What will the identity of the next Doctor be Sup Forums?
Will it be another boring white male? Or will it be a woman, or an ethnic minority?
What will the identity of the next Doctor be Sup Forums?
Will it be another boring white male? Or will it be a woman, or an ethnic minority?
It's the BBC, they're probably pushing hard for it to be a black woman.
I'm glad I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I cherish every reminder of the cultural inferiority of the British.
How come (((they))) want white men to turn off tv/video games so bad? they are destroying their own poz
Muslim black transwoman doctor with RACIST alien enemies
EXTERMINATE ILLEGALS (there will be a leader dalek with a toupé)
Shit like this is why I stopped watching TV ages ago. Keep it up, faggots, the people who work hard and have money aren't these """"""""""revolutionaries""""""""""""". Shit like this only hurts the companies who are stupid enough to try it.
Sup Forums is that way----------->
It's almost like they want the ratings to tank and the show get cancelled
>doctor who
Nothing of value will be lost. Redditcucks be gone.
I doubt they'll make the new Doctor both a woman AND a minority (first time for either) in one go. They want to push progressive values, but doing too much at once would turn off a lot of watchers, which would be bad for the show, obviously.
I personally think they'll go for a minority before they go for a woman, but the only reason I say that is because the Master already became a woman, so we know gender-swapping is a Time Lord capability. When people inevitably complain about a black Doctor, the BBC will just say that the show needs to "reflect the changing demographics of our society."
Whether or not 13 will be the Doctor when this takes place remains to be seen.
Sjws are completely obsessed with straight white men.
If he would have said the same thing but used "black men" there would be non stop chimouts all over the place.
i hope they do go full sjw and cast a black chick with a giant afro and thick accent, then all the racis wypipo drop the show and it is never seen again
Anyone have the salt collages from when Capaldi was announced?
I imagine that this post-Brexit post-Trump world will amplify the bitterness, even though it's the same motivator for the BBC pandering to them.
>make weak, intolerant, middle-aged white men feel threatened
So a Doctor what is a strong middle aged white man who plans on having children with a white women?
please make the next Doctor anything other then a white male so I can finally stop caring about this show i grew up with
And you know the best thing?
No matter what kind of degenerate propaganda the BBC decides to make, EVERY citizen of the UK has to pay for it.
Whether they like it or not.
Please let the coming uncuckening make weak, snivelling, rape-enabling, genocidal, self-loathing hipster millennial nu-males feel scared half to death.
Doctor Who is the father
>cultural inferiority yet somehow the center of western development
>insulting and alienating most of the loyal audience will be good for the program
>Make weak, intolerant, middle aged white men feel threatened
So, a white, golden-haired and blue-eyed masculine man?
If it's a woman she better have big titties or I swear to christ
BBC Insider here. New Doctor is pic related. Her exciting battles against The Master are going to take on an entire new meaning.
best comment
In order of likelyhood:
1. Black woman
2. Lesbian blue-hair
3. Young moslem man
4. The black guy from Star Wars : The New Hope Remake
Not that I care, it's cancer anyway.
>t. Dr. Peterson
Plot twist: the doctor identifies as a white male so he will forever be a white male. Don't like it? You are a transphobe. Like it? You are a racist.
We knew gender swaping was allowed since old who, hell we knew species swaping was allowed. Timelords dont actually need to look timelord when they regenerate.
Its a crappy Bong show that has been around for like 50 years and despite being on air for that long still looks like its budget per episode is $20.
Isn't he forced to be a white male because of lore? I don't follow the show but I remember some shitlib complaining about it and saying "Yeah well even though it's lore you can break that!".
I wouldn't mind a woman if she's hot.
I've been rewatching Doctor Who and I'm pretty sure every single episode has had at least one nigger. BBC has diversity quotas I guess
Who the fuck cares? Only lefties watch that trash.
>center of western development
>1 post by this ID
fuck off jew
It's Emma Watson.
Didn't watch the last season but Capaldi was based so far.
Ruining Doctor Who would be too much, even for them.
It's been people's favourite since 60's.
>claim that white men are the hateful ones
>spend all your time hating white people
>caring about the identity of a doctor (literally) who
>And the next star of our shitty children's television show...
Fuck off who cares.
NuWho was pretty fun to watch when Russel T Davies was the lead writer. There were a few gay things here and there, but it was tolerable because the stories themselves were fun and enjoyable.
Then Moffat came along and started making shitty episodes, and started cranking up the libshit propaganda a bit.
I stopped watching last season after I found out what the BBC were planning on and doing to the current season.
At least one nipple piercing, masu you ni.