Is this for real?

I can not believe this.

Are african americans really like this?
The worst part is the comment section full of negros supporting what he says.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's not a human being

Yes. Dindus are really like this. Rude, loud, impolite -- and worst of all, quick to resort to violence. They are why so many people in US do concealed-carry. Remove the Negro problem and you remove the US's gun problem.

>White person doesnt beat their ass
>he weak af mofugga lmao
>White person does beat their ass
>Racism Muh Whites keepin em down

lol do you think he would even be punished for assaulting a white person? you morons cant go extinct fast enough. youre the ones who allowed niggers to be free.

This totally happened

>Are african americans really like this?

>I can not believe this.
Because you don't spend time with them.
Nobody who lives away from them can believe it. They think that the stories are made up, or that our annoyance and anger isn't justified.

Yes. Sadly. More proof that they are subhumans, the Missing Link, if you will.

They basically believe that whatever they WANT to do, they should be able to DO, no matter how many people it may hurt or bother. Their current state of gratification/happiness is more important than anyone else's.

They do not understand delayed gratification. They are adolescents on the ladder of humanity.

Unfortunately, yes, they are really like this.

Not all of them, but the overwhelming majority. Unless they're white presenting, stay the fuck away.

OP, I need a source for this, looks like a crime.

Then the stewardess came and said "Sir, turn off that music", and he was like "Oh, uhmmm, sorry" and turned it off.

>sitting on a plane
>negro blasting shitty music out of his boost mobile phone
>ask him to put headphones on, there's a free pair in the seat ahead of him
>he tells me to shutup
>call the steward over
>tell her he flashed a gun at me and said he has a bomb
>she calls the flight marshal over
>surprise, flight marshal is white
>negro gets even more uppity, makes a scene
>gets shot
>finally, peace

this + a selfie = /thread

Smartest nigger I know said that he makes eye contact with white people and when they look away he thinks it's because they feel threatened and post modern racism



Yes American niggers are pandered to and entitled. They should be thankful for slavery or they'd have nothing to fall back on as an excuse for their shifty existence.

The niggers in the US are faaaar worse than other nonwhites, even the sand niggers are less annoying. Whatever you call them; groids, dindus, negros, niggers, North American Pavement Apes, they're the worst and most violent and annoying race to be around.

At least sand niggers have the intelligence to make bombs to blow us up. Groids need to steal guns WHITES designed and made. Fucking nigs.

Ride a bus in the inter city famiglia,

All this basketball-americans just blast music from their phones. They get really pissed if you try to tell em to shut it off.

Gas the niggers.

>Are african americans really like this?

Yes, I'm sick of people from other countries making threads saying "Come on guys, america can't be THIS BAD." It really is this bad, don't come to this shit hole. The murder rates of the worst nigger neighborhoods in america literally exceed the murder rates of every country in Africa.

>be me
>open my front door
>let dog out
>plays with chickens

feels good to be white, but it aint gonna last

A lot of the whites are getting nigged out too, the culture, the attitude.

At the DMV, this white punkass was watching hip-hop videos and crap on his iPhone with no headphones, and I turned around and told him, "Walgreens is right over there. Get some headphones."

He looked over at me and said in this sort of fake wigger ebonics "yeeaahh right hahaha." I told him "You do look and smell the type to listen to shit hop anyway, bum." He shrugged smugly, and I had no choice to walk to the other side of the room so I wouldn't have to hear his crap playing.

Ethnomasochist wiggers are even worse than niggers.

You think they are hated because of their skin color?

>Polite well mannered white man asks could you keep the noise down I'm trying to be intelligent over her

>nigger dis fool tryin to opreeessss me nd sheet iz be OG nignog give him beatz downz shootz his ass wid ma fowfow

The most fragrant turd I ever smelled still stank.

Black guys are always taken aback when I maintain eye contact with them. Idk what the implications of that are

I see a question that needs a solution

I'm going to go ghost.

When the day of rope comes. He goes first guys.

This dumb nigger is from about 4 blocks away from me. Yes I live in a nigger hole. About to escape to small town nevada

What what our guy complaining about? Music was coming through headphones, but nigger wasn't wearing headphones, hence creating a loud speaker for the whole cabin to hear?

the deadliest cities in the US have many more homicides than the deadliest cities in Europe and Asia. its black people killing black people.

You know what to do, user.

Some probably are threatened but most probably have better things to do than have staring contests with niggers

African Americans are the fucking worse. Kill one when you get the chance, by legal means ofc.

>"famous" rapper not riding private or first class

>Boost mobile phone
kek, that or Metro PCS

There's a reason why literally everyone on the planet hates niggers.

