Are we doomed

Guys i just helped my neighbor do a bit of work at his house. I am 31 own a small house i managed to buy and fix up. My neighbor is old guy
>Tells me his kids are all alcoholics, drug addicts.
>Tells me his new wifes kids (his old wife died) are all degenerate alcoholics and pill poppers.
>Tells me I am rare for having some drive and desire to work and better myself.
> Tells me i should breed, the white race is dying
>Tells me he has tons of guns and will set me up with a few in case shit hits the fan

Are we doomed????

I like you and your neighbour

Also neighbor was a former cop. Told me most of white race is now nigger tier and that niggers are taking over

Not if you have many kids.

Then have children and fix the situation you fuck. You're 31 and childless? Stop being selfish and settle down already!

bruh you gotta sick neighbor

Best neighbor or best neighbor?

Might as well wife yourself and start the kid factory if that guy's got your back.

Dude you should be friends with that neighbor. Guy sounds awesome. Literally make a plate of food and bring it over to him, you have no idea how much older people love this kind of old fashioned respect between neighbors.

Legal guns


I dont really make him food but i help him out sometimes we are friends. Today was first indication he was truly red pilled

All the more reason to get a wife. But I assume you have friends so next time you get out the bbq and the beers invite him over.

I would seriously follow his advice OP. Looks like doom is on its way.

I wish i had a fucking neighbor like you

Yeah ive tried but hasnt happened yet - or at least anyone i would consider settling down with. Theres a lot of roasties around here its not exactly great material at my age

Being a dad is hard but important. It will suck up your 4 chan time.

Also, having kids helps ground you. Just find someone same... Not somebody all about themselves or at least willing to grow up some.

>Today was first indication he was truly red pilled
>Today was first indication he was just another uninspired, racist pile of dog shit

Don't breed.

Are you literally retarded? Do you not see what's happening all around you? The goyim are acting up, but they don't like to talk about it on the (((news))) (unless it's a hoax)

what OP is describing is called the "gen x genocide"

gen x was the hitech future of the world, and yet they got genocided from there. A harbinger for the future gens.


what province you at my dude?

Not that one lol. Ontario


Thats a nice area though are you in that small desert thats in there somewhere??

yep, the place with a lot dam fires

You sure are a roastie lol. Men should settle at 45-50 and it should be with a woman at her prime (i.e. not older than 22). There's just no reason to do it any other way.|

Thats what i was thinking.

My dad had me at 34. That was pretty OK because there was time to go do fun things with him while he was still reasonably young and active. I had a chance to grow up and deal with being bigger and stronger than him in advance of him seriously slowing down.

But I really wouldn't wanted him to have waited any longer. If you're having a kid at 45-50, I guess he'd better have a cousin or something who will be able to keep up with him.

Solution:Marry the neighbor

This, go bro-op into the woods with an abandoned white child and raise it when shit hits the fan.

He's white you wouldnt want him to breed anyway commie

I ususally just pump and dump roasties tbqhwys

Get flayed you worthless reddit queer

Why'd his kids turn out to be alcoholics?

This reeks of Tumblr
Fuck off and never come back here

I dont know he seems like a decent guy. I agree with him most of my old chums are now drug addicts or fucked up low lifes now

cool dude