When this fucking movie comes out
>#1 movie in america
>top grossing movie with majority black cast
>best superhero movie EVER
>spawn countless sequels and spin offs

Are you guys ready for the smug virtue signaling thats going to happen on jewbook and in MAJOR news papers and magazines. People are going to be tripping over them selfs to prove they are more virtuous than the next man, oh sorry I mean person.
This is going to be hidden niggers x10, we should start making our memes now.

Other urls found in this thread:


This film looks weird. It's like a Mary Sue but a nation.

>the richest and smartest but in touch with their ancestors
>secret tech above nearly all other nations
>king is also a superhuman cat man
>truly holier-than-thou

self bump because i dont want this to die

did someone say KANGZ

>They literally called him Black Panther

WE WUZ KANGZ will explode

memes are not created newfriend

It's because of people like how that this movie will gain more publicity.

You retards keep making these threads - which will of course be rehashed by another loser tomorrow(probably trying to get attention because he can't make threads on intelligent topics).

Who gives a fuck about some sub human nigger movie about other subhumans?


I have no issue with this film as a depicts a standard of civilization that Africans could never create or live up to and will create further cognitive dissonance for them and those that support them.