Being Japanese Is A Religion

>Shinto is the ethnic religion of Japan that focuses on ritual practices to be carried out diligently, to establish a connection between present-day Japan and its ancient past.
>ethnic religion
>to establish a connection between present-day Japan and its ancient past
>Shinto has no founder, no sacred books, no teachers, no saints, and no well-defined pantheon. It never developed a moral order or a hierarchical priesthood and did not offer salvation after death.
>Shinto is the largest religion in Japan, practiced by nearly 80% of the population

People "worship" having a connection to their heritage by diligently following ancient practices and customs. How's that for cultural preservation? Is there a more based religion?

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edition allah finding jesus by nabeel qureshi&dpPl=1&dpID=51bwcrvgAhL&ref=plSrch


Don't forget Japanese are descendants of gods in Shinto and non-japs are below-goyim tier
Literally the goat religion of all time

Is Shinto open to foreigners or is it restrictive in that regard? It sounds perfect to me as a spiritual source.

The problem is, Japan is literally falling apart.
They can pretend they are a samurai but when they are a virgin spanking it to anime, their country dies.

Its almost as if a religion without guidelines isn't a religion or something. Just some bullshit LARP fantasy that doesn't really mean anything in reality anymore.

I really wish people would stop worshipping Japan when Japan is the world's leading degenerate. The ONLY reason you think Japan is ok is because its ethnically homogenuous. Other than that it has every flaw you hate, and 10x more of it.

>over the top capitalism
>whole modern society built on soulless consumerism
>virgin men
>slutty women who willingly go to "gaijan bars" for foreign dick
>massive porn industry
>grown "men" watching cartoons and playing video games

Its a racist manchild's paradise. But in reality its just a degnerate hive that is dying from its post-modernism.
You aren't 15 anymore, I hope.

And here's the archive

>edition cnn com/2016/09/20/asia/japanese-millennials-virgins/index.html

just kill yourself already

>christlarper complaining about virginity

You know everybody immediately discards everything you say if you have the larp flag on?

>The ONLY reason you think Japan is ok is because its ethnically homogenuous.

It is the only thing that matters, everything else is reversible.

>pirate flag
oh the irony.

The country sells bottles of "little boy asshole scent" out of vending machines. It is a beacon of depravity and everyone knows it.

I would argue that "being Japanese" as it is today is just "how a race is meant to be". A religion implies some supernatural belief.

And are you sure Shintoism is really that large? As in, actively practiced? I was under the impression that Shinto is treated like the Indians treat Hinduisum; no one actually believes in there was a flying monkey warrior, just as no one believes a warrior with a spear created the islands of Japan and sneezed out the rest of the gods. It's more of a romantic philosophy than an outright belief system.

Or am I wrong?

>over the top capitalism
go to Japan for a week, you will see that they still hold many values and respect the collective before the individual, that's the difference between western and japanese capitalism.

ye they aren't reversing it, they are embracing it.

Why? because they have no guideline that tells them otherwise.
They are doomed to degeneracy.

I'm with you, but...

>over the top capitalism
Name one country that doesn't have this
>whole modern society built on soulless consumerism
Name one country that doesn't have this
>virgin men
Name one country that doesn't have this
>slutty women who willingly go to "gaijan bars" for foreign dick
Name one country that doesn't have this
>massive porn industry
Name one country that doesn't have this
>grown "men" watching cartoons and playing video games
Name one country that doesn't have this

I've been to Japan. It's not perfect. It's not even much better than anywhere else I've been in particular, but there's something in the people that I really respect, especially in comparison to MANY other countries.

I'm not sure pay to cuddle services are good for the "collective" and I'd wager Bill Gates does more for Charity(the collective) than Japan corporations do.

DPRK for all of these except virgin men.

I already said they have the same problems only 10x more of it.
There is no country as bad as Japan is in all of those regards.
They are the world's leader in post-modernism and are facing the steepest decline from it.

