Which side will you fight for when the right wing eats itself?
Which side will you fight for when the right wing eats itself?
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the side that doesn't argue for Single Payer Healthcare
Fuck off to reddit where your meme ideology belongs
Looks like a manlet that will get btfo if tries anything. Lifting weights doesn't prepare you for a fight.
>violating the NAP
But in your image there are 2 Chinese guys so they are not all white.
nat socs are lazy, weak, broke losers. ancaps are intelligent, confident, and capable.
he looks like a good size target
uh oh
manlet fag raised by mudshark singlemom on the loose
w-watch out.
his head is bigger than this shoulders. Looks short from the body. He doesn't have a look of a figther, or at least in this photo. I would very likely kick his ass and i don't even exercise in 5 years.
i used to do very hard muay thai fights tho, so i know a figther when i see one.
If he approved that photo means he is a poser.
>t. baby face
The one competent enough to hold and shoot a gun
What chinks...
Unless you confused the Locations where the competitions took place with Chinese names.
I am ready
That pic makes him look 4'9"
Nigger monkey
niggers lose, niggers always lose
>t. 5'6"
The side giving socialists helicopter rides
good luck nigger
The right won't eat itself, that's what the left do
Is that faggot supposed to look intimidating?
The side that's not about nigger worship and buttplugs
Retarded Jew-cum guzzling "anracho-capitalists".
What are they supporting again?
The bankers REALLY need their help and their fight is valid and meaningful. Those poor private island owning oligarchs. SOMEONE HELP THEM!
What is this guys vision of the future or understanding of economics?
What is the end state he is looking for?
"anarcho capitalism" is a really poorly defined beast. Ripe for exploitation.
His only really function is to maintain the bankers scapegoat of "Nazis" (People who want to detach themselves from the sphere of influence of the banks and create seperate social structures.... because they know they are the scapegoats of the system)
This is just counter signalling because the "proud boys" are getting called "Nazis" by the corporate "leftists". This is exactly what they have done with decent people they violently shout down as "nazis" and demand they display this against THE BIGGEST DANGER IN THE WORLD! of some hillbillies.
> watch and laugh, its really not that serious. Just chill I hang out with people all the time I hide my power level really well, so well that litterally gays trans hipsters Muslims and everyone else likes me. It's fine I don't mind. Just chill Nationalists. Trump train is running well no need to get spooped by the MSM
Judging by this place I'm no so sure about that
Is this supposed to scare people?
Nice, mutt already showed where to put the sword.
See you there monkeyboy, I'll be wearing ray ban aviators and a shit-eating grin. You won't do shit.
He's not an ancap. If he was he would know that accoring to his ideology moment he violates the nap "the nazis" have full right to gang up on him, beat him unconcious and sell into sex slavery to be shat on by saidi prince.
Does anyone else hate "based" niggers more than your stereotypical thug? I see them as a perversion of the last good thing about America, niggers are always sticking their nigger ways into right wing political movements. Eventually they'll shift the movement to the point where they're just another brand of cuckservative. At least hoodrat niggers know to stay in their own lane.
Fuck niggers. My Race is my country.
>nigger in 1v1
Yeah, I could kick his ass
They took the photo at the angle because the nigger is a manlet.
The left is the side that is feeding on itself.
But nice try faggot.
Sage. All fields.
Just about to say this exactly. Just like fat chicks using angles.
>specifically looking to fight NatSocs
>I'd like to avoid any and all confrontations
>calling finns Chinese and not Mongolian
Shoo redditcuck shoo
They're the result of misguided conservatives who still strive for diversity even though minorities hate them and will never vote for a party that reduces gibs.
The Sailer Strategy worked for Trump, they shouldn't be pandering to niggers and spics because the kike media says it's important. And as whites form a smaller and smaller share of the US the republican party will inevitably become the white party (>80% of whites voting for them). Libshits have accused republicans of this for years, so at this point it really doesn't matter. The democrats have an explicitly anti-white agenda and as that 50% figure approaches niggers and spics will become increasingly hostile to whites, just as what happened in Rhodesia and South Africa.
Bringing minorities to the white is a complete waste of time. Blacks and Hispanics rely on democrats for welfare, Asians don't share the Christian values that built this country. Every country this much ethnic, religious, or racial heterogeneity forms political parties based on these lines. American political parties didn't really have this issue because even after blacks and women were given the vote the country was still ~90% white, so ideological diversity could grow while still maintaining a greater national identity. Now people will just follow their tribe, as is the case in any multicultural society (Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, etc).
I guess I give BASED black people credit for seeing the damage democrats do to blacks, but they'll never form significant numbers. Even if Trump won more minorities than Romney the gains are negligible. Romney was right when he said 47% of the country will never vote for him because they'll lose their gibs. Demographic change would push that over 50% but liberals who were cheering the irreversible demographic changes didn't take into account that whites would start voting as a collective group, as blacks, hispanics, Jews, Asians, and Muslims do.
He was looking at the location for two of the events. I initially made the same mistake
I wonder what that brown "ancap" edgefaggot would think of video related.