> nigger making up stories for validation on social media like a fat woman

Do any realize how stupid they look?

Oh yes! It's why I look them up and down and make assertive eye contact, to show them that i'm not afraid because of "racism" to look a dindu in the eye, and that I know their physical description well enough to describe to the police.

Also if a Dindu chimps out on me just because I looked at them, well, it's his funeral. Literally. I might be a degenerate (dont worry i'm castrated so my worthless genes won't spread) tranny but i'm still fucking White and still a legal concealed-carrier.

Always the cunt of a nigga vs its vulnerable victim - old human in this case. Why are blacks such shameless fucking cowards.

They're crap


Every race in this country looks down on blacks..not just a white thing

He did nothing wrong. What kind of total asshole taps someone on the shoulder and says put yo headphones. Just ridiculously stupid and pointless.

Sometimes when I see what the niggers (blacks in the US) are up to, I am happy with the kaffirs (blacks in Africa) I have to deal with.

Niggers are much worse than kaffirs.

People want nothing to do with niggers. Even looking at them is enough for them to initiate an interaction. And white people know that nothing good ever comes from an interaction with a nigger. Either they waste your time babbling at you, or they make you uncomfortable/annoyed, or they assault you. Those are your three choices when dealing with a nigger. Why on earth would anyone invite such a thing into their life?

I live around them, and I dread nothing more than being stopped and yammered at by an illiterate groid. Usually they stare at you with their dark, lifeless eyes and blabber in an indecipherable dialect with lazy pronunciation and bizarre slang. The rest of the time they just ask for 'a dolla'.

Anyone wearing a an oversize hoodie is going to get reverse hockey shirt'd and elbow massaged to the face.

As someone who has much experience with american negroes, yes they are like this. In fact the "loud music playing" is a favorite method of theirs to start trouble. Niggers are very easy to "read" once you have some experience dealing with them. They are like chimps, always testing the waters, always prodding for weakness, not just towards whitey but amongst themselves as well. The best thing to do is essentially not bother with them. When a nigger plays loud music he wants you to do something about it. There is no "politely asking him to stop", your only choices are to deal with it or prepare fully for savage violence on your own part. In fact it is best to respond to them with one or two word answers and otherwise just ignore anything they do. Not out of fear, but because if you do go farther than that you are simply obligated to fight, unless you have no dignity. This old white man has no dignity and so he did what the nigger told him. If youre going to take issue with something a nigger is doing, you have to do so with the intention and desire of bashing his fucking face in when he nogs out.

The only whites who stare into a black man's eyes are white women while they swallow the load of hot cum from the BBC

>shutted right tha fucc up

>bitch aint even in first class

Isn't this nigger supposed to be rich? Why isn't he in first class? Probably faking his riches like the rest of the pussy rappers

still not great

>middle aged white guy
>"put yo headphones on"

probably had something to do with him blasting jungle music through the speaker of his device so that everyone had to hear it

They do that shit all the time. They're called HEADphones Tyrone, not NECKphones

Amerikan blacks would apologise for no reason or simply say "okay" then look down if I asked them "What's up?".

Pretty much this. I wonder if niggers realize they do this, or if it's just a subconscious thing. Like when they go take a bus somewhere and blast their shitty mixtape, do they do it because they want to or because they feel like picking a fight with someone who asks them to turn it down?

Maybe he can ride the helicopter next time.

This is a perceptive answer. Had much experience with this sort of shit, particularly in jail. they have nothing to lose, so if you do, you can't afford to play their games by their rules.

>5 teen nogs rollover stolen car in quiet subdivision


t: Grew up in Chicago.

that's why they're "african americans" and not just "americans"

Our problem is quantity.

Why the steward didn't tell him something?

It's always niggers. They always have their phones volume maxed watching nigger videos and listening to chimp music. All the fucking time.


We learned gorillas see eye contact as a challenge so we avoid eye contact w/ niggers so we dint get shot.

What kind of asshole plays music on an airplane when everyone else just wants to chill and have a peaceful journey? Why are blacks so selfish?

They are a suborder

A great post.

It's funny, we have our version of niggers, of course I mean poor and stupid young Bosnians Serbs who often blast their shitty music at the back of the bus. They are just being obnoxious though, not really trying to fight.

But user if he doesn't blast his music how's he gonna get discovered by a rich Jewish record producer and make a gorillion dollars?

>Are african americans really like this?
You can take the nigger out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the nigger.

