If Japanese are honorary whites, this should also apply to breeding, r-right?
If Japanese are honorary whites, this should also apply to breeding, r-right?
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Half-white half-Jap is the most attractive race
Half-Germanic Half-Jap, yes it's important to note because not all "white" "peoples" can match with the superior skull of the Japanese.
It better be 7 and up white with an average of 6 asian. Nu-fag and weabs produces self-hateful spawns like Elliot Rodgers
>this should also apply to breeding
Yes, that's the entire point.
Elliot was half Malaysian (lowest tier SEAmonkey) and half crypto-Jew. Nothing to do with Japanese.
I don't mean all Asians, only white/developed ones
You brown people don't need to apply
Yes. Honarary Aryan is based on IQ mostly. Half White Half Jap still has high IQ.
There is no "german" dna u fucktard
its actually slavic dad -japanese mum
the farther east the better
Honorary as in their cool, breeding is off the table
Japs are hideous. They have fucked teeth and look retarded thanks to the nuclear radiation.
They like to bleach their hair and wear colored lenses, so they can look white or not look like a clone of everybody else.
Don't racemix.
It's probably his siblings. She looks too young to have two kids that age.
>hurrr honorary aryans
you do realize that Hitler said the same thing about Chinese, right?
Be careful though, anything south of Vietnam (inclusive) are the "Mexicans" of Asia.
IQ of Japan = 105
IQ of Vietnam = 94
No, read the comments
If the Japanese weren't on the Nazis side, he would've called the Japs disgusting yellow filth.
Don't racemix.
Nobody should ever race-mix, especially when their population is being actively replaced by third world hordes.
canad, so mad
yep and now 70-some years later basement dwelling weebs larping as neo-nazis are trying to use his words to justify their 2d porn obsession and the fact that they're actually ok with race mixing as long as it's strictly white male jap female.
Canada is right, race-mixing is still demographic replacement even if you do it with Asians.
Asians are fucked up.
Fucking losers that watch too much anime. That's what you are.
Asians have no soul and don't have empathy
t. Married one
japs are filthy creatures. faggots
Divorce her and find yourself a Slavic chick, at least they're traditional and white.
We should preserve races, not mongrelize them to extinction.
I'm not a nigger who abandons his family. Plus she is loyal and traditional, and was a virgin too.
But she is a sociopath
He needs to burn, it's a pedophile looking for a loli.
Specially white woman & Jap man
No you weeb retard
They're still another race
She looks soft.
That girl is hella cute though. Almost makes me want to have one for myself desu
Is she a hapa
IQ of any poor country is subpar. There is almost no indicator, when looking at international data, that IQ correlates with race...except white countries. For instance, white Germans have now outpaced the Japanese in IQ and so have Scandinavians I believe. However, most of Asia doesn't break 100 despite everyone sharing the same mongoloid genes. Another example: Jews in the US score very high on IQ tests, but Israel is apparently functionally retarded.
If race had as much to do with IQ as we think, general wealth of nations would have nothing to do with scores, but wealth is the only correlative that is directly linked to high IQ.
Your kids will just be bait against whites used by their loving kike masters.
White mixing with any non-caucasian race is a downgrade.
94 isn't that bad.
Certainly not nigger or Mexican tier.
Japanese girls are usually ugly, but when they're good, they're not just good but beautiful. Why is that?
b-bu-but muh souperear hawite jeans
dude honarary
I have the original book of myths and legends that this picture is from. It's Horatius at the bridge. Thanks for reminding me user its been bothering me for ages
>White males are the least likely to marry outside their race. Only the ones who can't get White girls go for the psycho Asian women.
So fucking true. All the alt-right cucks that let Jamal fuck their white crush in high school and now want to marry Asians because they think they're "easy". It's so fucking stupid.
Am I kawaii?
Yeah but she was born here in britain
Is she a hapa or full japanese
Reminds me of Chris Hemsworth. Thankfully he knew better than to outbreed, although I suspect his wife might be a mischling.
Your welcome.
The Japanese would've been despised by Hitler if they sided with America. Honorary doesn't equal white dipshit. You're still demographically displacing whites in America over lesser third world races.
Asians are just as soulless and degenerate as your typical Latin American is.
Makeup you dumbass. Pic related. An above average white woman destroys the most beautiful chinks, especially when you take away false eyelashes and plastic surgery.
Relative to other Asians, it is Mexican tier.
IQ of US = 98
IQ of Mexico = 88
>Unironically believes there's no genetic component to IQ
Read nothing you wrote after that. This opinion is ideology.
Just marry a Slav. They'll produce better offspring.
Hitler believed in preserving race. Just because he thought of Japs as honorary doesn't mean he wanted their people to mix.
