What the media and feminism and wrought


This article is so sad. It further shows how childish women are and how easily swayed they are by propaganda. At least the girl has started to give up drinking. But she still is misguided on where to find happiness.

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>At the office, every desk near mine has a bottle of wine or liquor on it in case people are too lazy to walk the 50 feet to one of the well-stocked communal bars we’ve built on our floor.
Wait what the fuck? Is this just a metropolitan-liberal-millennial-woman-office type thing, or do people still drink at the workplace?

based bot


It's a millennial office bullshit thing. I've noticed most liberal millennials I know all work these really fake ass jobs that are based all around fake ad bullshit. It's funny because the author is starting to notice the world of propoganda that has been quietly keeping her asleep all her life, but then fails to realize why she is so angry still and continues to push brainwashed memes like "girls can do anything!" She is going to end up being one of those single over 35 angry libs who dies alone with a lot of cats

I mean I can't say I don't work a "fake ass job" since I work at a call center and not digging ditches, but liquor in the workplace? That sounds like fiction

Feminist bitch deserves to die alone and eaten by her 18 cats.

God bless you, bot.

Millennial thing.

Everybody I know drinks watered down overpriced wine that isn't even enough to get them tipsy.


Women just shouldn't drink
Back in the day only a certain kind of woman was at the bar and everyone knew what she was.

>people drinking at work
That's fucked up

based archiveposter does it again

This is a fascinating read. She's so close to breaking the conditioning but so far at the same time. Are other women mindful in the same regard?

>Addict trying to stay sober
>Realizes all their friends/acquaintances are addicts
>Blames all of society for their poor choice in friends

Never heard this story before!

thats around average intelligence women in general.
there are times when they become self aware but its not often

Everybody is like that. We all tell ourselves lies and the mirror image of the truth emerges in what we say.

Is this some New York/San Fran/LA thing? Coming to work drunk or tipsy is grounds to be fired. Drinking at work is automatically considered proof of alcoholism.

Stop Drinking Alcohol
Stop Smoking Weed
Stop Watching TV and Movies
Stop Masturbating
Stop Drinking Soda
Stop Eating Junk Food
Take Control of your Life

It some places of the world it's acceptable or customary to drink during your lunch hour.

Russia and China you mean?

Systematic conditioning at its finest; keep the populace good and fucked up on an addictive substance that numbs the mind and makes introspection difficult. Keep drinking goyim, keep drinking so you don't notice how fucked up the system is.

6 years sober, bitches. Tons of money saved, trouble avoided and I'm never going back to the bottle again. Alcoholism is one of the largest blue pills ever.

>Leave Sup Forums

"I blame that bitch for a lot. For spreading the notion that women should have a career, keep house, and fuck their husbands, when the only sane thing to do is pick two and outsource the third."

She's SO close though. Like inches away from ideological actualization.
I guess I'm saying it would be more comforting to think that people are generally materialistic and chemically dependent than fully conscious of the self aggrandizing nature of ~aristocratic contrivance~.
This world that she's describing is completely alien to me. I look white but I'm a second generation American that grew up lower middle class. The only time I've ever seen someone drunk on the clock I was seventeen working at a fast food restaurant and this cook that was an alcoholic had taken some kind of single serving jello shots in his car.
This upper elite white culture sounds so bizarre to me.

Not drinking is the smartest thing someone can do in the West.

It saves you a fuckton of money
You keep full capabilities
You never lose a day to hangovers
You protect your throat and liver
You make people who cant resist peer pressured mad

The only disadvantage is that it can make socialicinf difficult because alcohol is almost as important for it now than dialogue

i depends on your work and the office environment. I own my business and occasionally when I go out for lunch I will order a gin and tonic, but that's at lunch. Not at work. Plus my business is mainly sales and not operating machinery. Plus I'm the boss. So that helps ;)

But this whole drink at work trend is a bullshit meme pushed by millennials wanting to be like "mad men". Unfortunately mad men turned out to be alcoholics just like the author of this article.

I'm gonna do all those things today and still be more successful than you. If you dipshits can't manage to indulge without succumbing entirely to mere vices you're just as bad as addicts.

It's still that way. Women really shouldn't drink much at all. They become whores very quickly. Even my own wife does and recognized it. She barely drinks anymore.

