Is she the most redpilled choice for the iron throne?
Is she the most redpilled choice for the iron throne?
Nathaniel Bennett
Luis Foster
Xavier Allen
>watching anything but the sex scenes of GoT
Brandon Reyes
If the show is realistic about power, than she wins.
The good guys rarely win.
Jack Myers
copy that
Jayden Allen
she is shit and dumb, literally mary sue
Stannis is the true king
Leo Williams
the most redpilled choice was Stannis Baratheon but you lost your chance to support him while the show was still good
Ryder Fisher
no her neck is way too long,,, my vote was hurdur or what evr his fucking name was
Jordan Morales
literally Hillary Clinton
most redpilled choice is tyrion, and ultra ascended choice is bronn
Nolan Brown
Doesn't belive in Grumpkins and Snarks
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