What was society like before 9/11?
What was society like before 9/11?
it was chill. smartphones didn't exist. internet was big but not yuuuuuuge. females under the age of 18 weren't thoths. N64/PS1 was the sheeeeeeit
you'll never be a 90's kid again
Rarely thought about international events. I can only really remember the Bosnian/Serbian wars and the Gulf War (I was born in 85).
It still felt like a white country. You'd rarely go places and be outnumbered.
There was more of a masculine, edgy culture (Eminem, WWE Attitude era, heavy metal was mainstream).
It all started to change with Columbine and then 9/11 put the final nail in the coffin.
It was Standard Definition
Less suicidal for the most part.
pretty much this. I wish I was born earlier than 1990. the 90's were comfy
We didn't realize how much sand niggers and black niggers hate whites.
People had too much. More than they ever needed.
you're under age
There was a good faith mentality generally everywhere, wasn't much, but its absence is deafening.
A better question is what was society like before the internet.
The answer is: much better.
just check this video from 1987
Its amazing how many Jackie Chan movies I watched back then that I didn't realize both how low resolution they were or how terrible the plots really were
I'd nuke China and taiwan right fucking now. I literally shake out of hate when I see one of those dog eaters in Osaka. Kill every single one of them. Niggers of Asia.
pd: remove koreans too.
>trump would just fuck up his business and not the country for 16+ years
>hating on people for being brown and or Muslim was frowned upon
It was less cucked
Kill yourself cuck
>literally shake
people chilled at the malls
arcades were a huge thing
neighborhood kids played tag football in the streets
kids used to go to the local lake/water and fish
kids used to buy smokes out of vending machines
T. Trumptard
The internet was its own subculture where you could connect with others around the world and talk about shared interests all while remaining completely anonymous. Personal websites, BBS, and IRC were huge. Letting normies on the internet and making it an extension of real life was the worst mistake we made. People actually get prosecuted for things they post on the internet. It's madness.
There were no cell phones so you had to call your friends house number to hang out with them. I still have my friends numbers memorized.
Kids played vidya, but spent lots of time outside too. In the suburbs it was basically go run around until sundown. Summer lasted forever. Now kids never leave their house but just watch Minecraft Let's Play on their tablets.
There were still racial issues (Rodney King, OJ, etc.) but everyday black/white relations were just normal. Now with BLM and all this craziness, everyone is looking over there shoulder.
Movies were still original and entertaining. 90's cinema had tons of unique filmmakers doing cool shit. Now it's all capeshit, sequels, and rehashes. Film studious NEVER take risks. 90's was the last era where they used practical effects. Now everything is a video game cartoon.
>A better question is what was society like before the internet.
>The answer is: much better.
Crime in general has been decreasing year by year for decades. The media just convinces everybody that the sky is falling and that we need to ban guns for "the children". The idea you used to be able to leave your door unlocked is an absolute myth.
This. WWF Attitude era. Vince getting beat up by Stone Cold Steve Austin and JR freaking out on commentary every Monday night was the shit.
More or less the majority of people were optimistic what with the start of the year 2000 and probably we were all thinking something great would happen.
Boy were we wrong, now we got this world in such a mess.
Vidya was better back then. We got our first 3D games, and the gameplay was still actually challenging and interesting. Now every game is "run to beacon", "press X", "win game". Games back then you actually had to use your brain. Also, split screen multiplayer.
Overall, people just felt safer. You could walk down the street, smile at people, and actually live life. Now everyone is trapped in their electronic devices, and the only time they look up is for the next nigger or sandnigger attack.
>cheap and affordable housing, higher education
>plenty job opportunities (no h1bs!!!)
>quality cheap native goods. cheap petrol etc
>no diversity or identity politics
>intact communities
>stability, prosperity and safety
>IRC were huge
i fucking loved IRC
i miss the old internet days
this is what minorities are going through right now in the US. They have no idea, all of their shows and music will be gone soon...
>replying with "cuck"
Ebic insult bro!!!! I'm btfo!!!!
>warez, appz, pr0n
and progz
There were campfires, we'd hold hands and sing songs and tell stories.
We'd roast marshmallows, because hotdogs were too much of a luxury in those days.. reserved for mostly for special occasions.
90's we're comfy as fuck. All them Final Fantasy games.
Better in some ways, worse in others.
