Why did Greece do this?
Greece is the reason 1 million illegals streamed into Germany in 2015
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Reparations because you killed our friends the Jews in WW2.
Enjoy being raped to death you Nazi spawn.
> Why did Greece do this?
To pay their debts.
Yeah, but why the illegals?
our borders are too hard to protect
> our friends the Jews
The Greeks are one of the biggest antisemites outside of Europe.
with jews you lose
Greece is actually rated to be the most anti-semitic country in Europe by a large margin. Based Greece.
Gee dunno. Maybe because we're the first countrythat borders with the sea? And if we let them drown we'd be in courts for crimes against humanity? And maybe because every other Balkan shithole has closed its borders? Think Hans, it ain't that hard.
ياخي كسمك
Does the dollar go far there now?
It would be horrible to not share all these talented people -doctors, rocket scientists and mathematicians- with the rest of Europe. Greece is in debt by Germany for 500Bn Euro, they show they care.
Aren't you rolling in your own shit from happiness, because of the raging hordes of highly educated super humans which are coming to your country every day?
>invite 1 million refugees into europe without the consent of member states
>blame greece when a million turn up in germany
You do realise merkel is the only reason the brexit campaign was a success, right?
Didn't Merkel tell them they could use Africans to pay their denbts?
Seriously though? watching 1 million Africans stream into Europe was like watching the slave trade, except none of the Africans will have to do any work this time. You're getting all the consequences with none of the benefits.
They are also great in DIYing bombs, u would need their technology Europe
>outside of Europe.
>Maybe because we're the first countrythat borders with the sea? And if we let them drown we'd be in courts for crimes against humanity? And maybe because every other Balkan shithole has closed its borders?
how does any of this answer the question of why you let through 1 million illegals?
time come for african to relax
We had to send somebody to do what needs to be done to Germany, even Merkel knows that.
It's our reconciliation gift. Remember it all started with this meeting m8. Right after that we started getting them and packing them for Germany.
Thanks for the outside of Europe too, who would want to associate with those cucks!
Viva greece
The original source of this refugee crisis is America anyway. If it weren't for the US killing Qaddafi you wouldn't have hundreds of thousands of sub-saharan African migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean to Italy through Italy.
If Qaddafi was still here, he would kill all the niggers crossing his country just like in the past. Same for Syria, if the US would just give up on Syria then Assad & Putin would instantly win the war and stop the flow of refugees by securing the border.
People need to understand, the US is controlled by the Zionists and they've devised a plan to genocide white Europeans by creating refugee crises all around Europe. ZOG America must be destroyed.
If you think Trump is going to change anything then you're sorely wrong. Not even a year in and he has threatened Syria with total war through his mouthpiece. Create more refugees for Europe, that is America's job.
>u do realise merkel is the only reason the brexit campaign was a success, right?
Absolutely. As Farage said, it is awful that white people have it easier in coming to Britain than non-white Commonwealth Muslims.
As to us inviting the 1 million, why are we paying 3 billion to Turkey and 150 billion to Greece so that they keep the border closed? Explain this, genius.
Why are Americans so stupid?
good dammit, 150 billion to make greece close borders?
pay quarter of that to Elsisi and he will shot them by himself in the sea
Yeah all the while your NGOs are giving the migrants cell phones with special SIM cards that can call internationally, telling them to invite their families and friends too.
Go tell that shit to Americans m8, We live here and have eyes and ears.
Merkel is just putting in motion the next phase of the German genocide. Don't feel bad, remember that she is a Polish Jew, she is just doing half of what you did to her people.
Because if we sank 'em it would be your govt primarily asking for our conviction on international courts. You and all the northern cuckold hypocrites would have crucified us. So we just shipped the shitskins instead. It's not like Merkel didn't invite them in the first place, you know
Those numbers are coming straight out of his anus.
The only thing Germany is doing is paying for the the planes and trains to bring them to Germany.
The rest are loans to keep us in the Euro so it stays devalued to keep their export economy up.
>our friends
NGOs are not the German government. We have told Italy to not let them into their harbors.
As to Greece, you assholes shipped 1 million of the, with government run ferries to the Greek mainland and then with buses onwards to Macedonia.
Greeks are lowlife scum. You hate that we are white, that is why you were doing this shit.
The Anglo sends his regards.
Source for all this bs?
>You hate that we are white, that is why you were doing this shit.
Greeks hate that we are white Nordics. Always been this way.
kek,germany make a great resorts for illegals good for them
Prove him wrong.
Pro tip: You can't.
Because fuck you. That's why.
It seems that you are obsessed with Greeks m8.. For example, these refugees passed from Austria. Do the Austrians hate you for your white skin? Also, why are you such a crybaby Hans. Close your borders. Problem solved, autist.