This, straight edge is the way to go, but you will become too smart and won´t have fun at parties/get laid because:
"why should i fuck that cumrack, she isn´t marriage material anyways"

That's what made the article so hard to read. It's like she took the purple pill but not the red one. At no point does she ever question the liberal bullshit that got her in the mess in the first place. It's so fucked.

They've done this with programming/software development.

Google building slides, bars, ping pong tables, having an open computer lab so you can ~sit wherever you want n yolo~

A lot of indie companies do this shit too to lure people in.

It's just a big meme to get people to think programming is fun and cool so they can saturate the field with programmers.

Not everybody has the willpower to maintain their usage in a recreational way. The stuff is addictive and a lot of people drink as a form of escapism or as a means though which to cope with horrible things like day jobs. If you can indulge and maintain success, more power to you.

Also, you should read the comments by the women on kikebook. They are like "she gets women's struggles!" type bullshit. It's beyond depressing

nobody expects anything to get done after lunch though, effective work hours in france/portugal/spain are pretty much 9 am to 14 pm

Yeah, I almost wanted to comment on kikebook to all the women on there "oh look, degenerate woman realizes everyone around her is degenerate!"

6 hours work days should be the norm. Most people by the end of the day just wqnt to fuck off and they are very unproductive.

This bitch is out of her fucking mind. I though an entire tenant of getting sober was realizing the world doesn't revolve around you. She needs to get her self in a program and thank god everyday.

thats cos they suck

Be sober and lose the privilege of mushing some trashy, party whore's muffin? If its not going to be you, she's got a dozen other dudes lined up, strangers she just met that don't even know her last name, that will gladly pound her stink box.

Imagine how successful you could be without those things. You're stifling yourself of your fullest potential by dulling your cognitive abilities.
Doing these things shows that you actually fear success.

>New York/San Fran/LA
I work in Silicon Valley and have worked at most of the big names (yahoo google, etc). Never seen anyone drinking at work, never seen liquor on a desk either I don't think. We had a beer tasting ONCE after work hours. And there have been like maybe 20 total 'after work' events with alcohol in like a decade.

Yeah. That was the paragraph where I burst out loud laughing. Poor girl is going to end up angry for ever and ever. She's a man hater for sure. She will either be into race mixing or eventually just go full blown lesbian. It's a toss up at this point.

If she takes the red pill one day she might figure out she should just give up the "career" thing and go for the other two.

Definitely a woman thing. It happens in my office too. It is the all female marketing department. They have alcohol stored at their desks and will find any occasion to drink

The only time my department drinks is at an offsite meeting that we don't have to return to the office after. Even then it is one to two drinks. At least the women in our department know that it is very unprofessional.

>And then I start to get angry at women, too. Not for being born wrong, or for failing to dismantle a thousand years of patriarchy on my personal timetable. But for being so easily mollified by a bottle. For thinking that the right to get as trashed as a man means anything but the right to be as useless.
I'm presuming that the supposition is that capitalism finds the path of least resistance to available markets and YET, it's the fault of WOMEN for their susceptibility to mind altering, addictive chemical dependency rather than the powers that be with a specific agenda for people to consume literal poison.
It's women's fault the kikes of want them sedated and stupid and their children aborted and raped.
What the fuck.
She's a wreck. Capacity for intelligence and ideological liberation but she chooses misery.
The subversion of self was codified within the societal emphasis of self.

Can someone give Tl:DR ?
I'm like 3+ pages in and she is still fucking talking about herself. Don't tell me her "conclusion" is "because it's advertised.

>Are other women mindful in the same regard
I think so. I think if they're intelligent enough to noice a problem, they will just rationalize it away. To be fair, most men do this too. But even the sharpest women I know can't get past social conditioning to find truth, but when I talk to them about this kind of stuff, and guide the conversation they will usually agree with me. And I am no where close to being some Chad women love.

That was not a fascinating read. It was really dull meandering storytelling that never reaches any kind of real point. Exactly what I'd expect from a female's "article."

It's really nihistic. The only deity is the self, the only values are "freedom" and more importantly "equality". The ramifications of such an incoherent "religon" are pervasive and profound.
It does not align with either reality or with the desires of humans. It is a projection off heaven onto reality, since God was lost and the world became material only.

Oh bro, I once got to go inside Pixar studios and it was all that bullshit. People riding around on segways and shit while ping ponging. It was ridiculous. They also basically live there. The animators were telling me all they wanted to do was escape to go eat some hamburgers instead of eating gourmet food everyday. Hahahah

Nigger I work 14 hour days doing hard labor. I'm going to work up north this fall/winter and make more money than these latte sipping liberal faggots do, and then come back and pay for school (STEM) without loans so that I can tell roasties to fuck themselves from the comfort of a >100k/year job.