Using your Blockbuster sign as an example, going to video stores was a little mini-event. You'd go with your friends, family or girlfriend, walk around the store, hope the tape was in, mingle with a bunch of other people on Friday night there to do the same thing - chill out and have a movie night. Then argue over who was going to return the tape, maybe the tracking was off, or maybe some dildo put the wrong tape back in the box.
You look back now on that with fond memories, but a lot of it was really just a pain. If you dropped Netflix on the 90's, people would have thought it was a godsend. People abandon old technology for a reason.
I think some of it just looks better with nostalgia glasses on but when you were there, you wanted something better.
But things like the way people acted, the overall attitude of America, the music scene, etc. was absolutely better. People felt safe, were overwhelmingly optimistic. Was a good time.
i don't know, but technology was shittier, everything was slower. Many things are better nowdays, except muslim invaders, thanks to amurica.
I want to say that it was a simpler time, a happier time.
Like the way you can look back at the 50s and think "Wow it was so much simpler back then, everyone looks happy!" Something like that. The world was still modern, but the outside world wasn't this scary, big bad place. And at home, everyone cared more about what was "RADICAL!" And being cool (even old people tried to be 90s cool and fit in) instead of complaining and tearing down fucking everything.
Maybe it was different in other places since I only grew up in America, but for the US it felt like the golden age; the height of modern development, success and unity, while people still having an open, friendly and optimistic mindset.
Basically since 9/11 it's basically felt like a downward spiral across the board.
That still exists tho
Stop derailing the thread you fucking cuck, go watch your girl getting plowed
id say post 9/11 wasnt bad until bush left office
>amerifats sad they have to live in the real world now
boo fucking hoo
Kids these days don't know about printing your Pokemon Snap pictures off of a special machine at blockbuster. Videogames were God tier back in the 90 s. Quake, doom, conkers bad fur day. You weren't supposed to put your personal info on the web because everybody had a sense that it was a bad fucking idea. Cell phones were pretty rare, pagers were a thing. In general I think people were more at ease. 9/11 changed everything.
>we can't have what America had so that means nobody should have it.
Fuck you faggot.
Well. Yeah.
Consider what America originally was. Escape from the dumb fuck traditions and mores and norms that held back advancement.
We never wanted to be part of your dogshit world. We loved our bubble.
videogames are better nowdays.
back then migrants were rare, there might be 0.01% muslims somewehre are 50,000 a year net migration, now it's 10 times that. Those that did come over went to London and stayed there.
now it's all over of course but at one time it was a nice country very optimistic around that tony blair new labour period.
Commies get out
>i state an opinion that isn't "man trump is gr8 and fucking brown people are ruining America "
>I'm somehow derailing the thread when all you do is repeat "yousa cuck!!!!" 100x
Do you have brain damage?
Gtfo normie
They look prettier, but they are just re wrapped shined up versions of classics. Quake Arena was the shit. I blew so many hours on the school computers playing Unreal. Shooters used to have some way cooler fucking guns. Turok for instance.
9/11 was 15 years ago, if you were 2 1/2 when it happened you are now a legal adult.
You ruined what we had.
We will never forgive you.
People keep saying 9/11 did us in, which was a big part but the final nail in the coffin was the 2008 financial crash. Peoples livelihoods were destroyed, entire job sectors, and a housing market to this day that's yet to really recover to some of the rust belts states where i live to this day. And this brought on a huge cultural shock as well to. The boom times of the early 2000s were over and this brought in more radical positions. The lgbtqp, Obama being elected on the bias of being black and a carrot and stick method oh being able to fix the economy, and even More racial tension and division! It go so much worse after the crash :***((
This also in terms of video games; They look amazing and beholding. But the gameplay and now even outright story T. Mass effect Andromeda as perfect recent example are shit no other way to put it. We got video games that look goo but with horrible gameplay and stories.
a kid, who has never played before, would choose modern fps shooter any day. Although i don't like fps, i think they have more depth nowdays.
You have been infected by nostalgia my friend.
>You will never go into AIM chat rooms around 2000 and larp as a teenage girl to troll the virgins
Times were simpler
modern FPS games fucking suck. Get down to 1% health, hide behind cover for 10 seconds, back to 100% health.
A couple years ago I was saying this to a friend and he challenged me to beat the last level of Call of Duty Black Ops on max difficulty then and there. I had never played the game before. I beat it on my first try without ever having played that game before.
Yep, life was similar for this Michigan man.