What about close your boarders if you dont want them?German girl and your president need refugee dick thats why you have illegals... not us
I think it's because of your fucking debt problem.
You asked for them with your "humanitarian" EU laws that forbid deportation once they are in. Same happens to us everyday. Enjoy the nigs Kraut.
And yet it's your government that brought them to your country. We from the first moment wanted to deport them to Turkey as we have done for centuries but the Eu said they were stranded at sea and it would be illegal and opposed to EU maritime law not to take them in.
Just sit there and take it like a good boy. And remember to vote for Merkel, she is your mommy after all.
>our friends the Jews
I thought Greece is the most antisemitic country in Europe.
they reach spain from Libya too? it is far I think
> Hans being a pussyboy that does 't have the authority to control his own borders like a real country
Because after after half a millenia of Mudslime occupation modern Greece is basically the trojan Muslim.
>For example, these refugees passed from
austrians are in Schengen, there are no protected borders there. Greece is an outer Schengen and outer Europe country. Once the illegals are in to the EU mainland, there is absolutely nothing that can be done. Nothing.
You let in 1.5 million and I believe 50,000 remain in Greece. Don't you think it is a problem to let in 1.5 million people that cost 400,000 each?
Not at all... When Greece got it's independence you guys literally sent the most non-nordic looking person ever to establish a kingdom. I think it's mostly because you tried to insert yourself into Greece almost immediately after it got it's independence.
We own a chunk of land in Africa for some reason.
Are you fucking kidding me you cuckold? You were raising a fucking shitstorm when we had anti-personnel land mines on our borders with t*rkroachistan back in the late 90's, and you, along with the rest eurocuckolds, had us remove them because of hurt feefees and lol Geneva convention. Do you really think we could sink them and not have any concequences from the rest of the northern eurocuckolds? Look up the fucking history of your traitorous elite, retard
Why would you guys pay reparations? Shit happens and you have to deal with it...dont like it.. tough shit..do something..
The biggest downfall of the white man is guilty conciensce...
wew they have great climbing skills
I thank the merciful Lord that he didn't make me German every minute of every hour.
Who would want to be such a cuck, think about it. Mindless sheep that follow and believe their leaders no matter what.
We're Greeks m8, we've been the rowdy master race since you lived in the Black Forest like the monkeys you are. Don't believe me? compare our suicide rates and tell me otherwise.
I did not ask you for more bs, but a source for your assertions.
>austrians are in Schengen, there are no protected borders there
That's your own problem. Be a real country that has borders.
>Greece is an outer Schengen and outer Europe country.
Greece is in Schengen as much as Austria.
>You let in 1.5 million and I believe 50,000 remain in Greece.
We were invaded an overrun through an impossible to control sea border, aided by an enemy country (Turkey).
>and I believe 50,000 remain in Greece.
Oh we're sending those too, just wait a bit to get their papers sorted out.
Google is your fucking friend, you lazy cuck.
It's funny of you to ask, after what YOU krauts did to Greek economy.
Also it's your mutti Mackerel that invited them to Germany anyway, Greeks just allowed them to accept the invitation.
Also Hans you are literally an autistic German (how rare, lol) you have been making this thread for 3 years. Explains why your people have never been able to run a real empire and got their ass kicked every time. You have zero flexibility. Perhaps address that point.
Only a non-white would spout such vitriol towards a Nordic. Why are you people so jealous? Just live with you deficiencies. At least you don't have to pay any taxes and nobody cares if you are unemployed in Greece.
Because the EU and specifically Germany has been undermining any and all efforts for Greece to get back on its feet for years. Billions of debt, no hope of paying it back, and the country is no better for it. Merkel's response? "Sell islands."
The EU needs to be broken - Greece knows this, the UK knows this.
We're not paying any reparations (TOPKEK, like we would ever pay anything).
Germany is, because of what they did to the Yehudim, the G-ds chosen people. The Earths Clergy and the spiritual masters of Humanity.
Get your shit straight.
The only skill they possess apparently.
Is this true Greece could have hold the gates and did not do this in a retaliation to Germany? This all is Greece's fault?
>Explains why your people have never been able to run a real empire and got their ass kicked every time
This is the crux. Germany has a complex because they've always sucked throughout history and every 50 years or so they just wake up and have some kind of suicidal collective delusion and want to take Europe down with them.
This madness is just the latest installment of this collective mentally ill behavior.
Sweden and Germany would never allow them to refuse refugees, they need their daily dose of enrichment. That's just how the EU works. If there's one country in Europe that would refuse refugees, it's Greece.
Of course a country like Sweden or Germany would know nothing about this, you sat on your asses and attacked them while they were protecting you weak cucks from Muslims for over a millennia.