She's still not truly sober. She's still drunk on liberal lies and bullshit

>Maybe all that wine is an Instagram filter for our own lives, so we don’t see how sallow and cracked they’ve become.

basically the conclusion is women like alcohol for some reason shes not sure of

Tldr. Woman hates men. Blames them for women becoming alcoholics in order to deal with trying to be "like men". Gives up alcohol but still clings to bullshit feminist memes and lies.

Fails to recognize women can't be like men. Also blames women for being weak and becoming alcoholics instead of just punishing men.

Men all drink! Women should too! I'm a man. I don't drink. Not even a little.

Also, these women are all dead women. The female liver is TWICE as susceptible to liver disease from alcoholism as a man's liver. The male liver has double the resistance to alcohol.
So no bitches you can't drink like a man. Literally. It will fucking kill you TWICE as fast.

"Lowers inhibitions" is a good (in their mind) excuse to be a whore without actually being a whore/

They're wrong, of course, but what else is new?

It was just a woman who hates men and blames them for her degenerate ways.

Is there a foreseeable solution besides circumstances in which such a culture is suffocated from prosperity?
The article is about the pervasive role of alcohol in high society and she manages to shoehorn repressed, sadistic abortion empowerment fantasies, what, three times?
It's complete totalitarian opposition to the ways of God.
>tfw Baudrillard was right about everything
She posits that women like alcohol for it's nullification of inherent femininity.
>(wake me up)
>(can't wake up)

At one point her friend seemed to imply that if they arent trashed like the men they will have to take care of the men.
She says we have to take care of ourselves and her friend says that "hardly seems fair".
Perfectly sums up feminism. The women dont want to do it and want men to make it all happen for them.

People still drink at work.

You perfectly described this. She is denying her true womanly potential and was nullifying the pain of rejecting it with alcohol.

What a travesty.
Too bad it wasn't a cheeseburger.

Hahahah. I caught that too. It's such fucking bullshit. And they lap it up.

>The women dont want to do it and want men to make it all happen for them.
This. Women are strong and independent until the shit hits the fan, then all bets are off.

Why can't you have a normal hobby like reading books or running? Why do you absolutely have to take drugs or drink to have a good time? And why do you act so smug against people who choose not to engage in those activities? Its as if you are compensating for your degenerate lifestyle.

>look at me I take drugs and drink but I also go to work everyday, checkmate losers

Yeah, and there's idiot on Wall Street that snort coke and make millions of dollars yet their lives are miserable, but they are "successful" in monetary terms. What is the point of that?

If you're talking about smoking a joint or drinking occasionally with company than that's completely different, but I find that the defensive drug users like yourself are typically the type to say something like "hurrr well I smoke weed everyday but check this I got my degree in basket weaving and I go to work early every morning, I'm a pro". Its delusion, just because you can perform basic tasks like a normal human while your high doesn't make it okay and doesn't mean every single person can handle it and neither does that mean its something that should be promoted

But whatever, its your life.

What other power struggle in history can you think of that was characterized by the minority, 'oppressed' group bitching and moaning until they're handed respect? Women have no concept of power besides their pornographic conception of empowerment.

90% of the article is just her explaining her life to people who don't care with the excuse that it adds to the article. Tldr, can someone give me the gist of the article?

A second religiousness might come. I don't believe it will be solved exactly though, nothing is ever really solved.

theres definitely something about womens life being too hard in there, but that paragraph where she describes being paranoid when shes sober makes me think she has no idea wtf is going on in her mind

>Tldr, can someone give me the gist of the article?
She's a whiny feminist fruitcake who doesn't like men. Therefore, they are responsible for all of her woes in life.


Couldn't finish that shitty article but if there's one thing I've noticed is that alcoholism is very romanticized. It used to be something that happened to men, that women would try to stave off and children would come to associate with beatings. Now it's more like a badge of honor for the perpetually "depressed" modern youth.

microsoft found that people who had a beer at lunch were more productive afterwards than those that didn't
millenials ran with that idea and now keep fully stocked bars in their startups

Jesus Christ that was terribly written. If I didn't know, I would have guessed that ot was written by an angsty teen girl.

