The Streets of Paris by Lauren Southern
notice anything?
>we wuz Eiffel Tower when?
The Streets of Paris by Lauren Southern
notice anything?
>we wuz Eiffel Tower when?
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Oh wow, another thread promoting this roastie
What a racist video. How has it not been taken down yet?
I'd fugg her butt
>posting an e celeb who spreads knowledge you could get by lurking on Sup Forums for 10 seconds
fuck off hormon driven nigger
Fuck this cunt
what did she mean by this?
>a turk post that is not incoherent islamic shitposting
fuck off inbred
he's got a point fellows
if you have a problem with blacks and brownies overtaking western white cities then you're just an ignorant racist
>t.10% negro 15% poo-in-loo "white nationalist"
we already know everything she talks about and will talk about because she gets everything from here and you hormon driven niggers donate her on patreon. there's no need to post content from her on Sup Forums.
>thirsty shut ins glorifying a vapid attention whore.
We have known this for a decade. This is old news. Please take a lead pill OP.
I notice it's the "La Chapelle" district, which is for Paris what the Bronx is for NY. Anything else ?
Is Lauren Southern pregnant or something?
Being short looks pretty shit
Get the fuck out of this board you disgusting fucking shitskins.
I believe a man took this footage, not Southern herself. She's not getting looked at by anyone.
surprised she didnt get molested. has Sup Forums been exaggerating??
Desu desu desu shocku
She looks like a nigger with that stance though, stand up straight
Paris has always been a shit hole tourist Trap. Just like most major cities. Stay in the tourist areas, everything else is crime ridden projects for the poor and immigrants.
>thicc af
>getting negged by nerd like you
Wew lad, stick to critiquing your animes ok?
She doesn't even need to say a fucking word, just a video is worth a million words, and it's why tourism to Paris has been consistently going down.
>Muslim are only 12% of France’s population but make up 70% of France’s prisoners.
>In France, 70% of burglaries are committed by first or second generation immigrants.
>In France, more than 40% of young Muslims believe that terrorism is justified.
>In France, 96% of rejected asylum seekers remain in the country.
>One in five young French Muslims believes that terrorism is often or sometimes justified.
>15% of French people back ISIS.
>40% of French Muslims do not have French friends.
>There are 751 Muslim ghettos in France.
>In France, 93% of Muslims vote for socialism.
>France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
>she's a Jew!
>she's a coalburner!
>she's not a blonde!
>she's an e-celeb
>she's just an attention whore just doing it for the money!
>she's useless!
>she looks like a tranny!
>she's actually a fraud!
>she's a man!
>she doesn't have a kid at 22!
>she needs to stop the activism and devote herself to motherhood!
>she's a whore!
>her common danish surname is evidence of Jewish heritage!
>she's alt-lite civic nationalist!
>washingtonpost com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/28/AR2008042802560.html
haha nice video thanks ! love the "Paris Syndrom", those retarded tourists thinking there is Chanel N°5 flowing in the fountains and people kissing and dancing everywhere. Just go to Disney Land if you crave fantasy.
oh man, that's a real flavourful coffee. a real smooth roast with a prevalent charcoal hint. that is the best coffee ever. i've gotta taste some of this pound cake. oh man.
paris was nice once
what are your recommendations as to right-wing writers, speakers, documentary makers, activists, youtubers?
That's fucking nothing. I was there is 2010 and if you went on the subway (which I did like an idiot) you'd be mobbed by niggers a d Arabs trying to sell cigarette and shit.
What was not disgusting was seeing blond french women with pure African monkeys.
fucking racist
did anyone else notice ALL the shitskins looked at her?
My parents went to Paris in the 90s and said they had the time of their lives.There was some pickpocketting here and there around the Effel Tower bus that's it.
They went back there about 4 years ago and said the place was madness. Decay in the streets and smell of pee everywhere and so many niggers they said they felt it was in South Africa. Then you have all police forces all over the place to protect the place from terrorism now, and it's even gotten worse in the last 4 years.
It's not even anger for them. It's sadness for the fall of nations they always liked like France, Germany, Italy, and so on.
why don't you read books?
Go to Paris
Ah, gay Paris!
get beheaded
He's only pointing out that all the retards who shit on Lauren can never mention any right-wing/nationalist public figure they support because they're almost always shills, leftists, shitskins, etc.
These people try to discredit people like Lauren all day long on this board while trying to blend in but in reality they don't care about what this board stands for.
i'd expect a lot more staring if that was lauren walking about
where do i get qt canadian gf
That's because our restaurants, craftsmen, small shops are closed thanks to big-ass shopping centers, mc donalds, and kebabs. Our cars are made in foreign countries, our homes are filled with cheap chinese products, etc. We failed to defend our culture against US and Muslim invasion through globalization. Now it's the same shithole as anywhere else in the world.