Slavs are whores and golddiggers since birth.
jew with chink, never think
Funny, Since Italian women are even bigger whores then any Slavic woman could ever be.
Being honorary white is like having an honorary college degree. Everyone knows it's a sham but is too polite to say so.
White supremacist who marry Asians are the most pathetic people.
>poor Johnny got dumped for a manly guy
Maybe you shouldn't be a beta nu male. They don't like losers.
We'll just move to America then, she'll get along with the other home-less no-heritage mongrels, eh?
Are you retarded? That's a still from a fucking movie. This bitch is the star of a movie and has a professional makeup artist and the chinks in the back are background characters. I'd never mix with a gook but if you think 90% of all women of every race don't partake in this trickery then you are very naive.
False, Italian qts are the best.
He's right, Slavic women are all gold-diggers. Plus some smell weird. Just remember all they care about is your money.
ITT: delusional racemixers
Go marry your plastic gooks. You deserve them.
Obviously wants to molest her with a Vienna Sausage
Well, well, well, user. Arabs, Persians and even Poojeets are honorary whites too, so don't be too touchy about all that ficki-ficki business.
Just stay in your shithole country, We are about to repeal our immigration act and bring back majority white migration. We don't need more chinks stinking up the place.
Don't tell him, maybe he should actually experience slavs instead of being stuck on his own twisted idea of slavic women.
the son is ok looking. The daughters eyes are too far apart.
I rather date one of our women then an Italian. You guys really have it bad, but not as bad as Germany. At least you can still be ethnic nationalists.
A lot of them are very attractive, but however they're indeed greedy whores. Italy actually has a higher divorce rate then we do.
I'm mostly Slavic though
When tempted by Asian women, just imagine what your son might look like.
>knowing more than my country meme
There's always a hardened and experienced traveller on this board that knows everything about life and women.
Oh you just took offense of what I said then, explains the hostility.
He's probably one of those "kekistani" dumbfucks who thinks Slavic women are all conservative and traditional women that stay a home at home loyally and act like good housewives similar to the past.
He's gonna get one hell of a surprise when he finds out they're all gold-digger whores.
Did you forget the part I said I was mostly Slavic and Italian? Also I'm distantly related to Mussolini so it's funny you posted him here.
Exactly, infact just let him believe that stuff, he will probably be destroyed by the harsh truth.
Asians look like ALIENS.
Kekistani Niggers date Shitskins and promote race mixing. I want to keep America a white majority country.
muh heritage
>Heritage doesn't matter Goy, racemix to your hearts desire
Fuck off with this shit
>we wuz italians n' shiet
Why do all burgers want to be italian?
The shame of tiny asian penis syndrome and related metal illnesses can last generations once the infection enters the family gene pool
Because tons of you came into our country in the 20s and still do sometimes. A lot of us are Italian, my Grandfather is fully Italian and he married and had children with a woman who's related to eastern Germans.
What I find repulsive the most is how Asians constantly seek white approval.
You're not italian and you will never be, you should be more proud about being american.
Hans I'm to have to politely ask you to keep your hands off of the waifus. Can I recommend one of the many invade- refugee women?
>half-jap gf
Quarter Japanese is pretty much white already isn't it?
Isn't Keanu Reeves a quarter asian? He easily passes as white.
My friend, I live in Montreal, our city has one of the largest Italian diaspora in the world. We also have tons of Poles, Ukrainians and some Russians. I'm not speaking from ignorance, just from what I've seen and from what many others have told me.
Slavic women are a money drain, it's not even funny. You will end up wishing you went out with a white girl that cheated on you with Jamal and ended the relationship early than having wasted all your hard-earned money on your Slavic gf. Maybe it's different in Europe but seeing all those Czech porn videos really makes me think otherwise.
In proud of being a white American, Nonwhites who came here after 1965 aren't true citizens of this country. They're just labor work pushed into our countries by filthy kikes.
Italo-americans are not italians. You don't know italian, you don't know it's history, you never grew up here, so yeah you're not italian.
They are all dirty fucking sluts. They drink, they smoke, then they fuck rich arabs and fat businessmen to pay for college (and it's not even expensive here)
I have never met a single female who wasn't a dirty whore after two glasses of wine. Even the ugliest or prudest girl started rubbing up against the first man they fancied, and they fucked them in the closest bathroom
The slavic girl meme is a joke
>But le based slav girls don't fuck niggers!
Not for a lack of trying, we have like 50 black men in the entire nation, and they all fuck white women
Probably that's why the greeks killed that guy the other day, when one enters a club all women rush towards them. It's disgusting.
Whenever they go to Germany or the States, they come home with a mongrel babboon in their arms
>tfw will never have a qt half-breed christian japanese wife