They can't. I had employees who kept their weed smoking and drinking to weekends and in check. The ones who think they can do it all the time lie to themselves until they get fired. I had to fire a great salesperson just a month ago because his work was turning into shit and so was his attitude. He tried to act tough and yell and make excuses and then he broke down and cried and I had to sit down with him and have a real life talk. Month later he shows up at my door, looks completely different and says he's given up on weed and drinking and got back together with his girlfriend. Then says "my parents stopped treating me like shit cus I stopped being an asshole".

Best thing I did for that kid was fire him.

Sorry, OP, but I quit reading after "micro-aggressions". Fuck that noise. Pic sorta, kinda related.

No worries. It was definitely hard to read. It got worse after micro aggressions. Way way worse. But I sent it to some of my recently red pilled millennial peeps so they could see what lies they also bought into

Yeah, what was that? Could just be bad at communicating. I generally find that women aren't so bad at introspection, they're just horrible with words.
If this is telling to her idea of voice, she's a horrible writer.

>A woman with a PBR is a Cool Girl who will not be shamed for belching.
but will be shamed for drinking PBR in the first place

This is correct.

Booze made a comeback with the techie nerds back in the late 1990's. It's now considered sorta "chic", I guess, to have booze in the "workplace" (and these aren't real jobs, these are bullshit networking companies that think they're changing the world).

At least lawyers, when they drink on the job, do it behind closed doors, like decent people.

Do you really have to ask?

>guy sits at his desk half drunk, quietly working
>girl sits at her disk half drunk, flirting with everyone, loudly yelling, doing no work
>brave, independent womyn

Women get the special treatment, men get fucked over.

This. Even if my company ever got big enough, I would still never have alcohol at work other than maybe personal bar that would be behind closed office doors. And I would even think twice about doing something like that. Millennials think being "mad men" means being alcoholics and getting high before coming in to work.

You nailed it, everything about millennial culture comes down to the worship and imitation of whichever throwaway, hollow fiction happens to be popular at the moment or tangentially related to the situation

A worthwhile tradeoff.

At that, being a lawyer will give you a reason to drink. She's a professional novelist, probably working at some kind of publishing firm? Get the fuck over yourself.

We have a big Christmas party at my office every year that brings out unfathomable amounts of booze. Some of the desks are better stocked than most bars. It all disappears after the party, but not all of it goes home, so most people have at least one bottle of hard liquor squirreled away in their desk, but I don't think it actually gets tapped so much as it's people too lazy to take everything home until the next party.

t. State Department

Best fucking line

>Well, maybe because even cool chicks are still women. And there’s no easy way to be a woman, because, as you may have noticed, there’s no acceptable way to be a woman. And if there’s no acceptable way to be the thing you are, then maybe you drink a little. Or a lot.

Men defined that role for you you dumb cunts and you threw it away like the ungrateful cunts you are.

> woman given responsibility over own life she demanded
> is immediately suckered by advertisement that has indoctrinated personal independence with alcohol intake
> affirmative actioned into do-nothing executive position anyway
> feels discriminated against because she hasn't been promoted by a man to be chairman of the whole company.
> gets redpilled when she realizes the reason women aren't moving in society because the ones that aren't going into mat-leave are useless daydrunk pieces of shit.

all good things in moderation, doesn't hurt to take the edge off once in awhile.

>And there’s no easy way to be a woman, because, as you may have noticed, there’s no acceptable way to be a woman.
This is what Roasties actually believe

millennials, not even once. hire a Gen X or Gen Z if you can. millennials are truly the worst generation

>feminism eliminates all social control on females
>they can literally dance down the street naked while attacking men with hammers and not get in trouble

>easily swayed they are by propaganda
seems to be true desu

Wow, liberals really do live on an entirely other plane of existence ... a completely useless one which could be swallowed up and destroyed without anything of value being lost.

>At the office, every desk near mine has a bottle of wine or liquor on it in case people are too lazy to walk the 50 feet to one of the well-stocked communal bars we’ve built on our floor.
This is how you know nothing of importance is being done at this place of "work"

Nordbot/Moonman 2020

>Is there nothing so inherently absorbing or high-stakes or pleasurable that we won’t try to alter our natural response to it? Maybe women are so busy faking it—to be more like a man at work, more like a porn star in bed, more like 30 at 50—that we don’t trust our natural responses anymore. Maybe all that wine is an Instagram filter for our own lives, so we don’t see how sallow and cracked they’ve become.
Deep. I wonder what man edited this for her.