Shintoism is kind of a culture itself for Japan. So they kind of practice shintoism unconsciously.
I think you can imagine shintoism is like atheist-like religion.

It's simply similar to every religion that existed amongst humans prior to being out competed by the organized faiths.

It's advanced animism. Note that toddlers and children are naturally animistic from the ages of 3 through 9, they believe inanimate objects, animals, nature etc have intentions and emotions.

Shinto is pretty cool though.

I went to a local museum last weekend and most of the paintings were photorealistic / high skill. No period blood or turds. So what do you mean by postmodernism?

You are based, japanbro

Paganism is the future, together we'll fuck the christcucks

Is paganism the closest thing to an European equivalent of Shinto?

What is your opinion on Japs moving to Europe/America?
They seem to be a lot more (((liberal))) than your average Haruto.

European paganism and shinto are literally entirely compatible, hell, I'd say they almost complete each other, just different gods for different peoples, concepts from shinto can very easily be applied to say, Norse or Romuva

The only way to save the various European ethnicities is to create our own versions of Shinto.

Western Shinto is called Norse mythology.

If you ask a Japanese about transgender or gay marriage they'll act okay with it (but slightly surprised) to be polite. This is tatemae. But in reality Japanese are uncomfortable with progressive social ideas, even young people. I think Japanese are naturally conservative.

I thought their religion was Seppoku?

He asked your opinion about your people's immigrant who moves to Europe and becomes a library, idiot.

>tfw no ethnic religion

Yes, anyone can practice it if they want. What would stop them?

sounds absolutely retarded

You won't be crushing anything pussy.

Well you sure as fuck had one ya idiot. Don't feel sorry for yourself, you can look up your cultural history right now if you want.

No thanks.

>A nigger acting tough on the internet

christianity is literally middle-eastern "paganism" for the jew/white jew
i.e. you

When I visited Japan, every morning people from the community would gather in parks and backyards and all stretch together. I always thought that was a really cool way to interact with your neighbors and get to know people. I wish we did that here.

European paganism is basically the same as you described, except it's much less practiced.

Self centered arrogant pricks the map (just like their Korean counterparts)
The same reason they got nuked in the first place

>believing anything a christcuck has to say
christians believe their Holy Jew jesus is "coming again" to destroy all non-christians in a "Day of Rage"
they are not reliable sources of information
this guy is probably posting from his mental unit in America
"free speech" and all that - it just means, "I can lie as much as I want and 'ain't no nigger gonna stop me'"
disgusting religion for disgusting people

It was one of the things I took away after having seen the movie "Silence".
To be able to actually successfully resist Christianity, the fastest spreading mind-virus ever, a feat impressive and rare. But as WWII went as it did of course, it came through in its secular form, the values anyway. So I'd assume that Shinto practice today is superficial, but that's just an assumption.

I think you're talking about America you retarded fucking burger, or a burger wannabe show your flag you fag.

>One God
You missed the part about God being one.

if shinto is so based, why is your population declining so fast?

you stupid christcuck
christianity is just shepherd religion for native kikes and white-kike converts like you


>Is there a more based religion?
Praise Shinju-sama!

Japanese population declines because of urbanization and modern lifestyle. Considering that Japan is already overpopulated that is not such a bad thing.

>stil not addressing that God is One.
So, you're saying you're against Christianity because it doesn't conform to your personal views and heart?

That shit is totally false btw. It's been disproven so many times. Not that Jesus was white but he didn't look like an Arab since it was before the Arab breakout when they flooded the area with their genes.

>one god
>Jesus, God, and holy spirit

enjoy your death cult

stupid christcuck

lol im not a fucking communist so your argument is shit

Japan is literally the most degenerate country on the planet, bar absolutely zero.
It doesn't matter if they're "preserving their culture" when that culture is fucking disgusting.
You cucks need to stop shilling it as "based". They're not even fucking white for Christ's sake.

Basically the same as Eastern Europe.

And yet they've had like 6 Christian PMs since WWII.

hello kike

why do you think that is?

