jews are responsible for everything evil in this world
Jews are responsible for everything evil in this world
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Divide and conquer thread. Jews are nationalist, they are allies.
No, stupid retard newfag.
they play in two roles : jews are commies, invented cultural marxism and spreed leftism around the world.
Jews are nationalists and believe that Israel is the only nation choosed by God, they make wars that you stupid goyim die for.
jews are the ROOT cause of mass immigration destroying the white countries
>Jews can't be trusted
...and in other news, NASA has discovered the Sun, is, indeed hot.
>what is a common known fact: the Thread
I read the other day that here in America, they are suffering their own poison. Many Jewish girls are marrying outside their race, as in most of them.
Their population inside the US has dwindled from 3% to only 2% in just a few years.
Their women are flocking to black cock, they are feminist, all of it.
The Jews in the US are indeed choking on their own poison.
The toxic gas they spew is lethal to them as well, and there aren't very many of them.
They'll suffer their own ends before we would be annihilated by them. Just a matter of time.
The white race isn't going anywhere mother fuckers.
Maybe so, but Jews also created civilization and the entire monetary system. You gotta give them credit where it's due.
White's created Western Civilization thanks.
The monetary system is a trap. Meant to be.
It was decried in the past for very good reason.
Jews are White you divide and conquer shill.
Please mr. Clown!
We are trying to be serious here.
Well... actually Lucifer controlling them is.
Lucifer is the root of this evil. We fight not against flesh and blood brother.
Lol @ the idea the sun has physical properties.
It's a hologram you dolt. It's apparent "heat" is energy reflected from the nuclear underground reflected back off the glass "sky"
moar 2
Honey , you're not worthless. You're of little to average worth. In other words , not good enough.
Nice attempt at Jewing there.
oh (you)
There may be another thing that they are responsible for
I kid you not even. The new documentary "what the health" is made by a fucking kike, and its being shilled everyfucking where. The nutritionfacts guy who hates upon eggs is also a kike, and the jews themselves have many vegetarians among them.
So yea, put veganism and lowering of test on that list lol
Hitler was vegan
so am i
nothing wrong with being vegan
no he wasnt, he just had bad health avoided dumb things but he wasnt a veganist. He was ill.
and you wont get to our testosterone increasing food
you can take testosterone injections?