Tell me again why Sup Forums hates Chechnya
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pol hates the irish because they are always stealing pumpkins
Because Sup Forums afraid of big nohcha dick in their asses.
You know, people think it aint be like it is but it do. ayy lmao sheeit where the redhead women at lads
t. Irish Lad
waidaminut, what is that on his shoulder ?
it's obvious desudesu
Islamic Symbol.
Sup Forums hates Chechnya because it's full of Alpha men full of testesterone not ashamed of their religious heritage and not pussified by feminist degeneracy. Meanwhile most of Sup Forums is pic related.
Chechens are fine with me. They kill tons of Muslims, I heard Middle Easterners are trembling in their sandals when they hear that Chechens are coming.
>kill tons of Muslims
Chechens ARE Muslims.
vid related chechen alpha straight man (not gay btw) full of testosterone
Dude they are Muslims. Super radical too.
Fuck off Muhammad, you're not fooling anyone.
They look white to me
Because they're stupid and the entire culture has achieved nothing. They could vanish tomorrow and no-one would care. The only reason anyone knows about them is because of that documentary on bride kidnapping.
Indeed fellow nokhcho brother!
These kuffar tremble upon the sight of our warriors like the one in the video I posted
Russians are not afraid though, they'll gladly take it in the ass.
Would you take it in the ass?
Be honest.
>Chechens are fine with me
because you never have met any of this scum. The under 18 ones are the worst fuckers I have ever met.
>t. prison guard
we're gonna need some greentext friendo