Fuck you burger your shithole is the king pubba of degeneracy. You can't shit on others until you get your countries act together. You're the primary cause of the current (((situation))).

>Is there a more based religion?
Christianity, because it's actually fucking true.

in japan?

I imagined japan is a society in which something like that is absolutely frowned upon

Japan is largely conservative. Even though they have all this tentacle porn and guro hentai the country has one of the lowest rates of sexual assault in the world. "Not degenerate" United States where tits are censored on TV has much higher crime statistics.

Why is bestiality so popular in Japan?


>Who says
>The Bible
Oh okay then. Fuck off and take your sky wizard with you.

Leaf, you are the last person to be criticizing others about their (((situation))).

IF this is "failure" then we need to "fail" harder...Capitalism at it's finest, Japan is not only 'based' but its the epitome of based.

I don't know enough about Japan to be able to comment, I just think it's an interesting fact and that it shows there is obviously something wrong with Shintoism that isn't wrong with Christianity.

That stuff usually is. Holding hands and kissing in public is lewd. I want to know wtf was up with this. Some confused and terrified faces in the crowd.

Christlarpers don't believe in cuckstainity brah

Pretty sure just said you were the Kings of Shit, making you last. We're just Burgerland lite after all.

It is kind of similar to the phallic cults of the pre-christian slavic people. They also literally worshipped giant dildos.

i'm sure it has nothing to do with American occupation of Japan
Just "based Christianity"........

no you can't be japanese user

One God, three persons of one essence of God. Equal, distinct, inseparable. All at once, always, pre-eternal.
Ever heard of atomic resonance? Similar concept to a point, yet you believe that but not the One True God.

Two books for those sceptical of the Truth of Christianity:

>Seeking Allah Finding Jesus allah finding jesus by nabeel qureshi&dpPl=1&dpID=51bwcrvgAhL&ref=plSrch

>Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells

The first is for atheists and Muslims, the second is for Protestants and Roman Catholics. If you believe youre rock solid in your beliefs, then by all means read them. If you're questioning of your faith, by all means read them. God bless your journey truly to Christ and His One Orthodox Church.

stupid christcuck
you're having an imaginary conversation with me
stupid christcuck

Sounds good in theory. In practice Christianity is picrelated.

Japan has had Christians since way before the American occupation of Japan. Even some daimyos had converted to Christianity and the city of Nagasaki was founded by Portuguese missionaries (it was a center of Japanese Christianity until the Americans nuked it)

too bad they weren't all killed

>too bad they weren't all killed

stupid christcuck

Hey christlarpers:
Why was YHWE too stupid to protect his own holy book?

>using el-cid's sword for cringy fedora pictures

Sup Forums is an 18+ board kiddo

Then again, you ARE British

>Is there a more based religion?

Yes, Catholicism, the true religion.

That's basically what orthodoxy does, really.

you stupid christcuck

But you already have Islam as spiritual source

Based Brit

Maybe if your replies actually responded to my posts and didn't seem to come from the Book of Generic Replies for 60-IQ Idiots then I would care

stupid christcuck

just ignore him, he'll go away

>just ignore him, he'll go away

They must be doing something right because after two nuclear bombs and an imploded Fukushima, they still have a neat, tidy, clean, modern, low-crime, nature friendly and very beautiful island-nation paradise.

I wish my nation was "falling apart" as hard as Japan. With ultra modern transportation, breathtaking leaps in electronics, very fucking high lifespan even with the radiation floating about, very high medical technology and strict as balls check on food standards.

It has lots of shit happening, e.g. people committing suicide and government fining the families based on how close to major transportation points the people kill themselves. But I couldnt give a rats ass, because for a time my country was world leader in adult and child suicide rates WITHOUT being the second most powerful economy behind the United States of America (Now third after Chine muscled itself up.) . So we already have the same depressing drawbacks, I'll gladly take the benefits now too thank you.

So fuck you and fuck you being full of shit.

Wow, great argument. Really showing that you can comprehend adult discussion.
