Is joining the military in todays age a good choice?

is joining the military in todays age a good choice?

i just finished reading starship troopers and i have an inkling of an inclination to join the military in some capacity.

is there still a lot to be learned personally from the military as it exists currently or was it simply overglorified in the novel?

>fighting for israel

>living as a leaf

I'm willing to bet you can learn a lot from the military, not only skill wise but about yourself. There are a lot of POGs who over glorify their jobs though.

If you join the military you will die defending Israel, join a local militia instead.

As opposed to not knowing how to fight at all so you'll be a slave forever?

Good logic leaf. Says a lot about your country and pride.

Wanna guess where the majority of serious militia members spent some time and developed their skills? I'll tell you right now it is not airsoft ranges or Call of Duty lobbies.

The militias here are full of beaners and FBI informants, not to mention the christcucks with black grandchildren who usually lead them

YOu missed the point of the book completely.

Join if you are comfortable destroying your body and your mind. And remember America is not the shit you see on tv, it is white trash NASCAR fans.

do it, i did after the election and have 0 regrets

yeah basic training is hell for a shut in neet with no real life experience but if you keep going and don't stop you'll make it

life is easy as hell now, I'm stationed in germany have no bills and get to play games and shitpost most of the day

Yes goy, make dirt money and kill Israel's enemies. Great life choice. You'll also get bitched out by affirmative action female sergeants and based black officers. It'll be so much fun.

you don't have to kill anyone if you aren't infantry though I am and still wont because I'm stationed in germany

the killing/getting yourself killed is a stupid outdated meme

the book should mean different things to different people.

insofar as your definition of the "point of the book" exists doesn't make it the de facto truth.

i think the book raises a lot of good points regarding potential benefits to society given a number of critical revamps in our line of thinking.

you would forgo a unique opportunity to develop skills and experiences that many will never get simply due to having to endure a certain amount of hardships quantitatively or qualitatively? have you never had to earn anything in your life?

anything of value costs effort.

Join the Infantry or SOF and all that goes away.

You don't necessarily have to join as infantry. There are numerous professions that they could train you in such as electronics or vehicle repair

I'm currently in the Armed Forces as an inventory clerk. All I do is count and transport shit all day. Hopefully I'll be working as a border patrol agent in the near future

i wouldn't/don't judge anyone who willingly volunteers for service.

do you even get a choice if you serve in the infantry vs getting allocated to administrative duties?

at the base core; both men agreed to serve their country it just so happens one of them was needed in one area and the other one is needed elsewhere; it doesn't change the nobility of their actions

>fighting for pissrael
>being the footsoldiers of the globalist
>being paid jack shit for risking your life and giving you all
Nah not worth it pal

0 bills and you get paid alot better after you work your way up in ranks

>up the ranks
Unless you die or get a dishonorable discharge for hurting the trans-officer's feelings
How many young
men have lost thier lives in the middle east for Israel/Saudi Arabia?
Is it really worth the few shekels?

>not serving the god emperor
checks out

>god emperor
Back to plebbit magapede

What branch and job do you gotta go through to get stationed in Germany or japan or somewhere thats not 3rd world

It is in principle a very honorable choice. But beware who it is that you're fighting for. And that is not always (as in: in 99,99%) not your people and nation but shady financial and geopolitical interests.

I'm hoping Mattis will move it more towards merit, and stop the standards slide.

im infantry but they mostly take calv scouts here

it's really a luck of the draw but infantry gets sent just about anywhere

>you need to be indoctrinated by the state and forced to put your life at risk while fighting for (((them))) in order to learn how to fight
Best goy, I'm confident you're circumcised too.

Wait for the inevitable power armor tbhfam