>Won popular vote by 6 million
>Disproportionate influence from rural and suburban retard states elect Donny Moscow
American """"Democracy""""
Won popular vote by 6 million
Other urls found in this thread:
Former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
>she won by 6 million
Only 273,000 according to the red cross homie
>uses red cross election data
oh I am laffin
America is a Republic. Not a democracy.
There are people on this board who think some retards in Wyoming should have 50 times the influence of educated voters in San Fransisco and LA
Top fucking Kek m80
>Disproportionate influence from rural and suburban retard states
as it was designed
>thank you, founding fathers
>rural and suburban retard
Lets have a chat about the intelligence of the dems precious "urban" retard pet voters.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>Thinks people living in cities are intelligent
>being this retarded
Only niggers and people stupid enough to live next to niggers live in the city.
Hillary Clinton will never be president, no matter how much you whine and cry about muh popular vote.
>80% of the working population farmers when constitution ratified
>2% of the working population farmers now
the Founders never foresaw such a radical change.
>r-red states aren't retarded
lmao @ your life
Hillary Clinton is the most stupid person in the history of the United States.
pic related
This simply has to stop. Add up Trump votes, Gary Retard votes, Jill Shitstain votes and "Other".
America voted for anything but Hillary
>pic very related
You do realize that the same can be said about the Spanish Inquisition right?
That the majority of prominent and affluent roles were filled by devout Roman Catholics.
Look where that got them
I don't understand why people believe this bullshit. America is a federation of states than it is a country. Your state is your country, the federation means nothing. It is just a convenience to have states collaborate.
red states are intelligently run by the local notables to keep their populations poor and unable to flee so they'll have a cheap and desperate labor force
I wish we'd stop blaming poor rural people for the evil shit these planter-wannabees keep perpetrating on them
For the last fucking time a republic is a form of democracy. A republic is a representative democracy. Holy shit are Americans retarded.
This analogy is literally retarded, but I'm not surprised Blumpfies eat this shit up. You DO know that pro EC arguments come straight from the Kremlin, right?
I wonder how many of those votes she had were from illegals
All I know is that all the high IQ people voted for Hillary.
>South is clearly the worst
>Thinks immigrants currently learning English (probably better than southern """people""") thus skewing the data makes him correct
Nice try, drumphflet
>Didn't win
>Your state is your country, the federation means nothing. It is just a convenience to have states collaborate.
is that why most states take more money from the fed than they put in through taxes? because it's just a convenience and they could absolutely survive on their own
>Donny Moscow
Is this the new official ShariaBlu designation for Trump, after Gloobnad Glumph has been counter-memed?
>When you win the popular vote you lose
cool argument, dude
I would sooner watch this whole nation burn than ever vote for Hillary the criminal and conartist. Democrats are just the voices of communists, anarchists, criminals, and useful idiots.
Protip: The US isn't a pure democracy.
Immigrants in California do not "learn English", if at all they learn it is a secondary language immediately before 'graduating'. First, second, third, fourth .. generations do not learn English. Look up "ESL".
>this analogy is literally retarded, but instead of explaining why I'm just going to accuse trump of collusion
Libcuck logic
That has to do with the fed continually increasing their power. And the states abusing the systems that are setup by the fed.
No, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
No, there's just a lot of us that actively hate democracy, unfortunately. Well, OK, there are a lot of retards too...
You're the useful idiot. You'd literally vote to let a Bush fuck you in the ass if it let you hold on to a hope of considering yourself superior to niggers.
>2 u dick, muh dick
Academics have a vested interest to keep the status quo, much like the same way the nobility of the past has a vested interest in upholding the monarchy.
Education has never been a good indicator of altruism.
Will Republicucks ever stop voting against their own financial interests? Nah they'll just keep sucking billionaire cock and vote to cut their taxes. Meanwhile their fat biscuits and gravy asses will kill them when they can't get insurance
I want to punch this stupid whore in the throat
>the fed
just stop, you have no idea what you're talking about
At a certain point it's too impure. We've had two presidents in 20 years who didn't win the popular vote, it's not right.
I would watch every living person in this natuon die before I would ever side with a democrat who wants to sell out his own people to every other nation. Demorcats are a cult of self destruction. Thay fact is made evedent by what they support and who supports them.
>Another "wahhhh my candidate didn't win so I need to shitpost my 15th post this week"
Whether this is bait or not, you got me to respond.
Please die already.
I have a very different reaction whenever I see picture of video of Hillary now.
I'm filled with the overwhelming sense of relief that she's not our President.
>That has to do with the fed continually increasing their power.
states being drains on the system has absolutely nothing to do with increased federal power
Seems appropriate after collusion was CONFIRMED. Wonder if they have an orange jump suit big enough for his fat ass
a* picture or* video
Also I said nothing about race so you have pointed out your own ignorance by assuming I care about race. The confederate flag is not a racist symbol it represents heritage and states rights which is what the civil war was actually about.
>Education has never been a good indicator of altruism.
Never said anything about altruism. Just that high IQ people voted for Hillary, whilst only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
>a republic is a representative democracy
>being this retarded
Holy shit
>commits voter fraud by preventing voter ID's, allowing illegals vote, and making dead people vote
(((Democracy))) is a failure. The wrong people vote.
>Demorcats are a cult of self destruction.
Dude you need to cut back on your GOP propaganda consumption and go out and talk to actual people, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Well I apologize for that I guess, though is clearly is a racist symbol, as can be observed in its frequent use by racists.
The Founding Fathers were in cahoots with Putin, it all makes sense now!
based leafbro
There are states dumber than Florida
There are people at this board that think that "retards in wyoming" should pay for the retarded wet fantasies of the fags living in LA and San Francisco, who don't know much about life besides what CNN spoonfeeds them
Drink your smoothie, faggot, and learn your place.