>people had integrity
>radical feminism and white male guilt wasnt a thing
>there wasn't BREAKING NEWS 24/7 so when something bad did happen you weren't so desensitized that you didnt care
Side bar: I mean look at the Manchester Bombing, The Nice attacks, or the Bataclan. back in '01 that would be 9/11 tier news, now Europeans dont give a shit because it happens every day
>SJWism, rape culture, feminism didnt exist outside of the fringes of society or pollute entertainment
>videogames were on the up swing in popularity
>Racebating didnt exist
>Economy was better
>Being middle class actually meant that you were making pretty good money
>Gas was $1.50 per gallon
>Music was better, even rap was good and not so niggerfied that it sucked
>If someone was shot by the police, then everyone thought they probably deserved it
>food wasn't full of unhealthy chemicals and preservatives
>You could actually afford to buy a house for a decent price
>social media and smartphones didn't dominate everyone's lives
>Kids could actually be outside alone and not risk being kidnapped by a pedo
>Getting into college and getting a degree actually meant something
>Islam didn't exist outside of the middle east
It was a better time user
>obama presidency
>starts with even king nigger against fag marriage
>degeneracy was still mostly looked upon as bad
>race relations were pretty good
>8 years later
>faggotry completely accepted and encouraged
>"slut shaming" is somehow an actual accepted term among normies
>race relations destroyed, whites becoming afrikaners of america
>republicans refuse to turn back the tide on any of this because this shit is actually popular now
You might be onto something, user
Nah. Games were actually better back then. When you bought a game you got a full fucking videogame. None of this paying for anything past 20 hours of play time. Expansions were pretty much a full sequel. When you bought an expansion it actually was worth it. You've been infected with pleb tier taste in gaming.
tl:dr: that bitch Eve ate the apple and ruined everything.
I'm 34 now. I was a senior in high school when 9/11 happened. Here's the major societal changes (in my opinion):
1) News: absolutely NOTHING like it is today. CNN was actually a respectable outlet with legit reporting. There were no "personalities" like Tucker or Hannity (or any liberal equivalents either). Getting news from the internet still wasn't really a thing pre-9/11.
2) Phones: no smartphones. 90% of my calls to friends were on my home landline. I had a cell phone (the Nokia brick that had the snake game on it) but I rarely used it to talk, mostly to text on. Having unlimited texting was actually a service you had to pay extra for back then, lol. People weren't glued to their phones constantly because phones couldn't do much besides text and call people. If you went to dinner at a restaurant, people would actually be looking at each other and not down at their phones.
3) Gaming: N64, PS1 and Dreamcast ruled my gaming life. Goldeneye for N64 was basically the console shooter king until Perfect Dark came out a few years later. PS1 had come out in the mid-90's and not many people had it but then Final Fantasy 7 came out and did for the PS1 what Halo did for the Xbox (the first one). Dreamcast was a major deal bc it was the first time you could LITERALLY have an arcade experience at home. Prior to that, games ported from arcade to console most often had compromises to the graphics and/or sound, but Dreamcast basically shattered that barrier. All in all, a pretty great time to be a console gamer.
4) Buying Stuff: Amazon existed, but from what I remember initially they focused mostly on books and music. If you wanted a CD or book that you couldn't find at Borders or Barnes and Noble you went to Amazon. At that point in time, you wouldn't really be like "oh I'll just buy my toilet paper on Amazon!" Prime didn't exist so if you wanted something shipping costs played a big role in that.
Yeah... Still haven't purchased andromeda. When it hits 20 bucks I might give it a try.
>look amazing
I still rent dvds sometimes.
What was the Czech Republic like in the 90's, user?
its was a time before time... the way back time. a time when magazines were eaten by early man and giant 56k modems roamed the earth. man had started to make simple tools and started dominating the wild life with kodak "cameras". this was before phones developed a larger brain that was capable of playing angry birds
i like for example xcom 2 and civilizations series wouldn't play the originals.
Phantasy star online. Fucking hell dreamcast was ahead of its time. 56k modem on a console. N64 was the shit. Getting together with 3 friends to play goldeneye was the shiiiiiit.
I was in my early 30s it marked the end of 20 years of prosperity where things got better every year. Every year since we got poorer, more degenerate and more depressed
my grandma had a webtv back in the day from 1998 to 2004/5. thing was a pos compared to a computer, but it was better than nothing. best thing about it was using it for chatrooms, you could troll the fuck out of those rooms get permabaned, but I found out if you unplug the webtv it would reset the permaban. I would do this about 20 times a day.