Greece signed up to Schengen and promissed to keep its borders shut tight. If you can't do that, GET THE FUCK OUT of Schengen and Dublin III then.
cause you returned everyones gold except greeces.
i feel bad for german people cause they're mostly
really nice
but i can see nuhitler about to happen
>Why are you people so jealous? Just live with you deficiencies.
We're jealous? you destroyed my country twice in less than a century and you think we're jealous?
I just want to see you die, that's all.
You think we are deficient? you could live a million years as a German sheep and you could not have experienced a Greek week. Keep dreaming m8. Check the suicide rates, we're not the ones offing ourselves in great numbers, you are though.
Once they got their papers, Dublin III does not apply any more. We don't have to take care of them, don't even have to deport them (but can if we want to). Only before they get their Greek papers, are they a problem fot us if they are smuggled in.
yes, our inept government that can't even salvage our economy strongarmed every single country that resides between Greece and Germany - into letting the refugees pass through all the way to Berlin.
no, Merkel didn't order Tsipras (aka her lackey) to open the eastern mediterranean borders cause she needed a fresh supply of mohammedan cock, how did that cross your mind?!
>Treat Greece as a vassal state
>Demand reparations
>Would you mind containing all those migrants heading to ruin our economy please?
>be surprised when they fuck the EU over the first chance they get.
Based anti-anti-Semite.
You are unattractive to everyone around you with your butthurt autism and will be replaced by jovial Arab folk. It is your destiny and trying to change it will only lead to more pain.
Okay, we'll think about it. Meanwhile, please don't forget to pay the latest installment of your loan to us. I need to buy the new iPhone in September. K, back to work Germcuck.
Here, faggot. And i cannot find anything concerning late 90s when this shit actually started. It was a major issue here on the news, playing 2-3 times per months, just because the eurocuckolds were tearing their chastity devices because their annuses bled just like their (((hearts)))
Try to find anything relevant in your language, i bet it never made it to news
We destroyed your countries 0 times. You overspend, you did not pay your taxes, you are lazy cunts. That was the case in 1941 and in 2001. You cheated yourself into the Eurozone and kept on cooking your books until you went bankrupt. Then you begged for gibs and in 2015 said you would be leaving... you even held a referendum, just to turn around and except all our demand.
You are pathetic.
Yes and the rest of the 1,5 million did not have papers...
M8 your based government imports it themselves, like the "temporary workers" you got from Turkey.
Wake the fuck up German sheep. I fell sorry for you people.
>Bankrupt country
>complain it's not spending money for your own purposes
I thought the germans gassed you all
The Turk population has been going down for 6yrs now. The problem are just the illegals you scum let in because yoi hate white people.
notice how little asian manlet subhuman sandniggers didn't quite make it to my beloved land, and those that have didn't live to tell that tale
>Doesn't realize most "Germans" alive today are either Arabs, Africans, or half-Asian rape babies
How old are you?
I assume 12 years old?
Truth is you forced loans on us both times. But some migrant will rape you and your family sooner or later so I don't have to explain jack shit.
Keep your asshole clean Hans, you don't want to discourage your guests anyway! REFUGEES WELCOME!
>ITT German Autist b8s with the simplest of b8s
Just let this b8 die m8s.
>You're getting all the consequences with none of the benefits.
>consequences of slavery
>consequences of free labor
Well you do look like pasty fuckers but the issue here is this , someone decided Germany must die, we are just a cog in the wheel, you had 2 World Wars against us , and we are a tiny country.
Shame on you, you are a pasty subhuman hypocrite scum with no honor or/and any probity.
Here, have some more
Can you now be so kind to shut the fuck up? Whatever's coming to you, your politicians made it possible and voted for it. If you want something to do about it, go and kvetch to them
They do hate white people.
Given the way history was teached ( and actually played out) white people are the bad guys.
arabs are the master race, they are richer than the west without movin their ass one cm
We are paying them billions to protect the borders. They are taking our money, why are they letting in illegals even though they promised not to. They are dishonest people.
I usually like greeks, but i have to tell you to watch your mouth rn, costa.
Germany caused this whole thing
>Greece signed up to Schengen and promissed to keep its borders shut tight.
I think everyone's caught on to you by now.
You and your fellow countrywomen love refugees and breed with them like rabbits, and you need a country to put the blame on because blaming it on Germany would make you look like a bunch of nigger-loving cucks (which you are).
Also isn't Schengen anti-borders and anti-border control? Wow German innovation really is something.
You forgot the part where the following breath is taken up with Germany declaring that it's filling up to capacity and cannot take much more. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT LET THE ARABS INTO THE EU!
None of that backs up your assertition that Germany sued you for keeping illegals from reaching the mainland.
Revenge for WW2.