American rating the European countries

American rating the European countries

>Utopia tier
Poland - 99% white, no muslims, very catholic, high living standards, non-whites are beaten up
Russia - over 90% white, strong white Christian leader who wants a future for Russia, nationalistic traditional population with backbone, barely any muslims, Orthodox Christian, essentially a white stronghold we whites have to keep in reserve for when things to go hell in the West
Belarus - same as Russia
Ukraine - same as Russia
Serbia - based people who removes kebab in an instant

>OK-tier, good for now but only gonna get worse later
Czech Republic

>Irrelevant muslim shitholes

>Cucked countries
Netherlands - capital is a nigger shithole
Belgium - all muslim neighborhoods in the capital
Spain - more muslims coming
Italy - same as Spain
Norway - only slightly less cucked than Sweden, still a lot of muslim immigrants and growing
Denmark - look above
Finland - look above

>Ultra cucked, no way back now
Sweden - straight white men are vilified, no-go zones all over the country, rape capital of the world, muslim niggers growing rapidly, white women are raped and groped, government are libcucks
UK - sharia law in some parts, muslim mayor of the capital, terrorist attacks every week, pathetic people
France - the capital looks like Africa
Germany - white women getting raped left and right, young white boys are getting beat up by muslims at school, election is only between two jews who wants more muslims to Europe, a shithole all in all

Basically, the only hope for the White Race is gonna be in Eastern Europe. I hope they stay strong and traditional.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Russia - over 90% white
76% actually

>10% nigger 15% poo in loo 5% native american "white" nationalist talking about which countries are cucked

Western Russia maybe. You know Russia has a huge muslim population, right?

Woops, meant to reply to OP. Either way, Russia isn't a "pure" white state.

>irrelevant muslim shitholes

>Ukraine, Russia and Serbia are utopias now
jesus christ

rest might be correct though, except for Greece
also where is Switzerland?

Sure thing cuckblue.

t. some retarded amerifat larper

You have to have some severe brain damage to think that Russia or Poland are Utopias just because we dont have niggers

God first worlders are sometimes outright dellusional about the world

>Sweden -
>straight white men are vilified
Wrong, this isn't true at all. No one cares about your color of skin her
>no-go zones all over the country
Wrong, also they are troubling areas, not no go zones. Troubling areas is natural in modern societies
>rape capital of the world
Wrong, our definition of rape is wider than the English definition
> muslim niggers growing rapidly
Wrong, also race is irrelevant
> white women are raped andgroped
This is normal in every country, rape has always been a problem in Sweden
>government are libcucks
Wrong, löfven is our greatest prime minister