>The boom times of the early 2000s
the early 2000s was a bust a fuckin recession
housing scam resulting in the 2007 bubble
no one got jerbz so they went to fight some towelheads
the depressed economy was propped up by a housing bubble. the govt and financial institutions provided a "bail out" to the people in the form of low interest rates and lax regulations. the lack of job opportunities in the depressed economy forced people to exploit new career incentives created by financial institutions and govt focused on real estate speculation. with everyone speculating in real estate through "free money", the bubble burst.
Malls still were good and had music stores that would carry rare CD singles.
I think you are a faggot because, for example, you suck dicks.
You probably wouldn't play the original deus ex you fucking homo. Though the modern releases of that series are pretty good.
Starcraft. Warcraft. Diablo. All of them are better than their modern iterations.
starcraft is in your ass. and diablo and warcraft. fuck you.
Your retard, idiot.
What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?
You fucking what mate? Tasteless Finnish faggot.
>Pre-2001 news was respectable
Tip toppity kekerino
You probably think Walter Cronkite was trustworthy.
If the CIA is going to continue to illegally drone strike people, I hope you to be collateral damage. government sheep like you deserve what they get.
you ever play Infantry Online? shit was addicting .
Okay. SO what is your theory that videogames are badder nowdays?
A good example of this is comparing Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind to Skyrim. Morrowind had tons of lore, and depth to the story and you could actually ruin your game for killing/angering the wrong people. It also took 20 hours minimum to complete and that is if you just clicked through the dialogue and didnt explore at all. If you factor in exploration and guild you could easily spend 70-100 hours in the game.
Skyrim on the other hand has a main quest that can be completed in 5 hours and maybe 30 hours of content outside of that. It looks better and has "more" locations, but it is a mile wide and an inch deep in terms of content.
This is a list, that someone made and it shows what he liked the most at that year. What do you think, what would you play?
1984 Tetris
1985 Super Mario Bros
1986 Castlevania
1987 Space Quest II
1988 Super Mario Bros 3
1989 Prince of Persia
1990 Silent Service II
1991 Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
1992 Wolfenstein 3D
1993 Doom
1994 Doom II
1995 Command & Conquer
1996 Duke Nukem 3D
1997 Age of Empires
1998 Fallout 2
1999 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
2000 Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
2001 Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
2002 Battlefield 1942
2003 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
2004 Half-Life 2
2005 Battlefied 2
2006 TES IV: Oblivion
2007 The Witcher
2008 Mass Effect (PC)
2009 Dragon Age: Origins
2010 Mass Effect II
2011 TES V: Skyrim
2012 XCOM: Enemy Unknown
2013 Metro: Last Light
2014 Shadowrun: Dragonfall
2015 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2016 Dark Souls III
1. They don't release games of any decent length unless you are willing to shit out another 60 bucks for a (((season pass)))
2. They are cramming political correctness into fucking everything
3. Modern games are not challenging enough.
4. They are selling the hobby out to sell to retarded demographics, and making games to the lowest common denominator.
They look prettier but there is no originality. No mans sky had the potential to be amazing and instead they handed us absolute shit.
Only foreigner here was an adopted gook. First time i saw a nigger was like seing an extra terrestial.
>Starcraft 1 vs. Starcraft 2
My favorite part about Starcraft is that it was full fucking game. I never played anything past the shitty Terran storyline on Starcraft 2 because They literally divided up the faction content into 3 separate games
>says pre-2001 news was respectful, deserves death
Another great advantage to living in 2017 is the abundance of antipsychotics. Run to a psychiatrist and get some.
In America? More free.
More focused on living life than on terror or debt as a whole.
In a way they tipped their hand, because instead of the manipulation slowly sneaking up on this gen we were forced to question their lies.
Plus the map creator. Fucking a I used to make some insane shit with that on the original Starcraft.
>those alien bastards are gonna pay for shootin' down my ride
How old are you faggot?
Still shit the difference is we did not have iphones back then.
>when first person shooters only had horizontal x-axis camera panning
found the 15 year old who has only played COD, Minecraft, and Skyrim
Life felt warm. Stepping outside your door felt like going on an adventure. Even if you were just going shopping.
We didn't have iPhones during most of the the oughts either.