Kill yourself you autistic shitskin, you're not influencing anyone with your spam.
it was sped up. Play it on 0.25 speed and you can see they ALL dart their black eyes at her.
Lauren, pls
what are your recommendations as to right-wing and nationalist writers, speakers, documentary makers, activists, youtubers?
what a sad loser you must be
id love to see your pic irl. probably a fat mixed spic from the usa
18th arrondissement is the worst place in Paris, it is the equivalent of Hackney in London. A little further north there is the seine Saint Denis which is even worse.
Destiny is such an insufferable cuck. I wish he'd debate someone actually knowledgeable on his shit stream.
stop posting pics of you're family, island nigger
i think youre just looking for you's at this point
i'm going to share your usage of racial slurs with your family and your leftist friends
prepare for the bash, fash
Holy fuck Paris is disgusting.
t. A virgin
t. burger never travel to europe
Just removed.
Paris population demographics. 62% white
My cousin work for airline companies. He lives in Paris, sent me photos. It's shit you fucking eurocuck.
Where's your videos showing the world the problems France has? Where's you contributions showing the truth that's happening. What are (You) doing to help expose mass unchecked immigration?
It works for me
How was this information gathered?
Stop promoting this slut.
And here's something for a taste of things to come
The video is pretty good, southern isn't that bad
Recommend him some alternatives then.
Lol the only time during the entire video that you see whites in any significant numbers is at the Antfia rally at the end.
Fuck you France, fuck you Paris. Youre a stain on the West.
I wish he got his twink ass beaten up. He is literally a human chuhuahua that tries to act tough for his small size. This faggot was also shittalking on twitter to someone who is literally 3 times his size (judging by the guy's photos) that he could beat him up in person.
t. fat neckbeard keyboard warrior
Oh wow, another post promoting this kike
>t. Chink
>this is what happened to Mexico and Brazil and nobody said anything until they arnt white countries anymore
so much virtue
lauren should go full WN though
Rest in peace France.
"France is not France anymore."
- Trump.
Kek. I will not be surprised to see this video taken down. It's literally, word for word; just walking in France.mp4
>All this video shows is that ethnic French people are almost a minority/are a minority in their own capital
>What's so bad about that?
Holy shit how can anyone be this much of a cuck?
>that (what fucking race is that even) woman
>lauren should go full WN though
No she shouldn't let herself get pidgenholed like that, it would only limit her reach. Most WNs see what's going on, so it wouldn't help her with anyone.
She's a good bridge.
Just your average frenchmen walking around Paris, neither interesting, nor surprising
Being a crypto is difficult. I feel so bad about this, about our future.
but the video explanation though..
The reason i bad mouth lauren is because i don't like her. It's not that i don't like what she is doing. I do not like her. I shit all over her to satisfy my ego. If it manages to turn people against her then i win. If she ends up really helping the white race i still win. If lauren really is this great selfless white nationalist you all say she is, then she does not need shilling or gratitude.
fucking spastic
no one claimed she is selfless
Do we really want a bunch of people who are completely motivated by personal greed? That's exactly the mercenary army the left is
But you don't have any evidence she is "completely motivated by personal greed". She could make 5x more money if she stayed in Canada and just made 5 youtube videos a week.
wow, a useless complaining faggot.
no one said she's motivated by greed either. she's someone who has noticed the destruction of europe and is raising awareness of it, and in some instances engaging in direct action or protest against it. she in all likelihood sees a modest income from youtube nowadays, which is no bad thing.
I don't really know or care. Attacking her satisfies my ego because i just don't like her
>That's exactly the mercenary army the left is
You mean the left that can take over major cities for a weekend burning everything in site. Yeah it would be terrible to have that sort of momentum.
stupid cunt, you deserve to be a minority in your own country
also what are your recommendations?
>tfw you never visited Paris while it was still a european city.
Do you like everyone in the right? There are people i like and people i don't like.
I like azzmador, richard spencer, chris cantwell, trs guys, andrew anglin, weev, jared taylor
Until the bitch says "White Genocide" she's a attention whore (((Civic Nationalist))).
>inb4 "She did a video about the Great Replacement just last week!"
Yes but she never said white genocide and always said "Western people" which is very ambiguous with the current cesspit of a racial situation we are in.
She also never used the official UN report about replacing whites as a source. She used every source but that one.
Reminder for virgin newfags that Lauren is only 22 years old and is not even relatively attractive unless she was twice that age.
>makes money off you because she exposes news like France being overrun with muslims
Who cares honestly?
>it's either 10/10 or 0/10
That's pretty much how i feel too. Until she starts talking about a fascist white ehtnostate and purging all non whites and fags, i think i will pass. This woman is too alt lite for my tastes. I just get the sense that she is never going to be all in on this explicitly white nationalist stuff. She looks like someone who is waiting to get a job at fox news.
most people don't lurk here, that's kind of the point of making a video on Youtube about it dumbass
post your face