Net Neutrality

Getting rid of Netneutrality effectively censor the internet.
Imagine the ISP starting their packages.
The first and cheapest package will be the one that lets you access mainstream websites. Kikebook, twitter, NYT, VICE, and the rest of the propaganda machine
Package 2 will cost more and possibly include the streaming websites, youtube, netflix etc.
Package 3 the most costly one will be all the fringe sides, the alternative sources of information that doesnt make the cut to be included in the MSM.

Since wont pay a horrendous price to access the internet they will probably stick with the first or second package, but barely anyone will have the last one. Thus by excluding critical websites, like the chans, on the last package it will result in most people becoming unable to access those and will make them only get exposed to the MSM.
On the plus side all the burgers being gone from Sup Forums might increase the quality again.

ass :)

sure, that was the important part of that post user...

some bump

a last bump if noone cares

It'll only affect your access to images and videos, which are unnecessary.

as if infographs and other pics arent better to deliver at least some informations.

This is unlikely. If other ISPs try to jerk the consumer around, Google will rise up and bitchslap them while the whole of the public cheers.


There's absolutely no reason why another provider won't offer the goods of package 3 for cheap. It's not more costly.

Your whole scenario is based on nothing but scaremongering. ISPs have not shown disdain for alternative sources of information, if anything, alternative sources of information are the only ones not painting them as greedy fuckers.

I trust ISPs more than I trust the government. With ISPs we can vote with our wallet, we have some sort of control. Democracy is the will of the majority, market is the will of the individual.

>Those virgin weebs again.

what makes you think this? im very interested in white boys that fall for jewish tricks and yet believe that they are not completely mentally subverted.


as if they wouldnt cooperate and screw over the people together. especially google likes to controll information. free market only regulates shit on their own if (((they))) arent controlling all the big players in the field which they mostly do
we see media from all kinds fighting for the jew, same with politicians. the celebreties all support the jews as well as all of the "financial elite", what makes you think this isnt the case for ISPs?
>I trust ISPs more than I trust the government. With ISPs we can vote with our wallet, we have some sort of control. Democracy is the will of the majority, market is the will of the individual.
except in some areas in the US there is only one ISP, and if that doesnt offer what you want you are screwed.

shut up commi


dont call her that. she doesnt like it.

i guess people are discussing thoroughly which country is and isnt white and are too busy for this thread

>All these what ifs, if net neutrality is removed
>We had none of these problems prior to net neutrality being an issue

Really makes you think...

Burgers better be able to stay. Which other greatest ally will provide bants-assists against leaves?

we also previously didnt have people speaking out for pedophilia in the media, we didnt have people openly calling for genocides of white. we didnt have many people in favor of censorship. now we have those and more.
prior people would have seen such censorship as worse, but now being enemies of "hatespeech" people would almost welcome some places being shut down.

day of the grill sounds neat in my ears though