>guaranteed replies
Our system should change with new information, but Drumpsters refuse to acknowledge that their precious EC is outdates and discriminates against POC.
And YES this propaganda comes directly from old Mad Vlad's tiny cock hole
Look in any civics book or even a fucking dictionary. A republic is a representative democracy.
I hope daily that civil war 2.0 breaks out so democrats can be removed form power in any form. You people are evil and dont even see your own evil. Your children will one day wake up in a nation owned by some one else because democrats sold the nation out from under them.
You realize 5.7 million illegals voted in 2008 according to a recent study right?
That was when Obama was taking on Romney who was just as establishment.
Now you tell me, did more or less illegals vote in 2016? When
1) Democrats were even more desperate to win than they were in 2008 by a wiiiiiide margin
2) they'd already cheated to get as far as they had (Bernie was the rightful nominee)
3) Hillary lost traditionally blue states with her pandering to SJWs and highly visible corruption.
Pro Tip: Illegals don't vote republican. She lost by every metric.
Yet with their high IQ, resources and superior numbers, Hillary lost.
So to what effectiveness is this IQ supposed to reflect?
She got less than 50%, not legitimate.
Trump supporters with libertarians outnumber Hillary supporters.
>only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
Retarded leaf posting obvious falsehood. Thinks opinion on high iq is useful for anything aside from examination of dunning-kruger effect in upper midwits.
>(Bernie was the rightful nominee)
Are we counting votes or your fees?
Die Commie
>their own financial interests
Paying taxes for niggers and welfare queens.
Mate, you must to be literally retarded to think that anyone besides the virtue signaling cunts would vote for the alpha bitch Clinton.
I literally couldn't care less who won and who lost.
I'm telling you plainly, simply, and based entirely on facts that high IQ people voted for Hillary and that she lost because of uneducated voters, just like she did in 2008.
If you don't support Hillary, based purely on statistics, you are unintelligent.
But that's good, only humans should vote. Jefferson's work with Putin is paying off.
>At a certain point it's too impure. We've had two presidents in 20 years who didn't win the popular vote, it's not right.
I'd disagree.
Hillary's entire popular vote victory essentially came from California.
Is it fair that one extremely populous and liberal state can decide who rules over the other 49?
This is exactly what our system of government was designed to prevent. It's just a more common outcome in modern times due to urbanization.
>elect Donny Moscow
Instead of Hill of Muslim money via clinton fraud foundation. Russia>Saudia Arabia. Sage hillshilltards
>discriminates against POC.
Niggers being niggers discriminates against POC.
Fan of DNC corruption I see.
Bernie won, because the DNC refused to accept it Trump punished Hillary with his metaphysical cock of political victory.
Definition of republic
a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (such as a nation) having such a form of government
>being this retarded
Nice source, dummy
If you think illegal immigrants are able to register to vote you are either a typical republitard or are getting your talking points from Infowars and Druge aka Russiazerohedge.com
>You people are evil and dont even see your own evil.
Seriously, you are so wound up you can't even see the irony here. You really, and I mean this sincerely, need to chill out, stop whatever kind of media consumption you've got going on that is making you so wound up, and go out and talk to actual people, not just the caricatures in your mind. Really.
>>Won popular vote by 6 million
And the vast majority of the dead vote. Voting roster needs to be saged
>Hilly was cute, but now the rot and corruption shines through!
Bernie lost. Bigly
I don't consume any media at all, and I truly want to exterminate you. user is right, you are fucking evil beyond any measure or words. Sickeningly fucking putrid. Your reckoning is coming, and you are not going to stop it. Like, really.. like, you know what I mean, um, yeah.
>Cheeto Hitler gets elected spewing propaganda right from Putins asshole into the mouths of willing mouth-breathers in the South and Midwest while getting only 1 vote for every 4 citizens
Are conservashits really this dumb?
>>Won popular vote by 6 million
wow almost like despite some states have more people or something there is like some sort of system in place to balance that
like wow our electoral process is like omg weird and mysterious
>Is it fair that one extremely populous and liberal state can decide who rules over the other 49?
So long as the undocumented get to vote. Then it's EQUALITY!
What makes these bait threads so strong is that millions of people would actually unironically post this
It's really powerful
I'm surprised nobody has posted "the video that saved America" yet.
It's big enough news I shouldn't have to post a source.
The only ones dumb enough to pretend it's not true are snopes and the huff post and other news outlets that are directly controlled by the obama administration. Of course they'll deny it.
As for infowars and breibart that should be about as eventful as them going after Roger Stone then getting eternally BTFO'd.
JUSTICE FOR BERNIE, even though he's a cuck and didn't care that he got robbed.
>supposedly smarter
>had more resources
>outnumber Republicans
Only to lose a democratic election. How does that even work unless your voter base is retarded.
So all the highly educated, superior IQ people around and supporting Hillary didn't understand the electoral college?
>If you lose the nomination, you win
Not the worst argument I've heard from a Trumpster tbqh
>American """"Democracy""""
Than God it is a constitutional republic, she knew the rules
remove the illegals' votes and fraudulent ones
Thank you, video-chan.
noun: republic; plural noun: republics
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
a group with a certain equality between its members.
that's the first thing from google btw
Someone needs a hug... it'll be OK :3
This fucking slide thread again. 50 times a fucking day.
Umm, sorry snookums, but votes from illegals and dead people don't count.
>like some sort of system in place
By white supremacist cisheteronormative men that were elitist's that thought the masses were too ignorant and stupid for democracy to work. They only allowed land-owners to vote, everybody else was considered second class citizens. The founding fathers were racist, homophobic, sexist NAZIS!!!