damage control, exactly what I expected

No, you're literally a fucking Idiot

that's an arab

the faggots in this video look italian, right?

but if you do some research, you find out they're arab/jewish.

really makes you think huh

keep crying and not bringing any single argument
you still have to explain to me your classification criteria for genetic and phenotypical whiteness

that don't even look like an italian wtf

Sicilians and Chechens are white. Fite me faget.

That was a really gay song


nice undersampled pca you got there
try to include more populations from the near east and west Siberia and you'll see what I'm talking about


>try to include more populations from the near east and west Siberia
There are plenty

>utah, USA
hmm that is some meme data you got there

why? Utah whites are a common academic sample for white americans and they plot exactly where you expect them to

I wonder why Sardinian plot so far from everyone in these fucking graphs. Like they have nothing in common with anyone? Even though they were under Cartage for a while?

Based proto-Europeans

what makes Sardinians different from other Europeans is not the presence of something non-European but rather the absence of a certain input from the steppe, related to the spread of IE languages
there's no significant sign of Carthaginan input

all middle-late neolithic Europeans were pretty much sort of Sardinian

well except maybe those from the Baltic area actually