And if you're around nig nogs, you already dun fucked up boooooi

Blacks act like this because there shitty culture tells them to hate white people, act like thugs and respect nothing that isn't black. It is a racist, Violent, Criminal culture, that is protected by liberals for the sole purpose of getting black votes whenever an election comes around. If the Democrats run another black man Trump will probably lose, Blacks will show up and vote 95% for the black candidate based on his skin color. If you hate Niggers and want to rid the United Sates of them then work on destroying black culture and make them white like Obama its the only way to stop them.

I live in north haiti (south Florida) and in my experiences working with/ interacting with negroes is usually very unpleasant, much like the situation in the photo. It sucks.

You should have won the civil war, pussy.

>Is this for real?
Niggers being niggers?
Yea. More real than any meme can convey

LOL, shit made me laugh.

Nice try civnat
Blacks act like this because they have average IQs of 65 and smaller brains than other races

Wait this is on an AIRPLANE? I hadn't realised that until just now. Holy fuck this is annoying. It's not even like on a bus/train where you can maybe move seat or get off and take the next one.

Fuck. Air travel sucks enough WITHOUT the threat of some nignog blaring music INSIDE THE GODDAMN AEROPLANE.

thats the most autistic thing i've ever heard. who maintains prolonged eye contact with people on purpose? please go outside

Aye aye yo iffun whitey ain't gun gibs us da reparations den we gotta take lil azz reparations where we can

Americanized Negroes can I either be apathetic or violent. They are the worst of their kind.

You always have to be on guard around the stereotypical ones. There are plenty that manage to overcome their hardships and join civilized society - the only issue is that when they do so, their family/friends who are still in the ghetto act as if they've adopted white face paint and give them constant shit for playin wit da whities. Loyalty is a universal concept, so even when they make a decent living many blacks still cling onto their classic mannerisms as a means of pleasing their people. This is why so many current rappers are actually from middle-class backgrounds now, they reach the point where it's time to decide what kind of career path they want (and they can do virtually anything because of affirmative action and diversity hires), but the moment some dumb black SJW post goes viral they get guilt tripped and decide to be a rapper for the people.

I do if I'm being stared at. I keep it until the person who initiated the stare breaks.

People like that have really low self esteem. They know they're worthless in the context of white society so they turn wigger pretending they reject white culture instead of admitting to being too weak to live up to white standards.

Pretty much, you can't ask a nigger to stop doing something, you either ignore it or get in your head that you're about to fight for whatever this request it.

Yes. Blacks blasting music from their phone is a frequent occurrence but usually I see it when they're walking down the road or around a mall. Really sucks that that old guy and the rest of the plane had to listen to it for god knows how many hours. Even if he had done something it probably would've resulted in him being charged with a hate crime and the airline stocks plummeting because "muh racism". I hate niggers.

air marshal should have just shot him honestly. He looks like an impish criminal rapist thats about to snap

That now that you say that, it is true, you don't here many people say Korean American, or Japaese American to describe the nice Asian couple that owns the mini mart, or restaurant down the street. Its already accepted that they are Americans because they act like it.

niggers are obnoxious and bullies? who knew?

Equal rights were a mistake. A big, big mistake.

The only place these degenerates belong is hanging from a tree.

That's when you notify the flight attendant and get him kicked off.

this - however when multiple nigs are involved they'll attack in numbers.

niggers will respect a gun if you have one.

A lot are just bitter.

I know you think you do, but nobody anywhere in the world and anything quite like the "African America" to compare to, there a back of wild animals that can't be and won't be controlled.

Not really, if you've ever lived in or close the hood this is an extremely common thing black people do, it's a way of sizing you up. They do it to each other too. The concept of minding your own business when you're in public is absolutely alien to them, so when they see white people look away it gives them a sense of false superiority over whitey since whitey's such a coward, even though white people as a general rule don't typically engage with strangers on the street in any neighborhood.

I tend to do a mix of avoiding/meeting their gaze, but the truth is there's usually no way you can go unbothered when you cross paths with one of these Blacks. When you do make eye contact it's best to give a nod, as that implies you're willing to meet them eye to eye but you don't mean anything hostile by it - this they can understand. If you just look though, that'll probably make them say something. And if you look away then they'll make some sort of whitey-be-racist statement. Another one I love is if you're crossing the street and you happen to be near a black person - they always give you this look like like you're trying to get away from them, even if you just need to cross the street. Assuming white people hate them is so ingrained in their culture, it's really sad.

I look away because I have better things to do and I'd rather not throw away my life, otherwise I'd stab the pavement ape in the throat.

He should've gone and complain to the flight personnel about this nigger.
Get his thrown off the plane.

Yes man. There is no etiquette in a nonwhite America when you consider (and you must) the past. Liberals are simply not historically accurate.

>there a back of wild animals that can't be and won't be controlled